Switching Around (Davekat)

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(this is not a continuation of the last fic. It is its own story.)

Karkat's P.O.V

Gog dammit Dave. Again with this shit?! I stare at the trashed kitchen me and Strider share. I had moved into his hive not long ago and I had not gotten used to his habit of not cleaning ever. I sigh and begin to pick up empty apple juice boxes. How the fuck had he even drank this much since the last time I cleaned?! I hear footsteps behind me and I turn. Dave is standing there, leaning against the doorway. "Why are you cleaning Karkat?" "Because unlike you, I don't wallow in my own mess!" Dave smirked and walked over to me. "Aww, Karkat. You're adorable when you're angry." I blushed as he got closer to me. Our faces inches apart. Did I forget to mention that we're matesprits? Well, we are. Although sometimes it feels more like we act more like a Kismesissitude couple. It gets really confusing, switching quadrants like that. All the humans I've talked to about it say that it's normal for humans, though. It still bugs me. "Karkat? Karkat? Are you listening?" I hear Dave say, waving a hand in front of my face. He's moved a little away from me but we're still pretty close. I snap back to attention. "Huh? Sorry. Zoned out there." "Whatcha thinking bout?" "Just what I read in one of my novels." I've never told Dave about how I felt with the switching. If it really was normal for humans then I didn't want to make him feel like it was his fault I was feeling this way about it. Dave laughs. "Well, I was just saying, What do ya say to going out to the movies tonight. We could see the new rom-com." My eyes lit up. Dave doesn't really like rom coms so I haven't seen one in theaters for a while. "That would be great! Wait... You aren't going to fall asleep during it right?" Dave laughs again. "No. I won't fall asleep." I smile. Dave's one of the few people who can make me smile. When he's not embarrassing me or teasing me. Which he does often.

Dave's P.O.V

Yeah, Karkat wasn't just thinking about his book just then. He was frowning. No way he would frown when thinking about those books. They may be trash but he loves them. What could be on his mind, though? A Strider never gives up. I will find out what's on his mind. I give Karkat a quick peck on the nose and walk away, leaving him to his cleaning. I take one look back and he's blushing wildly. He's still not used to showing or receiving affection after so many years on Alternia and that meteor. It makes me sad to think about how his life must've been before we all created this universe together. I mean, it was tough living with Bro but he at least cared for me. According to Karkat and the other trolls, as soon as you were old enough to feed and defend yourself all your lucus would really do is demand food. I walk into my room and decide to chat with Rose. I log on to Pesterchum and see she's on. "Hey, Rose. You available?" "Yes. I am not currently busy. What is it, Dave?" "Just wondering if I can talk to you about something. You're still into, like psychology or whatever right?" "I've fallen behind but I believe I can still scratch something up. Did you do something you want analyzed again?" "No. At least, I didn't." "Oh?" "Karkat's been acting weird lately but he won't tell me what's on his mind." "Oh, boyfriend trouble. Yeah. I think I can help. What exactly has he been doing that's 'weird'?" "Well, earlier this morning, I was talking to him about going to the movies and he just spaced out. It isn't like him to space out. Even when I'm purposely annoying him, he'll listen to what I am saying." "Hmmm. Interesting... Anything else?" "Yeah. He hasn't seemed as... Temperamental as usual." "Ok." "Last thing I can think of off the top of me head is, he's been spending more time alone in his room then he used to." "Sounds to me like he's unhappy and confused about something and it's taking over his thoughts. The spacing out is a result of him being distracted by whatever is confusing him. The extending time alone is a result of unhappiness with this. Karkat likes to understand what's going on and why it's happening. I think the temper part is just him getting used to you. Getting used to what used to annoy him." "Hmm... Any idea what's got him confused?" "Like I said, I'm rusty. I have no idea what could have him confused." "Ok. Thanks, Rose. I'm going to try to talk to him after the movie later. He should be in a good mood then." "Well, good luck to you." "Thanks. Talk to ya later." With that, I logged off of Pesterchum and turned off my computer. I got up and checked the time on my clock. It was about time to leave in order to make it to the movie. "Hey, Karkat!" I yelled out. "What do you want Dave?" Karkat called back. "It's about time to head out! You ready?" "Yeah! Just let me grab my stuff!" I let him be. I needed to get ready too. I changed into a nice pair of jeans and my old shirt with the record on the front and the red sleeves. I put my glasses back on and went to wait by the door. When Karkat arrived, he was wearing his classic black sweater with his 'sign' on the front. He also had a pair of baggy, black, pants on. "I still remember that you wore that when I first met you in person." Karkat smiled. "And I remember you wearing that non-stop through the viewport." I laughed. "Too bad I didn't really ever try to troll you, though. I was always focused on John." "He was our leader. Knowing your state of mind at the time, it makes sense for you to focus on him. Anyway, let's go." Karkat nods and I open the door for him. Once we leave, I grab his hand and I see him blush. I turn a light shade of pink too but I think my glasses cover up most of it. We head to a nearby movie theater. It's close enough that we can walk without to much trouble. We don't talk much along the way. We arrive and pay for the tickets. "You want anything from concessions?" I ask. Karkat shakes his head. "Well, I'm going to get some popcorn. Why don't you go find our seats." He nods and takes the tickets. I go up front and buy some popcorn. I take my change and go to find Karkat. I find him sitting in some seats in the middle of the theater. It's pretty crowded in here but I manage to get to Karkat. I sit down just as the movie begins. After the movie ended, Karkat and I left. Karkat had been blown away by the movie. He couldn't stop talking about it. Eventually, he paused to catch his breath as we walked. "Glad you enjoyed the movie Karkat. There's something I want to know, though." "Oh? What is it Strider?" "Well, I can tell, there's something that's been bothering you. Care to tell me?" Karkat blushed and mumbled something. "What was that? Come on, I'm your matesprit. Aren't you supposed to be able to tell me anything?" "First of all, You're thinking of a moirail. Second, that's the problem." I was confused. "What do you mean, Karkat?" At this point, we had arrived back at the house and I opened the door and we went in. Karkat plopped down on the couch and I sat down next to him. "It's just... Sometimes I feel like we're the perfect matesprits, like now for example, and other times I feel like we're better suited for Kismesissitude." I looked at Karkat and shake my head. He is so upset about not fitting into a troll quadrant? I can't help but chuckle. Karkat glares at me. "What's so funny Strider?!" "Just that you're so upset over something that I knew would never fit. We're a troll and a human. Neither troll nor human terms for a relationship are going to fit here. Instead, we have to make our own." Karkat looked confused for a moment, thought, then smiled. "You know, you're smarter than you look Strider." I smirk. "Yep! I'm the coolest dude you're ever going to get." Karkat smiles at me before moving up and connecting our faces. I was shocked at first. Karkat was never the one to initiate a kiss before. Then, I smiled and kissed back. I really loved Karkat and I knew he loved me too.

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