Hell oh! New town.

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I am at the window seat in an airplane that's maybe 3200km high from the ground . I am all restless I have been sitting here for 3 hrs and all the more I think about the new town it made me even more terrified

. 10 seconds after I fall asleep the airhostess tells that we are landing .we land we get to the gate I see a man about 5'4 ish he is shorter than me with a card saying Thad hamston . moving swiftly Robert!Thad speaks to him in Spanish which I am guessing hi how are you ,take the luggage to car please because after he finished talking Robert took our luggage to the car . He lead us to the car its was a white Benz AMG GT.

How rich is Thad ?I question my self . Thad looks at me asks me If I like the car I said yes! he asked me if I wanted one I said no its yours he laughed like oh you stupid girl.

After a while

.we are here says mom ,how do you know we are here I question have you been here before? She say yes ! She didn't even brother elaborating her answer .

I enter a fancy gate , I see a house with white painted walls and the roofs with I assume the color grey .with a garden at the back about 10 yards in length and 8 yards in breath which is pretty big! The house I lived was maybe twice the size of the garden so . I get a house tour form thad it is a house with 2 Floors with a pool table and a mini blowing ally on the terrace and a swimming poll.

I have never been in a house this big I exclaim,well there is more to see says Thad

There was a home theater , a gym and 5 bed rooms ( spacious, Enough for three people to stay) ding dong the bell rang and Thad. Went down to get the door I walked in to the bathroom,I held my breath with excitement it had an amazing shower a bath tub at least 3 feet away from the toilet . It was like I was living in my dream house . I start unpacking

i hear a knock on the door it was my mom. honey I need to run to the office you and Thad hangout okay and she rushes,then it strikes me maybe that's what she was going to tell me before I rudely interrupted her .

Thad enters the room hey Kido what are you up to , I shrug my shoulders saying nothing much ,okay than I have a surprise for you!

Really what is it I say with a smile he quickly closes my eyes and he walks me to the garage where I saw three cars . I had this really confused expression , Thad asks me if I like the cars .i love them I answers .good then he says and hands me a set of keys and ask me to open the car.

That make no sense . he knows his car and which key belongs to which car ! After what seemed to be like ages i figure out the keys belonged to a black suv model I hand him over the keys and he says its for you what will I do with the keys... ohh !wait what for me. thank you thank you i scream I and hug him .

Well he could have done it in a normal way too

So do you want to take me for a ride in your new car he asks .sure hop on in Thad . We had lunch at this restaurant called kats dinner. I dash into a girl on my way into the restaurant she had platinum blonde hair with a lot of make up and here heels were 5 inches tall !! For real's not exaggerating . How can she walk . It's the girl bumped in to while entering , The girl Rudely syas " bitch remove your head out of your ass and watch were your going!!"

Thad calls me to know what I want to order

I said yea dad coming !!

It took me a while to go to Thad cause the girl I bumped into thinks of me as a doorman .. I don't even know why I held the door open for her friends .

After I reached the counter and placed an order we take our seats he has this calm smile in his face .what I asked? you called me dad . I did I exclaimed .yes you surely did.that's when the food arrives. Giving me a chance to avoid the conversation for then . We went to most place around the town ,Thad took me shopping ,he told me he will drive to the last stop I gave him the keys okay Selena watch the route okay ,why! I question . You will under stand said Thad

I waited curiously and I see a board school zone go slowly .then I realize this will be my school

Ahh I groaned what's wrong honey its a great school it's dark you just can't see it clearly but tomorrow I will show you . It's one of the best schools around .fine at least lets just see it in the morning it self . I say in a very irritated tone

Okay honey ! We drove back home. I see my mom out in the cold ,Thad walks to my mom hey babe why are you out , I didn't have the keys so ...she was interrupted by Thad sorry babe! I will get two sets of keys one for you and one for Selena okay .they share a kiss. Ugh I walked to the door . They came in a second or two later . We ordered pizza for dinner .

It was only ten but I was forced to sleep.i lie on the bed, even though it was very comfortable

I couldn't sleep it was 11 o' clock . I go to the balcony I stare at the empty sky , I see a lader like thing leading down to the lawn not touching the ground but I risk it .

I am on my skate board on a empty street ,I hear loud music..A few blocks away from where i was . It was a party I thought i would sneak in and I did as I planned ,not that i have done it before but i wanted to give it a try. And my outfit was okay according to me . I walked in , as i walk in a random girl just walks towards to hug me ,while doing so she says hey!! thank you for coming to my party ... Hey Nat do you want to dance some guy asks . She asked me to stand where I was . I went a little more in I went to the kitchen there were a group of really good looking guys ,and this one guy caught my attention he was slightly tanned with a evenly toned body not soo hunky ,with emerald green eyes and not mention his perfect cheek bones ,he comes over and says hi !! I try not to blush I wave .like I am a kid or something ,someone shouts hey dean come on bro! No ladies tonight!! By then Nat grabs me hey there you are I was looking for you . I am Natalie hey Nat I am Selena .oh ; nice nam...tr.tr her phone starts to ring excuse me a sec! She walks to a place were she can get signal

I looked around i saw the rude girl pact that i bumped into at kat's dinner in my defense she dash in to me i am not the door man or her slave that she excepts me to hold the door let her and her minions walk and carry her stuff . I got bored Quickly. I walk towards the door hey ! It's not Nat I can tell by the manly voice it was dean!! . Damn it I said it loudly. He smirks .i said hello .so you know my name he ask with a grin on his face . Not that I stalk you or any thing I just heard your friends call you .before at ...heyy Selena girl stay with me; this party has no life!!! Nat pulls me away I was relieved by dean but who will save me from here .

Don't get me wrong she is really nice, very welcoming she is about 5.2 with grey shiny eyes and jet black hair with a red streak .which is fake I could tell because she didn't cover it properly . I guess she left my hand in a minute or two .i run for the door I take my skate board and start skate boarding my way through the empty street . I find a skating ring just a block away . It was open so i walked inside and was doing some stunts and messing around i could hear noises that made me scared .so i put music on my phone to distract me .after a few minutes i see some guys staring at me some with a smirk an some with a bigger smile . I got scared seeing dean my racing heart came back to its normal pace .i stop take my phone and leave .

No one said a word . I could here them dude she is too good to be a girl, she knows how to move says an other .ahhh what ever i still move swiftly .okay ! These guys are to judge mental and dumb. girls can do anything they think of they are not timid .

I slowly sneak into my room . i see Thad so worried i act like nothing ever happened. Don't act smart with me young lady you are grounded for 3 days. Ah !! What 3 days . I wont make it a four if just go to bed now .okay Thad good night . He switches of the light good night sweet heart.

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