Back to normal in no time ...

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It was three o clock I wake up . Because my phone had been ringing I don't know for how long .. Nat yells from the other side of the line god finally put the soul back in to your body you sleep like a dead person . Sorry natty I feel a sleep studying . So did you tell dean that val loves him. You shouldn't have done that .. Val tried something stupid and now she is at the hospital .... Wtf dean Is so dead he told her something I told him he can't hurt the girl he like god which hospital I am coming .. I here few giggles ... Val starts talking chill Selena ... I have to tell you something amazing me and dean are official. He posted a pic of me on insta a pretty one this time and captioned it .. "Hard to tell the love of your life . you love her" ... And then he called me and told me everything ahhhh I love him so much . But her tone got a little softer are youv okay .. She asked .. I told you I am not in to love and all the shit that happens after your in it. Then . Why do you sound like someone stamped out all the love from your heart . Because Nat I had a argument with my parents .. Oh they are back she asks .. Can you come home me ,val,nick,dean,jean and everyone is here nooo can't I have to study . Bye they scream . Around 6:30 I sneaked out to the garage so I could leave home with out any confrontations. So you won't use the car I gave you too .. Nothing like that Thad I like bike rides in the morning .. I say while turning around . Hmm don't you think 6:39 is a little to early to leave .. I have extra social service to do .. That's from next week Selena .. I just want to go ... He gave the helmet put it on and all the best for your test . I didn't put it so he takes it from my hand and puts it on , you can't avoid stuff every time you know . Yeah I say while starting my bike . I drive to the skateboarding ring .. It's was very peaceful . I opened my book and started studying .. Around 7:40 Nat calls hey Selena pick me up at my place yeah be there in 5 mins .. It's a 20 min drive from your place to my place isn't it . Good job Sherlock you figured I am not home than . I cut the call be fore she sad anything . I reach there to see Kaitlin wait for everyone to come and Nat with a bag full of donuts . While getting on to the back seat she hands me the bag and asks me to eat all of them . Nat do you want me to die because of sugar or even worse obesity .. You can eat them after we get to school .. Dude they are 8 large donuts . Ashton walks towards us hey won't you introduce me to your knew boyfriend. Baby remove your helmet she asks I nod saying no. She removes it and my hair falls out from a bun

That I put . Oh hey ..Ashton says you look nice with your hairs untied ... One more reason to hate my hairs being untied ..I drive to school have few donuts (3) . I finish my test and the classes preceding the test . It was lunch Nat, val jean, Ashton ,katlin, dean ,sid and her crew sat in the VIP lounge or the one room that Ashton and dean asked there Rich dads to make like the football ground and few other rooms . I sat alone jasmine from math ,Susan form drama,eddy from guitar and Jake from French joint me for lunch .. These people weren't geeks or weirdo. They very next on the popular hierarchy . Sid came and call me to the lounge and I said I was with them . Then Nat came hey come na it will be fun .. I can't ditch them nat try to understand . She storms of . School was over . I went to the ice cream parlor which was 8 km far away from home . I called my mom and told her I was having ice cream at "ice chills" it was an expensive place but yeah . I was walking in to the parlor with my face stuck to the phone . I see Nat , val ,Ashton ,sid ,dean having Ice cream .. With out me !! I wasn't hurt cus I just knew them for a couple if months . So I walk to counter order an "icy triple chocolate " with extras choco chips . Nat calls me hey we are at this place called " icy chills " the ice creams dam good can you come .. Or you want to stay with your new friends.. I am there too so I will come . I ask them to bring the order to the table they were sitting . I sat right next to Nat ..I say hi to every one dean thanks me for telling him . I whisper to Nat hey Nat I am sorry I know you felt bad that I did come when you asked me to but I didn't want to be the bitch who ditches. People to be popular. No one thinks that Nat replies. I did see the you tube comments of the vedio Kaitlin posted ..nat . Any way sorry Nat

she hugs me aww its okay sweetheart . Every. On the table looked at us . Nat smiles what .. The Guy gets me mt order it was huge so huge all of us could eat it . Ashton smile at me I am wonder how you going to finish it Selena . Sid : Wow u paid 50 dollars for an ice cream .. If you finish that you made die of sugar .. I wont I will take it home or I will sit here till morning and finish it and come to school .. They all start laughing . Nat says you know you can't avoid them forever right . Dean asks who ?? Her parents she had a fight with them ... Says Nat and val explained them everything else ..sid was like maybe she wanted to give you a better life .. She had a good job she earned enough to pay tuition fee for any college I chose, and if she thinks I need a ma and pa .. She should realize now I don't have both of them ... Nat takes my spoon to eat her ice cream .. Hey that's my spoon .. Please I want to finish mine before it melts .. Fine but you should help finish this .. Only than I will go all the way there and get a spoon .val was like get one for me ,dean said me too . So I get spoons more than needed . I can't believe such an expensive place has few waiters , we were sitting outside even though shouldn't they take care of there customer. I walk to my table and I sit .. I see 3 cupcakes bought to my table with a letter .. Written to the sweetest stranger u can meet . And the waiter just stands his phone rings and he hands it to me .. Hi Selena .. Hi... James .. Is it you James ?? God you made that sound soo British Selena ?? Soo why are these cupcakes on my table ... For you to eat he replies .. Where are you I ask .. At the same place with me friends he replies oh okay bye than .bye he says . So I ask the waiter did James pay for this . Everyone looked at me In a weird way sid giggles and says why you don't have enough money to pay if he doesn't .. I ignore him .. The waiter says no .. So here is my card I would like to pay for it .. Yeas mam I will get the swiping machine swiping machine Here okay mam.. He never comes back . So I go to the counter to pay it my self . I see James there .. And he was talking to the lady at the reception .. I give my card ask him to take 35$ for the cup cakes the man says sorry mam those are from the owner of this shop and I don't won't to be fired . My phone rings ,, hey Selena it was James .. Hey how did you get my no ... We meet while we were walking to table .. I introduce james to everyone they were not very keen on meeting him .. He leaves after the intro as his friend s were waiting . I sit to finish my ice cream there was nothing left ,not even the cupcakes...hey I have no food to eat now or have an excuse . My phone starts to ring hey ma .. He honey can you pick um something for dinner .. Um okay ma any specifics I ask Thad is craving sushi and noodles .. What about you ma I want something American okay I will get it bye .. Nat asks do you have to go now . Yeah I have to take dinner for them .. Sid is like can't they take home service .. Well they are smarter than you .. They are doing this so I can come home and not stay out late .. It was 6:50 .. So I have to leave byee they were coming behind us. Ashton asks if I paired the bill ?? Ya I reply . I look at my bike .just to see that its has a flat tire. Ashton notices too Selena we could take you where you want .. No you guys should go. Nat drags me into the car we stop at a Chinese restaurant .. Me Ashton and Nat ate dinner while the order was ready .. Then . We went to olive bistro . Nat and me had pasta over there . I did ask for the bills . Nat and Ashton after getting in to the car told me they own both the restaurants we walked in to and they took no money from the card I gave them and the bill was just to satisfy me .. What no what will I tell Thad .. Ashton looks at me tell him you paid it that's why I gave you the bills .. But he will know cause he wont get any message of the receipt.that's his card Nat exclaims. I am not a major yet so yeah .. Ashton giggles. How old are you . I am 17 okay .. So you will be a major this year won't you ?? He asks . no but I will be next year I answer . They drop me home and I give my parents the food and I freshen up and sleep.

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