The second best wedding (davekat)

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(Another short story because I'm sick.)

Karkat's P.O.V

Rose and Kanaya's wedding wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. It was actually kind of fun. The only thing I didn't really like was the constant teasing by both drunk and sober friends about how Dave and I were the only single ones left. It didn't help that I didn't know exactly how I felt about Dave. I hated him but I loved him too. I couldn't pin him down! He annoyed the fuck out of me but he was so cool and as much as I hated to admit to myself, he was handsome. My fucking think pan hurt just thinking about it. It needed to make up its mind about whether I hated, loved, or wanted to just be friends with him! Currently, we had both retreated to a quieter section of the party to get away from all the teasing. Dave was holding an apple juice that he was drinking. I hadn't drank anything. I didn't like being drunk. It made me do stupid things. I didn't know why Dave only drank apple juice, tough. Rose had said she got it especially for him and then she had winked at him. It made no sense but I had left it be at the time. Now I was curious. "HEY, SO, DAVE, WHY AREN'T YOU DRINKING ANYTHING OTHER THAN APPLE JUICE?" He paused a moment. "Alcohol makes me act uncool." There was something more. I could tell. I let it be. "OH, AND WE CAN'T HAVE THAT NOW CAN WE?" I replied sarcastically. Dave chuckled. "Yep." Gog dammit. He was in one of his 'let's annoy Karkat' moods. He looked over at me and asked, "What about you? You haven't had anything either." "SORT OF THE SAME REASON AS YOU ACTUALLY. BACK ON ALTERNIA, GAMZEE HAD OFFERED ME SOPOR SLIME ONCE AND BEING STUPID I ATE IT. IT HAS BASICALLY THE SAME AFFECT ON US AS ALCOHOL AND I DID SOME PRETTY STUPID THINGS. LUCKILY, GAMZEE WAS TOO SOPORED UP TO CARE AND WHEN I RETURNED TO NORMAL I MADE HIM PROMISE NEVER TO TELL ANYONE. NOW THAT HE'S WHO KNOWS WHERE, PREFERABLY STILL IN THE FRIDGE ON JAKE'S PLANET, I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ANYMORE." Dave nodded. "Makes sense." Dave wasn't talking as much as he usually did. Almost as though something was on his mind. But what? Whatever it didn't matter. The awkward silence around us was broken when I very obviously drunk Roxy stumbled over. "Ello friends! Oh! I sound like Jakey! Hehehe. Wha are ya two single men up ta?" Not again. "FUCK OFF ROXY. YOU'RE DRUNK AS SHIT." Roxy just giggles. "It's a partay! What do ya expect from me?" Dave laughed and I shook my head. "Yeah, chill Karkles. Just cause you don't drink doesn't mean she can't. We're just sorta hanging out." He said before muttering under his breath, "Gog is it weird to see what is essentially my mother drunk as fuck." I couldn't help but smirk. "Wait, Karkles? Nicknames? Oh! Just wait till Dirky hears about this!" With that, she dashed off. I face palmed. Dave had a fucking nickname for everyone. It didn't mean what that drunk girl thought it meant. Or, at least I thought it didn't. Dave chuckled. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT THAT! EVERYONE'S GOING TO THINK YOU LIKE ME AS MORE THAN A BRO!" I saw the flash of a frown on his face before it returned to his blank expression that he always had. "So? Is that a bad thing?" "WELL, I KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE ME LIKE THAT SO YEAH! PRETTY BAD THING!" There was that frown again. Only for a split second but it was there. Was I saying something wrong? Dave shrugged. "I don't think it's too bad. They are right. We are the only two in our group who aren't single. You don't even have a moirail. Not one quadrant filled must be strange for such a quadrant master such as yourself." I growled. "SHUT THE FUCK UP STRIDER. YOU'RE STILL SINGLE TOO." He grins, knowing he's hit a soft spot. We stand in silence for a bit longer. Finally, Dave turns to me and sighs. "You know what. Fuck it. Karkles, I have something I need to tell you." I look at him confused. He actually looks to be serious about whatever he's about to say. "WHAT IS IT STRIDER." He takes a deep breath. Is he nervous? Strider nervous? "That thing you said earlier about how I don't like you as more than a bro? That's not true." I was confused. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN STRIDER? IS THIS MORE OF YOUR 'IRONY'?" Dave sighed and shook his head. "No. I like you Karkles. I love you." My eyes widened in shock and I leaned against the wall behind me as I regained my balance. The actual fuck? He loved me? He actually loved me? I slowly walked over to him. I made a grab for his shades and for once he didn't stop me. I slowly pulled them off, revealing the most beautiful ruby red eyes I had ever seen. I heard some sounds behind us but I was too mesmerized to take any real notice. I leaned in closer to Dave and gave him a quick kiss. "I love you too Strider. I love you too." Dave leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead. "GET BACK HERE IDIOT." I said, grabbing his head as he tried to move away. I pulled him down for real kiss on the lips. We only pulled away when we heard clapping erupt behind us. We turned and saw everyone at the party staring at us and clapping. Roxy was full on cheering, still drunk out of her mind. We both blushed and I quickly gave Dave his shades before anyone else could see his eyes. I knew how it felt to want to keep something a secret. Slowly the clapping died down and everyone returned to what they had been doing. Dave and I spent the rest of the night enjoying being together. The only wedding that would ever be able to top this one would be my eventual marriage to Dave. 

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