Maybe I love you instead (davekat) (humanstuck)

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Karkat's P.O.V

I walked up to Terezi's house. Today I was finally going to tell her how I really felt about her. I knocked on the door and she opened it. "H-HEY TEREZI." "H3LLO K4RK4T." I opened my mouth to say more when another voice came from behind Terezi. "Karkles? The fuck you doing here?" It was Strider. Of fucking course Dave was here. So much for telling Terezi how I felt. Wasn't like it was the first time Strider had fucked this up for me, though. "CAN'T I JUST COME OVER TO HANG OUT WITH TEREZI?" I could tell he was giving me a look behind his shades from the couch he laid on. He too had feelings for Terezi and it had become a race to see who could confess first and who she would like more. "1T'S F1N3 D4V3. COM3 ON 1N K4RK4T." She moved aside and let me in. I walked in a saw that Dave and Terezi had been playing some video games. It looked as though Terezi was winning despite me knowing Dave could do better than he was. Going easy on the girl. I shook my head as I walked over and sat down in the middle of the couch. Terezi came and sat next to me with Dave on my other side. She picked up her controller and turned to Dave. "YOU R34DY FOR M3 TO CONT1NU3 TO OWN YOU?" Dave smirked. "Yeah right. I'll catch up. We should let Karkat play next round, though." She nodded and unpaused the game. They played more and I could tell Dave was going easy on Terezi. It made my blood boil with anger. Soon, Terezi won. "Y34H! TH4T'S HOW 1T'S DON3!" I rolled my eyes and Dave smiled at her. "OK. MY TURN." Terezi nodded and I put out my hand for Dave's controller. Instead I got Terezi's. "TH1S W1NN3R N33DS TO GO G3T SOM3TH1NG TO 34T 4ND DR1NK." "Could you grab me some apple juice?" She nodded and walked off. I still didn't understand how she could smell and taste her way around the house but that just made her more attractive. She was so clever. "OK SHITSTAIN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" "Same as you Karkles." I growled. "LAYOFF. TEREZI IS MINE. I'VE KNOWN HER LONGER." "You sure don't act like it sometimes." "FUCK OFF!" "Whatever. Just play the damn game." "FINE." I pressed play and the game began. It was heated. Neither of us was about to give in to the other. Terezi returned at some point and was thoroughly enjoying watching us smack talk each other. Mostly me swearing and him going off into his long and confusing metaphors. We were close when the game ended but Dave won. "FUCK! SCREW YOU FUCKASS!" Dave laughed and Terezi did too. At least I was entertaining her. When they stopped, Terezi offered we watch a movie to calm down. I was all for it and Dave, although hesitant, agreed as well. She put in one of her crime movies that apparently had a romantic side part between the two detectives. Terezi had to get up to lick the screen every once and awhile so she could see it better which was pretty disgusting but I knew it was for the best so I didn't complain too much. Terezi would groan sometimes when the characters missed something she claimed to be important and I would comment on the romantic undertones. Dave just stayed silent the entire time. The movie ended and Terezi turned to the both of us. "WH4T DO YOU W4NT TO DO NOW?" I thought for a moment. You know what? Fuck it. I didn't care if Dave was here. I had waited to tell her for long enough. "THERE'S ACTUALLY SOMETHING I WANT TO TELL YOU TEREZI." Dave raised his eyebrow at me from behind his shades and Terezi looked at me confused. I could almost see that face she always used on pesterchum. "WH4T'S TH4T K4RK4T?" I took a deep breath. "I REALLY LIKE YOU TEREZI. LIKE, A LOT. I LOVE YOU." There's a sharp pause. Dave looks mad. The silence is interrupted by laughter. Terezi's laughter. I was confused and Dave looked confused too. "4BOUT T1M3 YOU F3SS3D UP! YOU TH1NK 1 H4V3N'T NOT1C3D TH3 W4Y YOU LOOK 4T M3! YOU 4CT D1FF3R3NT TOO! YOU 4S W3LL D4V3! JUST B3C4US3 1'M BL1ND DO3SN'T M34N 1 C4N'T T3LL WH3N SOM3ON3 L1K3S M3!" Both Dave and I were frowning with our jaws almost on the floor while Terezi laughed. "LOOK. BOTH OF YOU. 1'M