Without You Life Isn't Worth Living(humanstuck)(JohnDave)

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(trigger warning: suicide and depression)

Third person P.O.V

It started out as a normal day for everyone except one boy named John Egbert. John hadn't even slept that night. No, instead he had been busy preparing. Preparing for his death. Preparing for his suicide to be exact. He had a rope tied into a noose and he had written individual notes to all his friends. The longest of the notes and the last one he typed up and sent was Dave's. Dave was also the first to wake up and read his message. 'Dear Dave, You've always been my best bro but the smiles I've worn for years were rarely real. Most of my real smiles were because of you but most of them were still fake. Forced on to keep you and the others happy and to keep you from worrying about me. I'm going to miss you all but I can't do this anymore. I love you, Dave. Goodbye.' Dave was in shock for a good long while. What had John meant goodbye? Had his smiles all really been fake? And did he really love him? Was this a prank? He didn't know whether to wish it was or wasn't. He didn't want to accept John would commit suicide but he wanted to believe that John did love him because he sure as hell loved John. Eventually, he snapped out of his shock and shook his head before dashing out of the and running to John's. But he got there just minutes late as he saw John's corpse hanging from the ceiling of his room, his computer still on and open to his message to Dave. Dave fell to his knees and tears streamed from behind his shades that John had given him all those years before. Dave ripped them off his face, not caring about his red eyes anymore, and threw them across the room, causing them to shatter as he cried his eyes out. Slowly others arrived and trickled in behind Dave. From that moment on it was a blur to Dave. There was a funeral, others tried to comfort each other and failed, Vriska even ripped up her Nick Cage posters, and everyone cried, although no one cried as much as Dave. Dave retreated back to his old stoicness to mask the overwhelming sadness he constantly felt now. Everyone was absolutely crushed. Friendships broke and moods were ruined. John had been the glue keeping them together and optimistic. Without him, everything fell apart. Dave spent most his time alone, writing one that after a month without John he finished. Dave pulled out the rope John had used which he had taken once Jonh's body had been taken down from it. Dave didn't write any notes like John had. Instead, he only left the lyrics to the song he wrote. He sang it one time and one time only as tears streamed down his face before he followed John into death and hung himself. "He wakes up early today. Throws on a mask that will alter his face. Nobody knows his real name, but now he just uses one he saw on a grave. He pretends, that he's ok but you should see. Him in bed, late at night he's petrified. Take me out and finish this waste of a life. Everyone gather around for a show. Watch as this man disappears as we know. Do me a favor and try to ignore. As you watch him fall through a bleeding trapdoor. He thinks that faith might be dead, but nothing kills a man faster than his own head. He used to see dreams at night, but now he's just watching the backs of his eyes. He pretends, he's ok but you should see. Him in bed, late at night he's petrified. Take me out, and finish this waste of a life. Everyone gather around for a show. Watch as this man disappears as we know. Do me a favor and try to ignore. As you watch him fall through a bleeding trapdoor! Yeah! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah! Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Take me out, and finish this waste of a life. Everyone gather around for a show. Watch as this man disappears as we know. Do me a favor and try to ignore. When you watch him fall through a bleeding trapdoor. Cause nobody knows he's alive..." 

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