My Miracle (Gamzee x Reader)

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(Y/N = Your Name, B/C = Blood Color, H/D = Horn Description)

Reader's P.O.V

"Hey, Gamzee! Wasn't expecting to see you today!" you say as you open the door to your hive and see Gamzee standing outside. "I hOpE i WaSn'T iNtErRuPtInG aNyThInG Y/NbRo." "Nope! I don't have any plans for today!" Gamzee's lazy grin grows. "GoOd! I gOt ThE uRgE tO vIsIt YoU tOdAy AnD cOuLdN't HeLp BuT vIsIt!" You couldn't help but smile back. Gamzee was so sweet and cute. Yeah, you had a bit of a flush crush on him. You were too shy to act on it, though. "Come on in and make yourself at home!" Gamzee walks in and sits on the couch. "WhAt Do YoU wAnT tO dO?" He asked as he sat down. "Umm... How about we watch some movies?" "SuRe MoThErFuCkEr!" You sat down and picked up the remote and begin one of your shared favorite movies. You continued to watch movies through the entire day and into the night. At one point you get tired and snuggle against Gamzee's chest without realizing it.

Gamzee's P.O.V

'Y/Nbro is so adorable curled up against me,' you think as you but an arm around her. If only you knew how to tell her how you felt. You were flushed for her but how could she be flushed back for a troll who would literally murder her without second thought if they ran out of sopor pie. The B/C symbol on her shirt showed you all you needed to know in order to understand you could never run out of sopor pie. Never. You didn't want to hurt Y/Nbro ever. Your goofy grin waivers at the thoughts going through your head but Y/N is too sleepy to notice thankfully. You quickly plaster it back on and direct your attention back to the movie. The thoughts don't stop coming, though.

Reader's P.O.V

Your eyes start to flutter a bit as it gets really late and before you know it, you fall asleep against Gamzee. You wake up the next morning to find yourself snuggled on your couch with a pillow under your head and a blanket laid on top of you. There's a note stuck on the wall in front of you. You sleepy stretch a walk over. 'Went for pie. Be back soon!' it read with one of Gamzee's signature clown faces under it. You smile, remembering the night before. You quickly go to your room and get on a clean pair of clothes although you don't bother to shower. You examine yourself in the mirror until you hear a honk downstairs. Gamzee must've gotten back! You quickly rush downstairs to meet him and see that, along with his pie, he's brought a couple horns with him. You giggle and he turns to see you. 'His goofy grin and silly makeup is just so adorable,' you comment to yourself. "MoRnInG Y/NbRo!" "Morning Gamzee! Sorry about falling asleep on you last night!" "It'S fInE! wE aLl GeT tIrEd!" You giggle again at his kindness. He honks one of the horns and you laugh. You swear you see his smile turn to a frown for a split second before he turns away. You frown but when he looks back, he's smiling again. "ThErE's AcTuAlLy SoMeThInG i'Ve BeEn MeAnInG tO tElL yOu Y/NbRo..." He trails off and you look at him confused. "What's up Gamzee?" You ask nervously. Gamzee puts down the pie and horn before walking over to you. He's only inches away when he stops and continues to speak. "We'Ve KnOwN eAcHoThEr FoR mAnY sWeEpS nOw RiGhT?" you nod silently. "AlL tHaT tImE... wElL... i'Ve BeEn, AnD sTiLl Am, FlUsHeD fOr YoU..." He trails off as you stare in shocked silence. He was flushed for you back?! Slowly a smile crept onto your face. "And all that time I've been flushed for you too, Gamzee." You've seen Gamzee smile a lot but never have you seen him smile this widely and genuinely. It's nice to know it's because of you that he smiles like that. He picks you up and spins you around as you grab him around the neck, laughing. He slowly comes to a stop and puts you down with your heads together. "MaTeSpRiTs?" He asks. "Matesprits forever." You confirm before standing on your tiptoes and kissing him sweetly.

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