Reunion (Dirkjake)

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Jake's P.O.V

How awkward can you get. Even after two weeks in this new universe, I still couldn't look Dirk in the eyes. Or shades as it would be. It was too awkward considering what happened in the game. It still hurt to know that it was probably my fault. It still hurt to remember how happy we were together. It still hurt to see his constant frown when I caught him staring at me. One day, Jane invited us over to her place. I didn't know Dirk had been coming but once I got there, he was already there. He had been over on one side of the couch talking to Roxy. I sat down on the other side and tried to make awkward conversation with Jane. She had since made up with me and I had somehow made up with her. It was still awkward, though. "So, how's life treating you here so far?" "It's been good so far." We paused for a moment and I caught some of Dirk and Roxy's conversation. "Roxy, you're drunk already?" "Don't judge me." Dirk laughed. How I missed his laugh. I wanted to laugh with him like we used to. Jane must've caught me frown because she said, "You still miss him don't you." I nod sadly. Jane smirks. "I can help with that." I was confused but she got up and sat back down next to Dirk and Roxy. I couldn't quite catch what they said but at one point Dirk looked back at me. I quickly looked away and as soon as I was sure he had looked away again, I looked back. Soon, Dirk started to stand up. I quickly looked away and pretended I didn't notice when he sat down. "So... Jane told me you wanted to tell me something. What's up?" I could sense a tinge of pink on my cheeks as I stared at Dirk's shades. "Well, Um, you see..." I take a deep breath. Darn it Jake! Pull yourself together. Be the old you who was never nervous about social interaction! "It's just that... I've really missed hanging out with you..." Dirk smirked. "Well, then why don't we hang out now?" "Because I don't want to hurt you again..." I mutter. "What was that Jake? I didn't hear you." "Because it hurts to remember..." I say slightly louder. "Sorry, can you speak up?" "Because I still love you but I know I hurt you and it hurts to remember how it used to be!" I shout suddenly, losing control of my emotions. Tears come to my eyes and I cover my mouth quickly with my hands. I start to stand up, blushing and just wanting to leave when I feel a strong grip on my arm. I turn and Dirk is standing there, holding my arm. Even with his glasses, I can see the blush on his face. "Jake... I miss you so much every day... It was my fault. I was too overbearing. What ever gave you the idea it was your fault?" Dirk said to me. W-why wasn't he angry? I just admitted to still liking him after our break up. "Because I was slipping away and I didn't know why! It hurt! I wanted to love you and I still do! I didn't know why I was slipping away! I still don't know why I did!" I was full on crying now. Tears streaming down my face. I don't know for sure, but I swear I saw a small tear peak out from behind Dirk's shades. "It was me. I pushed you away by pulling too hard. I'm sorry. I still love you, Jake. Will you be mine again?" I smiled. "Yes, Dirk. Yes. I love you." Dirk pulled me and grabbed my other arm so our heads were together. "I promise not to hurt you anymore." "And I promise to never slip away." We both smile before closing the distance with a kiss.

(This one is short because I ran out of ideas for how it could continue. Sorry!)

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