Just a kiss (davekat)

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(Sorry for the short story once again but I really am low on inspiration right now and have a slight bit of writer's block which for me I just have to fight through. Hope you all enjoyed anyway! See you tomorrow!)

Dave's P.O.V

"Hey, Karkles?" "WHAT DO YOU WANT STRIDER." "You want to come over and watch a movie or something?" "WHY THE FUCK NOT. I GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO." "Cool. See you soon." I let out a sigh and logged out of pesterchum. It had been a week since the new universe had been created. It was chill here. Boring though. Everything becomes sorta boring and unimportant after you create and save the universe. The boringness had given me some time to reflect though and I had realized something. I felt more than just a friendship towards Karkat. We had been close bros on the meteor but I guess I had slowly started to feel more to him. We had started hanging out less after we got here and it made me sad. I hoped he would still be bros with me, even feel the same way I did. Soon, there was a knock on the door. I answered and it was Karkles. "Hey bro. Come on in." I stepped aside and let him in. My place was a mess but I didn't care. It reminded me of my home before the game. With Bro... Stop thinking about that idiot! Karkles is here! Focus on him. "SO ARE WE GOING TO WATCH A MOVIE OR WHAT." I chuckled. "What movie do you want to watch?" "GLAD YOU ASKED. KNOWING YOUR TASTE IN EVERYTHING, I BROUGHT SOME MOVIES WITH ME." I chuckled again as he pulled out some romcoms from a bag he had with him. "I ALSO BROUGHT SOME MICROWAVE POPCORN BECAUSE KNOWING YOU ALL YOU HAVE IS APPLE JUICE AND PIZZA." I smirked. "You know me too well Karkles. I'll take the popcorn and get it ready while you put in the movie." He nodded and handed me the bag of popcorn. I went a popped it and when I came back the movie was sitting on the start screen and Karkles was sitting on my couch waiting. While I had been popping the popcorn, I had checked the time and it was about 8:00 pm. Didn't matter to me, though. I didn't really like sleeping all that much and I knew Karkles didn't either. Too many copies in the dream bubbles. Too many sad memories that I'd rather forget. We watched the movie and when it was done Karkles looked to me. "YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK IT. DAVE?" "Yeah Karkles?" "I LOVE YOU." I was shocked by both his straight forwardness and just the fact that he felt the same way I did. "Uh, wow Karkles, um... I-I love you too." "YOU DO?" "I do. Have for a while." "Me too." Karkles got closer to me until he was cuddling against my chest. He was smiling. I loved that peaceful smile and never wanted it to go away. A song came to mind and I started to sing. (play above song now) "Lyin' here with you so close to me. It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe. Caught up in this moment. Caught up in your smile." Karkat looked up at me and started to sing the other part. "I've never opened up to anyone. So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms." He wrapped his arms around my sides as he sang and sat up, pulling me with him. His singing wasn't all that bad. He wasn't yelling the words at least. We sang together. "But we don't need to rush this. Let's just take it slow. Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight." Our heads moved closer together. "Just a touch of the fire burnin' so bright. No I don't wanna mess this thing up. No I don't wanna push too far. Just a shot in the dark that you just might, be the one I've been waiting for my whole life. So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight." I took over for my part as we continued to move closer. "I know that if we give this a little time, it'll only bring us closer to the love we wanna find. It's never felt so real." He started his part. "No it's never felt," I joined him for the end of his sentence. "So right! Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight. Just a touch of the fire burnin' so bright. No I don't wanna mess this thing up. I don't wanna push too far." Our foreheads were touching now as we stopped moving and just sang. "Just a shot in the dark that you just might, be the one I've been waiting for my whole life. So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight! No I don't wanna say, goodnight." Karkat started again. "I know it's time to leave." I joined him. "But you'll be in my dreams!" Karkles took a breath and sang. "Tonight." I repeated. "Tonight." We both started. "Tonight. Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight. Just a touch of the fire burnin' so bright. No I don't wanna mess this thing up. I don't wanna push too far! Just a shot in the dark that you just might, be the one I've been waitin' for my whole life." Karkles was getting into it now. "So baby I'm alright." We continued together. "Ohhhh, oh, ohhhh." I took it up. "Let's do this right." Karkles smile had been growing the whole time and now it was at it's widest as we sang together. "With just a kiss goodnight." I smiled and sang, "With a kiss goodnight." Karkat took over. "Kiss goodnight." We sat there as the music in our heads stopped and leaned in a little closer until our lips met. When we pulled away again, I place my forehead to his. "I love you Karkles." "I LOVE YOU TOO STRIDER." 

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