Opposites Attract (erisol)

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Sollux's P.O.V

I reached my hand under the bed and ripped him out. "Wwhat the fuck Sollux?! She's barely gone to sleep! Wwhat if she wwakes up?!" I examine the monster in front of me. Grey skin, horns. Glasses, sharp teeth, huge body, covered in scales, webbed hands, fish tail, gills, fin ears, a purple cape, and his symbol plastered on his chest. "Open your eyes fiishstiicks! She's gone!" "Wwhat?! Wweren't you wwatching her like you're supposed to?!" I sighed. "You know II can't show myself to humans. Just liike you. What was II supposed to do! A man came iin here and took her!" The creature, Eridan, glared at me before looking at the empty bed where Feferi usually slept. Her long black hair and kind eyes. Her love for everyone around her. I needed to get her back safe. Even if it meant requesting help from the asshole. "Liisten up fishbrain. II can't get her back alone. II need your help." Ed smirked. "Oh? Wwhy should I care about this? I'm a monster remember?" I sighed a shook my head as I dropped Ed. "II know just as well as you that you liike Ff just as much as II do. Besiides, the queen wiill cull you wiithout a chiild." He frowned a pondered that for a while. "Fine. I'll help you, but I don't want to." I smirked. "Sure you don't." I turned around to leave via the window and caught a glimpse of myself in Ff's mirror. My mismatched eyes hidden behind my mismatched glasses, my sharp teeth, my grey skin, my two sets of horns, my pointed ears, and my white wings. Being a creature from another world was hard sometimes. Especially when you would be culled if you didn't care for a child. At least my child was good. Too bad she was also assigned that douche as her monster under the bed while I was her guardian angel. I walked to the window and stood on the sill, ready to jump into the next sky when Ed cleared his voice behind me and got my attention. I turned and saw he was standing there with his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. I mentally slapped myself. He couldn't fly. How were we supposed to get him out of the house? There really was only one way. I would have to carry him. I would be much slower and I wouldn't be able to go as high either... But it was the only way. I sighed. "II'll carry you. Hurry up. We need to fiind that person soon." "Howw do you expect to find him?" "II know what he and hiis car looks liike. Now hurry the fuck up!" Ed growled but walked over. I grabbed both his scaly arms and lifted. It would be hard but I think I could carry him. I would use my powers but I might need them later. I pulled him through the window and jumped. I spread my wings and let the wind carry me up, flapping every once in awhile. Soon, we were high enough that you could see the entire city down below. Ed had a look of utter awe on his face. I smirked. I had seen this so many times that it didn't faze me anymore. Even the sun setting over the horizon. Ff loved the sunset. I frowned and started scanning the streets. Then, I spotted the car! It was a dark green jeep and it was heading out of the city! "Brace yourself for a diive bomb." I said before pushing with my powerful wings in the direction of the car. Ed looked frighten for a moment before trying to look as though he hadn't been fazed. I continued to dive at the car but pulled up at the last second. "Wwhat are you doing Sol?! It's right there!" "IIt's to crowded. We'll be spotted for sure. We need to waiit untiil he's out of the ciity." Ed growled. "Fine. Howw are wwe supposed to get Ff back wwithout being spotted by anyone but her?" I thought for a moment. She could see us. She was still young enough for that. The man on the other hand... If he caught us we would be in big trouble. "II... II honestly don't know..." "Oh gog. Not another of your depression mood swwings. Wwe'll figure it out. Wwe'll get Fef back. I knoww wwe wwill." I smiled. "IIf you say so Ed." We followed the car from a safe distance up. My arms were starting to get sore from carrying Ed. I would need a break soon. Just as this thought came to my mind, the man pulled over and stopped the car on the side of the road just outside the city. I stopped but stayed in the air. There was a forest on both sides of the road and nobody else was around. The man didn't get out of the car but he didn't start driving either. I flew down into the tree line and landed, placing Eridan down on the ground. "II need a break." I whispered. We weren't that far from the road so I stayed quiet. "Ok, but not for long. Wwe need to get Fef back before morning." I nodded. I folded my wings flat against my back to rest and sat down. Ed sat down next to me on the forest floor. It was quiet in the forest. Peaceful. Or at least it would be if I could stop thinking about Ff. As I was thinking a disturbing thought popped in my head. Ed looked kind of cute with the way he kept glancing nervously in the direction of the road. What the fuck?! Why did that pop in my head?! It was true though... Our kind were supposed to be enemies, fighting at night over the child they were assigned but I couldn't completely hate Ed. It freaked me out and I needed to get the thought out of my head. "Ok. II'm ready. Let's go get Ff back." Ed nodded, a look of determination on his face like I had never seen before. Not even during our nightly duels. He really did care for Ff didn't he. That was adorable. Arg! Why am I thinking these things?! I couldn't be in love with him right? I shook it off. That wasn't important right now. We need to get Ff back. Then I could worry about what was wrong with my head. We silently walked through the forest toward the road, careful not to step on anything that could cause any noise. We arrived at the edge and peeked out. We saw the inside of the car. Ff was in the backseat either asleep or knocked out and the man was asleep in