Not so scary (Dirkjake)

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Jake's P.O.V

It was just like any other day. I walk into the classroom and take me seat. I was seated right next to a kid with blond hair slicked back into a spike and huge pointy shades that he never took off. He was wearing a black tank top today that showed his tattoo. Nobody understood what it was supposed to be. The kid never spoke unless called on by the teacher and was overall very cold. Almost everyone was scared of him. He had been spotted practicing some pretty complicated sword movements at one point. Even with my mastery of my pistols I felt I would have no chance against him in a battle. Today he was sitting with his hands behind his head in a relaxed position. I pull my notebook out of my bag and wait for the professor to arrive. As class starts, the kid, Dirk I think was his name, moves his arms so instead of behind him, they are holding up his head and the other was doing something in his notebook. The professor is completely ignoring the class as he lectures about whatever we were learning today. I am too distracted by Dirk to pay any attention. His hand his moving incredibly fast and it's in so many spots that it couldn't have been notes. I glanced over, trying to sneak a peek at what he was doing but his arm blocked my view. I didn't pay much attention to the professor the entire class. Didn't matter. My grandma would help me later. I needed to know what Dirk was doing. I shifted in my seat a caught a glimpse of something. He was drawing something but I couldn't tell what. He moved his arm a little a I got a look at what appeared to be a very detailed eye. Was he drawing a person? If so, then why wasn't he an art major instead of a robotics major? I was only here because this class was also required for a science major. He looked up and I quickly looked away but he didn't seem to have noticed my gaze. He just took a quick look at the formula on the chalkboard, gave a small scoff, and went back to his drawing. Was this class easy for him? That would explain why he never seemed to pay attention during class. His arm was moved down now so I was able to get a full view of his drawing. It was very detailed and seemed to be a robot that I recognized from the shirts of some kids. The robot was apparently from an anime. Dirk watched anime? He was a good artist? Maybe he wasn't as frightening as I thought. I must've made some sort of awe-stricken sound or something because Dirk turned to look at me. Even with his shades, I could tell he was surprised to see me looking at his drawing. He quickly covered it with his arm and I swear I could see the tint of a blush on his face. He glared at me through his glasses and I felt a hint of blush on my cheeks as well as I turned away. I guess he wasn't happy that I revealed he wasn't as tough and cold as everyone thought he was. I don't know why he hid behind that reputation, though. He seemed like he could be nice if he wanted to. The only other person anyone ever saw him with was a girl named Roxy who was drunk a lot. Even in glass. No one had ever seen parents for either of those kids. It was strange but everyone was too scared to approach either of them. After seeing that I decided I would approach and talk to them today at lunch. I might even convince Jane to come with me. The rest of the class went by without trouble. We left without saying anything or looking at each other again. I sat down at the table with Jane just like I always did with my lunch from home in my brown paper bag. I scanned the lunchroom and saw Dirk and Roxy sitting at a table in the corner. Roxy was visibly drunk and Dirk was drawing again. "Jake. Jake. English!" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Jane. "Oh! Sorry chap! Heads in the clouds today." "Why were you staring at those two?" "I sit next to the boy, Dirk, in physics and I got a pleasant surprise. He might not be as bad as everyone thinks." Jane gave me a questioning look. "Oh? How might that be?" "Well, I caught a glance at that notebook he carries everywhere." "Oh! What's in it?" "Drawings. Good drawings! Of anime stuff. A robot is what I saw." Jane thought for a moment. "Let me guess. You want to go make friends with them." "Well yeah. You know me Jane, I want to be friends with as many people as I can!" Jane giggles. "Ok. Ok. We can try. Let's go talk to them." My eyes lit up. Jane could be really stubborn so to get her to do something like this so easily was rare. We stood up and walked over to the table. We got a few looks from others but we kept going. Jane looked a little nervous, though. We sat down and Dirk looked up. When he saw it was me he scowled. Roxy was still smiling and didn't even seem to notice we were