Anniversary (Rosemary)

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(Sorry to the person who requested both this and the next story because of how short they are. I haven't had much time to write lately but I had already put off these stories so much and didn't want you to have to wait any longer so here you go.)

Third Person P.O.V

It had been a month since Rose and Kanaya had gotten married. Rose had a surprise planned for Kanaya. Kanaya had always expressed interest in the Twilight movies but had always been unsuccessful in alchemizing them. Rose had worked incredibly hard and had managed to make a full set of the movies and the books and now she was wrapping them to give to Kanaya. She wrapped them in a jade green wrapping with a dark purple ribbon. She hid it under one of the pillows on the couch and waited for Kanaya to come home. She had left a few hours earlier saying Karkat had needed her and that she would be right back and was sorry. Really she had left to put the finishing touches on her present for Rose. A dress she had been making. She had made it at Karkat's hive in order to keep it a surprise for Rose. The dress was long and a sparkling black with jade green and dark purple sequins and glitter all over it. There was a long pink ribbon much like the one she had worn after Eridan had killed her and the one Rose had worn around her dress prior to God Tiering. She put the final touches on and got the dress ready to go. She left Karkat's hive with a wave and began the trip home. When she arrived she entered the house with the dress hidden behind her back. "I Am Home Rose." She called as she shut the door. Rose heard her and came to greet her. "Hello, darling," Rose said, giving Kanaya a light kiss on the nose. Kanaya chuckled. "Hello Dear." Rose smiled. "I have a surprise for you." "As Do I." Rose's smile widened. "You do?" "Of Course. It Is Our Month Anniversary Is It Not? I Didn't Confuse Earth Traditions Did I?" Rose chuckled. "You did not." Kanaya smiled and revealed the dress. Rose took it with wide eyes and looked it over. "This is amazing! I assume you made it yourself? I love it almost as much as I love you." Rose said with a huge grin, her eyes bright with joy. Kanaya smiled back, glad Rose enjoyed the gift. "Now it's time for your present," Rose said as she started towards the living room. Kanaya followed, curious as to what Rose had got her. Rose pulled out the beautifully wrapped box and handed it to Kanaya. Kanaya took it and smiled. "This Wrapping Is So Exquisite I Almost Feel Bad Opening It." Rose giggled as Kanaya began to open the present. Her eyes widened and her glow turned on involuntarily due to her happiness. Rose couldn't help but giggle as her wife tore through the rest of the wrapping to get to her gift. "Oh, Rose This Is Absolutely Perfect!" Kanaya's voice was filled with happiness and excitement as she glowed. Figuratively and Literally. "We can watch the movies now if you'd like." "Really?" Rose nodded. While she herself wasn't a big fan of the movies she had enjoyed the books a bit and she figured she could enjoy the movies more now if Kanaya was there with her and enjoying it. Kanaya gave her a quick kiss as she pretty much hugged the present. She was absolutely overjoyed. Rose couldn't help but giggle as Kanaya bounced to put the first movie in, her movements looking akin to that of an over excited school girl. Rose sat down and Kanaya sat next to her, watching the TV excitedly as the movie began. About half way through, Rose ended up with her head in Kanaya's lap as Kanaya gently played her hair, attention still on the movie. Rose was smiling but not because of the movie. She loved Kanaya and seeing her happy made her happy. Rose cuddled closer to Kanaya and slowly fell asleep.

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