NOT 1NT3R3ST3D 1N YOU TH4T W4Y. W3'R3 JUST CLOS3 FR13NDS." I closed my mouth and stared at the ground. "I-I just remembered something I have to go do. See you guys later." "ME TOO. SEE YOU LATER." Both Dave and I stood before leaving Terezi's house. We went our separate ways but as soon as I got home, I messaged Dave. "SO THAT WAS QUITE THE WAY FOR THAT TO GO..." "Yeah... At least this means we don't have to fight as much..." "I GUESS SO..." "How about this. To help us both get over Terezi why don't we spend some time talking about things we didn't like about her. I'm not Rose but I think that could help." "SOUNDS GOOD TO ME." And so we talked. We talked for a long time. We chatted more often. We got closer to each other over the shared rejection. Soon, we were practically best bros. We started talking about things besides Terezi. Soon, I forgot I ever liked her. Dave helped a lot with getting over it and I don't know what I would have done without his help. I could tell I helped him a lot as well. One day, Dave came over to my house and told me he had something he wanted to show me that he hadn't shown anyone besides his bro. Not even John, Jade, or Rose had ever seen what his eyes looked like. He made me promise not to hate him. "DAVE. THERE'S NO WAY YOUR EYES COULD MAKE ME HATE YOU." "If you say so Karkles." He reached up and slowly pulled away his shades. It revealed his wonderful ruby red eyes. My own eyes widened. "They're beautiful..." I whispered. I saw a light pink tint on his checks. I got a bit closer and looked into Dave's eyes, my own face a little flushed now. They were so pretty. They sparkled in ways I didn't know possible. I could've gotten lost in them. I snapped out of it when Dave cleared his throat and stepped back, my face almost as red as his eyes. "A-ANYWAY. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE STRIDER?" "Are you free to hang out for a while?" "YEAH. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?" Dave shrugged and I thought a little. I wasn't thinking about what to do, though. My brain was entirely taken up by thoughts of Dave. For a while I had started to feel strange around him. Something I had never felt before. I had happy butterflies from just seeing him. I could feel my eyes light up when I saw him. When he spoke, I was completely focused on nothing but him. I hadn't felt this even with Terezi. Was I in love with Strider? I shook the thought from my mind and turned to my TV. "YOU WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE?" "Romcom?" "FUCK YOU. OF COURSE." Dave chuckled and I couldn't help but smile. "Sure. Why not." He walked over to my couch and sat down. I quickly picked out a movie, not really looking at what it was, and put it in. I sat down next to Dave and we began to watch. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie. My thoughts had wandered back to Dave. He was actually pretty attractive now that I thought about it. And those eyes. He hadn't ever put his shades back on and his eyes were wonderful to look at. I slowly found myself getting closer and closer to Dave until I was practically on him. The movie ended and Dave turned to look at me. "Uh... Little close there Karkles." "HMM..? Oh. Sorry." I scooted a bit but not much. Being close to Dave felt right. It felt natural. A light blush was on my face. Dave looked away. "I wasn't complaining..." He said, looking away with a little blush as well. I smiled and moved closer again. I slowly leaned down and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around him. It felt good. It felt comfortable and comforting. I liked it. Dave murmured something but all I caught was, "...Karkles." "WHAT WAS THAT STRIDER?" I heard Dave gulp. "I love you Karkles." I sat up quickly. Dave was bright red and looking away from me. I forcefully grabbed his face and pulled him to look at me. "YOU MEAN THAT?" "Y-Yes..." I smirked and smashed my lips against his. "I LOVE YOU TOO SHITHEAD." I said when we pulled away, both our faces as red as his eyes. "Glad to hear it." Dave whispered before pulling me back into another kiss. 

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