I'm Sorry For You (Conkri) (humanstuck)

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(This ended up being less shippy than I wanted but I did my best. I hope you all still enjoy it!)

Cronus's P.O.V

I walked the halls after school while I waited for Dualscar, aka my dad, to come pick me up. Damn high school. Not old enough to drive and therefore forced to wait for someone to come get you if you can't take the bus. I walked down another highway and saw something suspicious. There were two older kids standing in front of a smaller kid who had their back pressed against the lockers behind them. I think the small one's name was Kankri. I had a few classes with him. He could be a chatterbox but he was quite kind. I cautiously walked closer and listened to the conversation. One of the older kids laughed and said, "So little chatterbox. Think you can stroll through our turf unharmed?" Kankri spoke. "I'm terri6ly s9rry if I triggered y9u with my presence. I did n9t mean to anger y9u. I just need t9 get t9 the parking l9t." "Oh, is your father waiting for you?" The other boy teased. "Actually yes. N9w, if y9u can excuse me I really must 6e going." Kankri turned but the first boy grabbed his sweater neck and stopped him. "Oh no you don't. You're not getting away." Kankri gulped and the boy threw him to the ground and laughed. I glared. I might like the idea of being a greaser but that kid was innocent! I ran up behind them and tapped their shoulders. They turned. "What do you want? Can't you see we're busy?" I smirked. "In fact, I can." I then punched the both of them in the face. They were stunned so I grabbed Kankri's hand and pulled him away. He muttered something about physical contact and consent but made no move to pull away. We ran down the hall and the boys yelled but didn't chase. Once we got a safe distance I stopped and let go of Kankri. "You ok bud?" He nodded. "Yes. Thank y9u f9r y9ur help." I shrugged. "No problem. Names Cronus." I held out my hand for a shake. Hesitantly, Kankri took it. "I am Kankri. It's a pleasure t9 meet y9u." I smirked. "Vwell, I'vve got to go. See you around." He nodded. "I must 6e g9ing as well. G99d6ye." He went down one hallway and I went down another. If only I knew that wouldn't be the last time I protected Kankri. It was after school again when I saw him. This time he seemed to be talking to one of his friends. She was wearing red shades and was carrying a skateboard. I smirked and walked over. "Hey Kankri. And vwho might you be?" "9h! Hell9 Cr9nus. This is Latula. Latula, this is Cr9nus. He's the 9ne I t9ld y9u ab9ut." "Th3 on3 who s4v3d you from thos3 j3rks th3 other d4y?" Kankri cringed at her use of the word 'jerks' but nodded. "W3ll th4nks!" The girl, Latula, said as she turned to me. "K4nkr1 h3r3 m1ght b3 4bl3 to t4lk your 34r off but h3's no good 1n 4 f1ght. Thos3 two would h4v3 k1ll3d h1m!" I kept my smirk and shrugged. "It's no big deal." Kankri smiled at me. "31th3r w4y, 1 h4v3 to s4y, you n3v3r s33m3d l1k3 the on3 to h3lp with your whol3 gr34s3r 4ct 4nd stuff." Kankri shot her a look. "N9t that we mean t9 9ffend y9u." I shrugged again. "It's no big thing. I understand." Ok, so maybe I was showing off for Latula. Could you blame me? Latula looked back to Kankri. 1I'm gonn4 go s33 1f 1 c4n f1nd M1tun4 and Kurloz. S33 y4!" She dropped down her board and skated off, waving to Kankri behind her. Kankri waved back before turning to me. "If y9u can excuse me, I must 6e 9ff as well. See y9u later." He waved and went to leave when two familiar faces turned the corner. It was the boys from before. Kankri's face changed to one of fear. "9r n9t..." I glanced at the guys. They had noticed us and were coming our way with evil grins. "Let me handle this." I stepped in front of Kankri. For some reason, I felt the need to protect him. "Well, well, well. Look at the little bodyguard." I growled and they laughed. "Vwhat do you vwant vwith us?" I hissed. "Payback for making us look like fools." They slowly approached and one threw a punch. I dodged only to be clocked by the other. That was going to leave a mark. "You're the ones who are going to pay." I said before throwing a punch at one of them. He dodged and caught my arm. I tried to kick them but missed. Kankri meanwhile, was cowering in fear against the lockers. He was terrified. "Please! Gentlemen! Can't we settle this peacefully?" They only laughed and the one not holding me started toward him. I reached out to stop him but only got my other arm caught for my trouble. I growled. Fuck. The other one had reached Kankri and was lifting him by the sweater. He threw him to the ground with a thud. I struggled to get free but got kicked in the back. "Just watch." The one holding me hissed in my ear. I growled but stopped fighting back. That kick had hurt like hell. The other beat on Kankri mercilessly. Finally, he stopped and the other dropped me. I feel to my knees as they left, laughing. I crawled over to Kankri. His lip and nose was bleeding and he was covered in bruises. "I'm sorry." I whispered. I had failed to protect him. He smiled weakly. "Y9u tried t9 pr9tect me. That's all I c9uld ask 9f y9u." I helped him stand and we walked to the parking lot where Eridan was standing with a boy who looked a lot like Kankri. "Wwhat's up wwith him?" Eridan asked. The other boy looked panicked as he rushed over. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO KANKRI?!" He exclaimed. I told them I would explain when the parents arrived and handed Kankri over to the boy who Eridan said was named Karkat. When the parents arrived I told them about what had happened. Kankri gave me his Pesterchum and told me to contact it when I got home. When I arrived I got an ice pack for my back where I had been kicked before messaging him. "Hey. You ok?" "Yes. I'll be fine. Thank y9u again f9r pr9tecting me." "No problem." We continued to chat and soon became friends. I leaned back in my chair, happy to know that Kankri was ok despite the day's events.

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