Don't Say Goodbye (DaveJohn) (Sadstuck)

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Dave's P.O.V

I awoke to another day lying next to my wonderful boyfriend John. Today was no ordinary day, though. It was our two year anniversary. I was planning something special for today. I checked my dresser drawer. Buried under some clothes sat a black box with a diamond ring inside. I sighed. Today I would propose to him. I glanced to my arm where there was one word. Goodbye. It would be the last word John would ever say to me. There was a groan from the bed. I smirked, put away the ring, and went over to John's side of the bed. "Wake up Egderp." He groaned again. "No..." Gog he was so adorable. "But it's our special day." "Mmm?" "We'll watch some movies later. Maybe even a Nick Cage flick." That got John up. "Really?" I nodded as he sat up. He thought for a moment. "It's not my birthday... It's not Valentine's day..." I smirked. "Did you seriously forget? It's our anniversary Egderp." He lit up. "Oh yeah! I love you Dave." "I love you too John. I have a special surprise for you later." He grinned. "I have something for you right now!" He bounced up and gave me a quick kiss before running out of the room. I shook my head and followed. He brought me to the living room and grabbed something from under the couch. He handed it to me and I examined it. It was a picture of us on our date to the carnival last year. It had been the first time I had taken off my shades for him. We had been having a great time around the park. John was clutching a Ghostbusters doll and had just finished some cotton candy. He spotted the photo booth and wanted to try it. I agreed and we went inside. The machine would take five pictures and we would keep one. We took the first four but before John could press the button for the last one, I took off my shades and stopped him in his tracks. He stared at my ruby red eyes in shock as I took the picture. Now, his little shocked face was immortalized in this picture. The picture wasn't what made it special, though. I had already seen it before. What made it special was the frame. It was obviously custom made as it had his glasses on the bottom and my shades at the top. The frame itself had both blue and red. There was a message on both sides that read, 'To the cool kid from the dork.' "I love it." I said. He smiled wide, showing off his buck teeth. "You want to watch those movies now?" He nodded wildly. "Yeah!" And so we sat down and watched the movies. At one point we ended up getting dressed before continuing. I checked my watch. Almost time. "Hey Egderp. It's time for my surprise." He looked at me with excitement. "Well then show me!" "You gotta cover your eyes while I take you somewhere first." He groaned but took off his glasses and did so. I ran back to the bedroom and grabbed the ring, tucked it in my pocket, and ran back to lead John to the car. I helped him in before driving us both to his favorite restaurant. I had called ahead telling them my plan so they were ready for me. I lead John inside and sat him down in the middle of the restaurant. It was decently filled. "Ok. Open your eyes." He uncovered his eyes, put on his glasses, and looked around. "Dave! You didn't have to!" "That's not all I have planned but the rest comes later." "Thank you so much! I love you." "I love you too." I sat down and we had an amazing meal. It came to the end of the night and I stood, clinking my fork against my glass to get everyone's attention. John gave me a weird look and I just grinned and began to speak. "John Egbert. I've known you for a long time and we've been dating for two years now. I love you with all my heart. There is no irony in my words when I say that. Your smile lights up my world brighter than the sun. Your eyes are an ocean I could swim in forever." I moved over so I was next to John and pulled him out of his chair. His cheeks were bright red at my words. I slowly got down on one knee and pulled out the ring as I continued. "I never want to be without you John. Will you marry me?" John covered his mouth with his hands and his eyes were sparkling with tears of joy as he nodded so fast I thought his neck might break. I smiled wide and took his hand, put the ring on, and kissed him. The entire restaurant around us was clapping. When we pulled away, I paid and we left. The entire way back, John was chattering excitedly about how our wedding would go and what everyone would think and other things of the sort. I just grinned and nodded along with him. I had never been happier in my life. Too bad it had to be taken away. In the blink of an eye, there was a crash, bright lights clouded my vision. There was distant voices. What were they saying? Was John ok? I felt myself get pulled out of the wreckage before passing out. I awoke in a hospital bed all alone. I blinked and the first thing I noticed was that John wasn't lying next to me. A nurse entered the room. "Ah! Mr. Strider! You're awake." I nodded. "I'll go get the doctor." I nodded again and she left. The doctor entered next. "Hello Mr. Strider." "Hey. What happened?" "You and your boyfriend-" "Fiance." "Yes. You both got in a car accident with a drunk driver." I growled softly. "Is John ok?" I asked. "He got a lot more of the damage due to his side being what was hit directly. You escaped with just some minor cuts and bruises. Sadly, Mr. Egbert got much worse. His neck and spine sustained damage. We aren't sure if we can fix it." Tears formed in my eyes. It was only then I noticed my shades were missing. I loved John. He couldn't die. He couldn't! "There's gotta be some way to help him!" I exclaimed. Pain shot through my neck but I ignored it. I could only imagine the pain John was in if what the doctor said was true. The doctor shook his head. "We can keep him here and alive for a week but he won't be able to move. If we can't fix him in a week we will be forced to pull life support. I'm sorry sir." I attempted to stand shakily. I had to put a hand on the wall but I looked to the doctor with determination in my eyes. "Take me to him." The doctor nodded and helped me across the hallway. He let me go in and I walked to John's bedside. He was still asleep. I held his cold hand in my own as tears fell down my face. "I love you John. I need you. I'm not going to let you die. Please. Please don't die..." I sat there a while longer before the doctor said I had to go. I nodded and exited the room. The doctor said they had a temporary replacement car waiting for me whenever I was ready. I nodded and he gave me what was left of my old clothes, a new pair, and my absolutely destroyed shades. The shades John had given me. Tears came to my eyes again but I brushed them away. I changed and a nurse brought me to the car. I drove home and spent the day alone at home. Over the week, friends came over to comfort me but it never worked. The hospital gave me progress reports that always amounted to nothing. I mostly sat and watched John's favorite movie, Con Air, on repeat for hours on end. On Sunday I got the call I knew was coming but still wasn't prepared for. I glanced at my arm and cursed the word tattooed on the skin. Goodbye. His last word to me. I word he would speak today. I picked up the phone and sure enough, the hospital was letting me come over to see John one last time before they pulled the plug of his life support. He had asked to speak with me as soon as they had awoken him for it today. I was choked up as I told them I would be right there. I drove over and went to his room. He smiled weakly as I entered. His eyes still had the same sparkle they always did. I held his hand with tears in my eyes. "Don't cry Dave. I hate seeing you cry." I nodded and tried to fight back the tears. "I still love you Dave." "I still love you too John." "I'm going to have to leave the physical world but I'll always be watching you ok? Please stay happy for me." I nodded, unable to speak. "Good. I love you Dave." The doctor came in a told me it was time. I nodded and turned back to John. "I will always love you and only you Egderp." I choked out. "I will always love you too Dave. Goodbye." He let go of my hand and closed his eyes. I left the room and heard the steady beeping of his heart monitor flatline as I did. I started to sob. I couldn't stop it anymore. Couldn't fight it. A nurse rubbed my back sweetly until I regained myself enough to drive home. I got back and locked myself in the house. Why had this happened to us? Why him? He was so innocent... He didn't deserve that. Why did it always happen to him? My heart would never heal from the pain it felt. 

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