The Scars Of The Past (erisol) (humanstuck)

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Eridan's P.O.V

I awoke and stared at the ceiling. I remembered that fateful day. It had been a month ago that the black tally on my forearm turned red. My love had died. It had been a terrible day. It had started just like normal. Except for one fact. I was finally going to tell Feferi how I felt. I messaged her and we agreed to meet nearby. I stared at the tally while I waited. In the blink of an eye, it changed from black to red. I later learned on the news that she had died in a freak car accident along with one other girl. To make it worse, her body had no tallies. She hadn't loved me. I had become depressed after that and mostly stayed at home. My brother, Cronus, and father, Dualscar, had made sure I stayed healthy but I rarely socialized. At least, until today. They had finally convinced me to go out with them. It was just shopping but it was something. I sighed as I got up and went to get ready. I was slow but eventually, I was finished. I had my hair styled and redyed, I had put on a pair of striped pants, a black long sleeved shirt with the Aquarius symbol on it, my scarf, and my glasses. I had wanted to bring my cape to hide in as well but Dualscar didn't allow it. I got in the backseat of the car while Cronus and Dualscar got in the front. I continued to stare out the window and think. I should've told her earlier. Then she'd still be alive at least... I sighed again and Cronus turned in his seat to look at me. "Hey buddy, I knowv it's hard to forget about her but ya gotta. She's gone but she'll alwvays be there in your heart and on your arm. She'd wvant you to be happy bud." It was rare of Cronus to say anything nearly as heartfelt as that. "He's right." Dualscar looked in the mirror above him so he could see me. "Amporas stick together." I smiled weakly before turning back to the window with a frown. They were right of course but I couldn't help it. It hurt so much. I missed her so much. She kept me happy and now she was gone forever. Soon, we arrived and I followed Cronus and Dualscar silently.

Sollux's P.O.V

I awoke to another day without her. Without Aradia. The red tally on my skin was proof of that. I was rudely awoken by screaming from across the house. Mituna again. I rubbed my head. I couldn't really blame the poor guy but it was annoying. I heard the heavy footsteps of The Psiioniic rush past my room to help him. I sat up and went to take a shower. I may be sad about Aradia's death but shopping needed doing and Mituna couldn't go nor could he be left alone so that left me. It was a good thing the grocery store was in walking distance. I got on my normal outfit of a t-shirt with the Gemini sign, some jeans, and my two-tone glasses. I called to The Psiioniic to let him know I was leaving and headed out the door. I thought about Aradia as I walked. She had always been so cheerful. She had kept me going through my bipolar depression phases. Then she had died in a freak car accident along with one other girl on the way to meet me for a date. It would have sent me into a depression I doubt I would've ever recovered from if it weren't for my family's need for my help. I sighed and entered the store. I grabbed a cart and went around the store. Then, my dual-colored eyes fell upon someone while I was getting milk. They had a scarf, glasses, and fancy clothes. I felt a tingle on my forearm and glanced at it. Next to the red tally, I found a black one. I grinned. Yep. I had just fallen in love again. Let's just hope this turns out better than Aradia did. I started to approach the guy.

Eridan's P.O.V

I can't believe they left me to get milk and cheese by myself. I sigh as I look around. Then, someone taps on my shoulder. I jump and turn. They put their hands up and I glare. I examine them. Cheap t-shirt, strange glasses, and spiky hair. I felt a tingle on my arm but now wasn't the time to check what it was. "Wwhat do you wwant?" The guy paused as if formulating his words. "Well... II saw you over there and II wanted two come talk two you." I was suspicious but said, "Ok..." We talked for a bit and he gave me his Pesterchum handle before I needed to head back to Cronus and Dualscar so they didn't worry. We finished up and went home. I went to my room and logged onto my computer. I was about to start a chat with him when I remembered the tingle on my arm. I rolled up my sleeve and my eyes widened. Next to the mark from Fef was a new black tally. Sollux? I thought for a moment. His lisp was pretty cute. And he was funny... Ok. Yeah. I did love Sollux. I smiled. I was finally moving on. I hoped Sollux loved me back. I clicked on his name and messaged him. "Hey. It's Eridan." He got back to me almost immediately. "Hey." I took a deep breath and messaged him. "I havve something I need to tell you." I wasn't going to waste time in telling him. I saw how that ended with Fef and I wasn't dealing with that again. "Oh? What?" He seemed almost excited with the speed he answered. "Wwhen I saww you I fell in lovve. I havve the tally to provve it." There was a pause. "II diid two. II also have a new tally." I grinned wide. "Thank goodness. I lovve you, Sol." "And I lovve you ED." 

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