there. "What do you want?" "I saw your drawing in class earlier and wanted to say that it was an amazing drawing." Dirk raised an eyebrow. "Thanks I guess." "Dirky! Why don't ya show them some of your other things!" Roxy slurred as she spoke. Dirk shook his head. "I still don't see how you can be this drunk yet still pass." He mumbled. "Cause I'm a smart cookie!" Roxy giggled. Dirk shook his head again. "Your friend sure is eccentric isn't she!" "That's one way to put it." "I would like to see some of your drawings." Jane said. Dirk shrugged. "They're not that good..." "Nonsense! The one I saw looked great!" "Whatever." Dirk grumbled as he slid the notepad across the table. It was full of amazing sketches of characters, designs for robots, and equations for what seemed to be an artificial intelligence. "These look great! My grandmother has taught me a lot about robotics and I have to say this all seems almost flawless! Do you actually build any of this?" "Some of it..." I could see the light dusting of blush on his face. "I would love to see them!" Jane exclaimed. "Why don't we meet up sometime and Dirky can show you them cutie!" "Roxy!" Jane blushed a little. "That actually seems like a good idea!" Dirk frowned. "Fine." He wrote something on a blank piece of paper and ripped it out of the notebook. He handed it to me. "My address. I live in an apartment building." I nodded and put the note in my pocket. "When should we come over?" "Whenever you want. Doesn't make a difference to me." "Sounds good." Just then, kids started filing out of the lunchroom. Lunch was over and it was time to head to the next class. "See you later!" I said as I got up to leave. "Bye Jakey and Janey!" Roxy said. Dirk just waved as did Jane as we left. "Well that went well don't you think, Jane?" "Yeah." Jane seemed to be thinking about something but I shrugged it off. After school I went home and did my homework. I didn't have much so I finished pretty quickly. I decided to message Jane and see if she wanted to head over to Dirk's. "Hey, Jane? You on?" "Yeah. I'm here. What's up?" Jane responded after a short pause. "You want to head over to Dirk's?" "Sure. What's his address?" I pulled out the paper and saw that under the address was his and Roxy's pesterchum handles as well. "Hey! He gave Roxy and his pesterchum handles!" "Oh! Cool! What are they?" I shared the pesterchum handles with her and the address and we agreed to meet at his place soon. I decided to let him now we were coming. "Hey! It's Jake. Just letting you know that Jane and I are on our way!" "Sounds good. Roxy is here. See you soon." He seemed even more robotic and uncaring than before. "Is everything ok Dirk?" "Everything is fine." "Ok... See you soon!" I closed the chat. Something had seemed off but I shrugged it off. I got in my Jeep and drove to the address. When I got there, Jane was just pulling in as well. We said hello and walked in. We walked up to the door number Dirk had given us and knocked on the door. Dirk answered and I could see a slightly less drunk Roxy behind him. "Hey. Didn't expect you here already." I was confused. "But I sent you a message and you responded." "Dirky, did you leave that stupid AI of yours on again?" "I must've. Sorry. That's an AI I coded. It answers my messages for me using a formula that makes it almost exactly like me in its responses." "Oh! Fascinating!" I saw Dirk smirk. "I have a lot of other things like that." "Oh! Could you show us?" "Sure." We spent the rest of the evening looking at Dirk's robots. Eventually Roxy wanted to leave but was too drunk to drive so Jane agreed to take her home. That left just me and Dirk. "You are a great robot builder, programmer, and artist!" Dirk smiled. "Thanks. Jake?" "Yeah, Dirk?" "Thank you for being friends with me. Roxy and I tend to scare people off..." "No problem chap! It's always a blast making new friends!" "Friends. Yeah." There was something sad in his voice. "Something wrong?" "Jake... I don't want to ruin the friendship we just made but... Spending this time with you has made me fall in love with you. You're so friendly and kind and always happy. I just... I want to spend time with you all the time... I love you Jake..." This caught me by surprise but as I looked back at it I didn't know how I missed it before. I don't know how I missed my love for him. I cared for him. I cared for him more than a friend. I loved him. "I love you too Dirk... I care for you... You're so smart and it's obvious how much you care for Roxy. I want to spend time with you too. I love you." Dirk smiled and pulled off his shades. Two wonderful eyes stared back at me. I leaned in close and our lips connected in a kiss I would never forget. 

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