Love you or hate you? (erisol) (humanstuck)

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Sollux's P.O.V

I woke up just like any other day and went to get ready for the day. After I was ready, I logged onto my computer. One of my online friends was on. His screen name caligulasAquarium but I had never asked his real name. He had never asked mine either. I glanced at my arms while I thought about names. I examined the identical names on my arms. One of my soulmate, the other of my greatest enemy. Or in my case, both. Both names were Eridan. It was confusing to think that my soulmate would also be my enemy. I tried not to think about it too much. I sighed. Might as well talk to the guy. I clicked his name and began a chat. "Hey. You up to anythiing?" "No. You?" "No. II don't got anythiing liined up for today." There was an awkward pause. Fuck. What to talk about? "Hey, wwe'vve talked online for a wwhile. Wwhy don't wwe meet up in real life?" I thought for a moment. We had known each other for a long time. I trusted him. "Sure. Where should we meet up?" We already knew we lived close to each other. Just not exact locations. "Howw about Flowwer Lake?" "Sounds good. See you there soon then." I logged off and went to change into a long sleeved shirt. I hadn't told him about the name thing yet and I didn't plan to for a while. Then, I went to my car. It wouldn't be too long of a drive. About 15 minutes later I arrived and parked. I pulled out my phone and logged onto Pesterchum from there. "You here?" "Yeah. Wwhere are you?" "Out by the parkiing lot. Look for the person with glasses of red and blue." "You got it." I put the phone done and looked around. I waited a bit before seeing someone start to approach me. He was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt with the aquarius sign on the front. He also had at least one ring on every finger and a scarf despite it being warm out. He had told me about a cape he liked to wear but it seemed he had opted out of it this time. He also had on thick rimmed glasses. His outfit was very fancy and made me feel underdressed despite this just being a friendly meet up. "You must be ‎twwinArmageddons." "Yes but just call me Sollux. II take iit you're caliigulasAquariium?" "Yes, but you may call me Eridan." I smiled. I had always wondered how that quirk of his would show up in his speech. It was actually pretty cute. Wait, had he just said his name was Eridan?!

Eridan's P.O.V

Wait, had he just said his name was Sollux?! The name plastered on both my arms?! I played it cool, pretending not to have a reaction to the name. I admit, now that I thought about it, this guy was pretty cute but what about the fact that he was also supposedly my enemy? Sure we fought often but enemies? Besides, how could we be both soulmates and enemies at the same time? It didn't make sense. I always had thought of it as a mutation. Something to show I wasn't meant for anyone. I always wore long sleeves to hide the name. Nobody knew of my peril. Something flashed in his eyes for a second but before I could identify it, it disappeared. Speaking of eyes, one was blue and the other red. I had never met anyone with heterochromia before. I hadn't ever seen anyone with red eyes either. I had a strange eye color too. Purple. It was rare but it wasn't unique like Sollux's seemed to be. "Hello? Anyone home? Ed?" Sollux was waving his hand in my face, trying to get my attention. "Oh! Sorry. Spaced out there for a second. Wwere you saying something?" "II just asked iif you wanted to go get some coffee or somethiing." "Shore." "Was that a sea pun?" "Maybe." "Gog dammit Ed." He shook his head but I could see his smile. "Oh like you don't make bee or twwo puns all the time." He laughed. "Got me there. Diid you driive?" "No. I wwalked. I don't livve far from here." "Cool. Well, I can driive us to the coffee place." He gestured to his car. I nodded and he opened the side door. I got in and he closed the door. I buckled in as he got in the driver's seat. He buckled up as well before starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. "So... Howw's life going for you?" "Good." "Me too." There was a long pause. Gog this was awkward. It was only a couple minutes before we arrived. We got out and walked into the place silently. We walked up to the register and ordered. I got a cappuccino and Sol got a double latte. I couldn't help but smile at his obsession with the number two. We went and sat down at a table near the windows. We sat quietly for a couple more minutes before Sol broke the silence. "You still into that stupid wizard stuff?" "Yeah. It's not like I think it's real, though! I know it's fake." He laughs. His laugh was cute. Gog, I really was in love with him, wasn't I.

Sollux's P.O.V

Ed really could be funny if he wanted to be. He was adorable. He glared at me laughter but I saw a small grin on his face that he was obviously trying to suppress. He reached for his drink and his right sleeve moved up a bit. I saw three letters of the name on his arm. 'Sol' It was on the arm with the soulmate on it. Could it be? Did he have my name there? I reached forward and grabbed his arm without thinking. I pulled down his sleeve and saw that, sure enough, my name was there. When I had grabbed it, Ed had grabbed my wrist which caused his other sleeve to fall and my name was there as well. I pulled away. He had the same problem I had. And I was the one on both arms. I laid back in surprise. Ed looked away from me. It was a long time before either of us spoke again. Slowly I pulled back my own sleeves, revealing his name on both my arms. "Ed. Look." He turned back to me and I saw the sparkle of tears in his eyes. He looked at me and I offered my arms. He gently grabbed them and read his name off of both of them. He looked shocked then a smile grew on his face. His hands intertwined with mine. "I lovve you, Sol." "And II love you, Ed." We sat there smiling and crying tears of per joy for a couple moments before I remembered the other arms meaning. "But what about the enemy siide?" "I guess it means wwe fight alot but still lovve each other because I could nevver hate you." I smiled at him. "Gog are you cheesy. II love iit." Ed smiled and we left the shop hand in hand. 

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