the front seat. I heard a soft growl from Ed. Oh gog. That was cute as all fuck. I managed to pry my eyes from Ed and spoke quietly. "Thiis should be siimple. II can use my psiioniics to open the car up and you can do what you please with that bastard," I pointed at the man. "While I get Ff out of there." Ed nodded. "You wwill come back to get me after dropping Fef at the house right?" He looked at me nervous. He actually thought I might abandon him here. "Yeah. II'll come back. Ff needs you just as much as she needs me." I turned away from him and muttered, "And II need you too." "Wwhat wwas that last thing, Sol?" A light blush covered my face. "Nothiing. Let's just get Ff back." Ed looked suspicious but nodded and we ran out towards the car. I used my psionics to push a button on the inside of the car that unlocked all the doors. I then yanked open Ff's door and pulled her out. She shifted but didn't wake up. I turned and saw Ed yank the man out of his car and throw him to the ground. Man was he pissed. I started to fly up when I heard a bang from behind me. I turned and saw the man had woken up and pulled a gun on Ed! The man looked scared shitless and was pointing the gun and Ed. Based on the purple blood leaking from Ed's tail he had shot him too. Ed had fallen down onto one knee and grabbed his tail. I hissed and growled. I quickly flew just inside the forest and laid down Ff, who surprisingly, was still asleep. We now had three problems. One, this man had seen us. Two, Ed was hurt. Three, we would so be culled for causing this much trouble. I knew all those problems were there but in my mind the only one that mattered was that Ed was hurt. I flew back faster than I ever had before and drop kicked the man into the side of his car. Ed looked at me in shock. "Sol?! What the fuck are you doing?! You need to get Fef out of here!" "Don't worry. She's safe where she iis. Thiis fucker needs to pay. Besides, he's seen us. We can't let word get out now can we." I smirked. Ed shook his head but I could see the smile on his face. We were going to have some fun. I turned back to the man who was struggling to stand. "W-what are you?!" "Oh! How rude of us. Let us iintroduce ourselves. II'm Sollux and II'm that liitle giirls gaurdiian angel." "And I'm Eridan. I'm the monster under her bed. I'm not as much of a monster as you, though, scum." I grinned Ed sure could be snarky when he wanted to. The man was really freaking out now. I quickly landed in front of him. "Prepare for puniishment mortal." I said, making sure my lisp sent spit right in his face. He fell to his knees. "I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything!" I was surprised and looked over at Ed. He just shrugged. I looked down at the man who was crying and practically kissing my feet. Then, I got an idea that could fix all our issues. "Fiine. We'll have mercy on you iif you promiise us a few thiings." The man looked up at my with utter terror. "Yes! Anyting!" Ed had walked over to us now, still holding his tail. "One, you wiill allow us to use your mediical suppliies to fiix Ed's taiil." The man rapidly nodded and I swear I saw Ed's cheeks turn a light purple. "Two, you wiill never tell anyone about us." The man continued to nod. "Lastly, you wiill turn yourself in wiith proof of your hideous deed." The man's nodding slowed but he still nodded. "Great. Noww, wwhere is your medical supplies." Ed said, examining the car. "I have some stuff in the trunk. Not sure how much it will help, though." The man was shaking in fear. I pulled him up and dragged him to the trunk. "You help Ed. I'm going to get Ff home." The man nodded and Ed showed his teeth to prove he could still fight back if the man tried anything. I went to the spot where I had left Ff to find her still fast asleep, curled up against a tree. I smiled softly. I picked her up. She was much lighter than Ed. I would be able to get her there and get back in one trip. I did so and when I returned I found Ed waiting with the man, bandages on his tail. It should be healed in the next couple days. We heal faster than most humans. A way to make sure neither of us die during our nightly duels. When I landed. I grabbed Ed and took off without another word to the man. Once we were high enough I spoke to Ed. "II won't be able to get us all the way back iin one triip. IIt miight be sunriise before we get there." Ed nodded but I could tell he wasn't really listening. "What's up Ed? Somethiing on your miind?" Ed shook his head and looked up at me with a smile. "Nothing important." There was a small pause. "Hey, Sol?" "Yeah, Ed?" "When we duel... Can you be careful of my tail until it heals completely?" I smiled. "Sure. II'm gettiing tiired. There's an alley over there. II'm goiing to land." Ed nodded and I swooped down. I sat down on top of a dumpster when we got down. My mind wandered back to Ed again. Damn, he was so cute. I couldn't get him off my mind. I really was in love with him. I sighed at Ed looked at me. "Wwhat are you thinking about, Sol?" A light yellow tinted my checks. I took a deep breath. No time like the present to tell him right? "Look, Ed, I really liike you. II enjoy our fiights despiite the fact that we only do them so we won't get culled, II enjoyed spendiing thiis tiime with you even iif iit was just to get Ff back. II enjoyed scariing that man shiitless with you. II-II love you Ed..." I trailed off as my blush grew. Ed was blushing too, a look of shock on his face. "Sol... I lovve you too. I enjoyed this too." I smiled and hopped down from the dumpster. I walked up to Ed so our faces were inches apart. "Thank you. We'll stiill fiight but always know II love you. IIf II ever hurt you know that II diidn't mean to." "I knoww ,Sol. I knoww and I lovve you anywways." He leaned in a closed the gap between us with a kiss I would never forget.

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