I am never letting you go

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It was 11:45 .... I woke up listening to a thud Sound coming from the living g room
I grab a hair brush like that was going to help but .... Yeah.... I walked in to the living room as if it were a gun ....  I was about to throw the brush .... ow I heard someone scream .... well I tired to stop my self  from throwing the hairbrush .... but it just flew right out of my hand ....

Woman you need to stop hitting me .... aren says ... why didn't you go I ask ... oh I fell so loved right now ... he speaks with sarcasm in his tone .... I thought you left to... I ask .... well I did .... but this thing he said... showing my black dairy to  me ....  I ran to him Snatched the book form his hand ... he had a smirk on his face ... you read the whole thing didn't you now ... I say  folding my arms ...  his smiles grows bigger....

Yournt supposed to read a  girls dairy dufuoss I say kicking his but with my leg ....
Any way now serious talk he says sitting down...and pulling me on to his lap..
Hey your very beautiful and I was going or need to tell you this  .... I frown  you don't have to say stuff to make me fell better... huh ? He says ... well you read my dairy so you know my insecurities and secrets.... he kisses me on my cheek .... oh baby ... he says making circles on my back  with his fingers ... I only read the part before I came Into your life.... if you wanted to tell me you will tell me  .... you can tell me anything... I don't need to read it of a book he says.... hmmm you came up with that just now didn't you i ask ....
He smiles ... well I realized half way through reading he says with a smile ...

I hug him.... so where was I he asks .... um you for confessing your unifying
For me .... he smiles .... I did get to that part you baby doll... so um ... well
He tries to say somthing... I get up while you think of what you have to say I will go and get me food ... and you if you want ... he pulls me on to him ... never leave me like this again  ... what I was just going to get food.... I say ... he rolls his eyes ...
Fine sorry i say sitting  with my legs crossed facing him .... and even when we are fighting I want to know where are you are so you have to call  me .... I look at him wondering where is this going  .... these days that you ignored were like hell .... he says ... he was sad so I hug him ... hey i am,  sorry... I move a bit back to see his face

You now i really like you ... i love you .... it was hard for   me to admit ...because buzz his phone rings .... are you going to answer that ... he press decline ... continue confessing your undying  love for  me he says with a big smile .... um so your  hotter than Peter and sweet and the best thing that ever happened to me .... you made  feel  secure ... I hate to agree it but it's true ... ashton carmon ames I really love you .... how much he says ... I smile putting my finger on my chin .....  I don't know .... he smiles grew  even bigger ... umm my love for you is as big as the earth to the power infinity....
He starts laugh .... I shrug my shoulders .... he pulls me closer .... ,You eyes were looking into his ... I could fill his warm breath ....  after a long science .... I am hungry i say .... he smiles .... well you can have  me ... he says with a smirk ... I roll my eyes

I walk to the kitchen .... I finished making French toast and omelets.... all of a sudden I fell warmer and his hands tighten around my waist  and his chin on my shoulder ...
With a lot of effort I move  facing him .... I pass my fingers through his hairs .... there So soft .... so he says ... hmmm I say wrapping my hands around his neck ... he leans i in  he  leaned any closer  we would have a make out session.. he was so close to me .... which made it hard to resist ..... I never he had a birth mark near his left eye ... he quickly moves back and takes  a sandwich....  I wanted him to kiss  me so bad really bad .... your hungry right so  have a sandwich he says handing me a plate with omelet and sandwich... I thought I could taste you i say under , my breath but he could listen to it .... he smiles...  I take a bite quickly .... carp my stupid mouth has no filter .... he never really told me he loved  me back.... Maybe he doesn't need to okay I need to have a bath ..... I look at the clock it was 3:30 .... hey i am going to have a bath I say .... is this a subtle way of asking me to join he says with a smile ....

Nooo ... I say and walk up and calls my door.... after a long bath .... I change into a peach top with denim shoots .... I walked down to see no one .... did he go away cause he thought I was to much to handle I was worried ....Ashton i scream .... my phone buzz hey come out to the proche  there was a new car .... it was an back lamborgini ... what the hell ... my jaw dropped ... and he hugs me From the back ... like it he asks .... love it to ... but i already have a car which is only two years old ...so pretty , much new I say.... well this is your Christmas's gift he says .... I can't take it.. I say .... why he says with a frown .... because I have a car ... and a bike I don't need an other car ... well then it will be our car after we move in for collage he says with a smile .... um Ashton i ...I was planing on going to harvard .... and you .... good thing I got into harvard too he says with a smile ... but you applied to yale  and Princeton right I finish.... well your parents told me ... cause i asked ... and now we both can go to harvard ....  let's go for a drive he asks .... I open the door to see presents on the seat.... on every seat ..... Ashton carmon ames .... What's wrong with you .... well I thought .... he stammers ... carmon .... well babe see you know what I am not explaining I went to buy I gift for you ... and  I couldnt stop buying .... you just explained your self I pointed.... Yeah this how you be thankfully you realise...

Well ames ... I thank you not for all this presents ... but cause you .... he kisses me ....
I move my head back for breath .... this is want I meant by being thankfull he says ....
I kiss him .... after long time he pulls his head away .... and I didn't bother I lean in and kiss him .... easy there angel ...he says pulling  away ...  I hate you for ,making me fell this way.... I day with my eyes closed .... hey he says making circles on my cheek with his thumb finger .... I look into his eyes  I love you ,  I love you to the moons and starts .... and I am never letting you go .... ever again he says with a smile

We were back to school ... Ashton got a 4.7 GPA and I got 4.4 and Nat got 4.0 val got 4.0 .... it was the day of graduation... and aren was giving his speech as the valedictorian  and I gave mine as the class president ....

And we were at a party at my my place .... it all seemed to near perfection.... I don't what is a head of me but I hope what ever it is ash , val , Nat,  dean and me always satyr the best of friends....

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