Shopping trip gone crazy (davekat) (humanstuck)

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(this story is shorter than normal but two chapters in one day! I hope you all enjoy!)

Karkat's P.O.V

I still can't believe John convinced me to go shopping with him and Dave. Apparently, John had gotten the idea because Rose and Jade went shopping together and seemed to have had a lot of fun. For us, it just seemed awkward. We went to a couple stores around the nearby mall but nothing really interested us. Until John saw a rack filled with Nick Cage movies. He immediately stopped us a dragged us into the store and went to examine the rack. Dave laughed when he saw what John was so excited about. I just rolled my eyes. I mean, some of the movies were good but not to the point John seemed to think they were. "Oh come on you two! You gotta admit these movies are great!" "Bro, they aren't that good." "FOR ONCE I AGREE WITH DAVE. THEY AREN'T WORTH THE ADMIRATION YOU GIVE THEM." John just rolled his eyes and went back to fawning over the movies. Dave started to wander off and I decided to follow him and keep an eye on him. He walked over to a rack that had some rap CDs on it. He glanced over them all and chuckled. "These guys wish they were as good as the Strider." He muttered. We continued to wander and eventually, John caught back up with us. He had a couple copies of some Nick Cage movies in his hands. "I THOUGHT YOU ALREADY OWNED ALL THE NICK CAGE MOVIES." "I do but these copies come with deleted scenes! Plus, you can never have too many copies of Con Air. Never." Dave laughed and I just shook my head in disappointment. Remind me why I was friends with these idiots again? We wandered some more and came upon a section of shelves dedicated to rom-com movies and books. I looked around a grabbed a couple that looked interesting. Dave grabbed some random things from everywhere and soon we couldn't hold it all in our arms. We looked around and saw some carts. We grabbed one a dropped our stuff in. We did a bit more shopping for things for the house and some food. Finally, it was time to check out. We pushed the cart up to the counter and started to unload. When it was all unloaded Dave decided it would be a good to jump in. John laughed as I proceed to pay the cashier. John grabbed the cart and started running around pushing Dave with him. They were laughing their heads. "I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THEM." The cashier laughed. "It's fine. They're better than some a kids we get here." I nodded. The cashier handed me the bags and I went to go chase down the two fucktards who were acting like little kids. "GET OUT OF THE CART ASSWIPES! IT'S TIME TO GO!" John stopped in front of me with the cart. "Aww... But we were having fun!" "Yeah! Way to ruin it Karkles!" I rolled my eyes. "WHATEVER. YOU TWO SHITHEADS STILL NEED TO STOP." They both groaned but Dave got out and John put the cart back where it belonged. We walked out of the mall to the parking lot and got to the car. Dave got in the driver's seat, I got the passenger's seat, and John got the back. "We need to do that more often! It was actually a lot of fun!" "EXCEPT YOUR ANTICS WITH THE CART I AGREE. IT WAS ENJOYABLE." "I think the cart part was the best part! It was like roller coaster! Only without the drops." I rolled my eyes. Dave switched the radio to a rap which he then started rapping along with. "GOD DAMMIT DAVE! NO ONE BUT YOU LIKES RAPPING!" "I think it's interesting! I could never do it myself, though." Of course John and to like it. Of fucking course. Dave smirked a turned up the volume. I shook my head and looked out the window. My thoughts kept coming back to Dave. I had no idea why but they always seemed to come back to Dave. His stoic expression, his fucking bullshit shades, his blond hair, and his barely noticeable freckles. For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about him. It was starting to get on my nerves almost as much as the actual guy did. I just couldn't pin him down! Sometimes he seemed to be flirting with me like he did with seemingly everyone and other times he would purposely annoy the hell out of me for no fucking reason! We arrived back at John's place and went inside. We emptied the bags and examined our loot. "WE GOT MORE THAN I THOUGHT..." "Yeah..." "If the girl's find out we are screwed." "GOT THAT RIGHT. KANAYA WOULD KILL ME." "I don't think Rose and Jade would be too happy either." We eventually split the loot so it didn't look like we got much and decided to watch one of John's new Nick Cage movie copies. Luckily it was a rom-com so it couldn't be all that bad. We ordered pizza and ate as we watched. When it was over, it was 8:15 pm. John had fallen asleep against the couch side at some point and I was pretty sleepy myself. Dave seemed to be the only one still alert. I chalked it up to another side effect of him living with his Bro all those years. Luckily, we had all moved out from our guardian's places a year ago so he didn't have to worry anymore. "You tired Karkles?" "A LITTLE." Dave paused for moment, as if thinking about something. You know what. No better time than the present to admit something to both myself and him. "DAVE... THERE'S SOMETHING I WANT TO TELL YOU." Dave turned to me with his head tilted. "Oh? What's up Karkles?" "I... I love you, Dave." Even with his shades, I could see the shock on his face. "Y-you mean that Karkles?" I nod slowly. He smiles. "I love you too Karkles. I was planning to tell you when you told me first." I smile. "HOW FUCKING SWEET OF YOU STRIDER." Dave laughed. "This is why I love you." "AND IT'S ALSO WHY I LOVE YOU." Dave took off his shades and leaned in to kiss me without showing me his eyes. I shot forward and met him in the middle. His eyes shot open in shock for a moment and I saw the ruby red color of perfection before they fluttered closed and he returned the kiss I would never forget. 

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