Spring break was a rush

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It wasn't love .. It wasn't love ....it was aaa perfect illusion... My alarm rings I stop the alarm go back to sleep it was 5:15 i got up in the middle of my sleep because. Of a call.. a call from mrs Kiran ... Shit i am late ahhh i run to the wash room brush and change and reach school at 5:32 .. She asked me to be there sharp at 5:30 but what's two mins difference right . Your late miss drew. sorry ma'am I say in a soft tone.. go to the public library with Ashton and help clean there ... Ashton protests umm mrs kriran i don't want to go ... Your going with her and that's it .. He suggests we go by his car i say no lets go bye my bike .. Mrs Kiran catches us fighting .. You two are going by walk ... Walk i exclaim its only a half a mile form here she says . We walked to the library . The librarian gave us instructions. Of what to do she even told that she will provide us lunch. And snacks at 4 and we had to sign before. We leave . And we can only leave at five . We got on to the cleaning we finished 3 shelves which were at least 4 feet tall . It was 12:45 I was tried. at this point I was lying in The floor with all hopes lost and i started reading a book in between the shelves of history section . Ashton saw me lying one the floor he clicks a pic of me before he was going to lay down. Next to me .. Do you want to a pillow he asks. No I am reading not sleeping I reply .. Oh okay mrs kettle is waiting for you he say .. Okay I get up and we both have lunch together .. We got sandwiches,cookie and a juice box. Ashton says it's so quite.. It's like we are on a date just you and me .. He says with a wink . Yeah sure I say . Kaitlin comes to the library

She was in tears.. why do you want yo break up baby I love you please don't leave ... She pulls him to the side and starts making out with him .. Like seriously. She was sucking his face if she did it little longer she might have took his soul out like the queen from snow white and the hunts man except she wasn't kissing them . I go to interrupt them as mrs kettle was coming . She sees all three of us to gather .. Who is she? she asks Ashton. Selena's friend he says . Mrs kettle ... Mrs kettle I am mrs Kimmel not kettle god .knows what you are up to take that friend of yours and leave the library . I am sorry mrs Kimmel .. I am sorry . fine I have some work so till 7 o clock you stay here she commands ... Okay mrs Kimmel . I stayed there tilll 7 Nat helped out a bit I tell you a librarians job is not essay peaceful maybe not easy . It was Wednesday the day when my parents left for the Bahamas . I had the house all to my self till next weeks Saturday .. I left them at the air port cause I wanted too . And I directly went to school it was only 5 so I was there practicing base ball for the match on this Saturday .at 5:30 every one arrived . today we were assigned to clean . The public pool and after that the fish tanks in the aquaria . I was with Ashton yet again . We went bye his car to the pool . The water was freezing so the pool person said we had to come again in the night at nine to clean it . I was still mad at Ashton for yesterday . We finished cleaning by six Ashton being Ashton he put too much chlorine in the water so we had to do something they gave us this machine .. It was sharp at it edges . No one was there . So ash s. Started getting play full . We were done with pool and went to the aquaria , I cleaned 3 tanks and Ashton cleaned 3 . Ashton cleaned it faster I was taking a lot of pictures so yeah . We left to our houses .

It was five and I went to baseball practice . I went home made dinner . And reached to the pool they guy gave me the keys and asked me to lock it after done . It was 9:40 Ashton didn't show up . After i finished everything he comes saying sorry I forgot . So I ignored him and stared cleaning every thing . I was trying to remove the sharp edges machine .. Ashton takes it right from my hands and place down .. You know I told you sorry .. So what am I supposed to do .. You made me clean everything and yesterday .. Ashton .. I told you iam sorry can't we just move on ... Move on Ashton you No what i forgive you .. Now can we finish cleaning . No not untill you forgive me ... Ashton you don't have to care about what i think . He kept stepping closer and closer. And i kept moving back i felt the sharp machine near my legs i didn't know what to do so i jumped in to the pool. I wasn't going to do anything ... Ashton say and you were the one who kissed me first i come out of the water ...why did you keep coming closer and closer than ?? I ask oh cus i knew you would. Fall in to the pool if you moved back when kept closer i have a recording you want see and you just did even better you jumped into the kids pool .. Start walking away from him just till i realize that the pool turned red what the . Ashton the pool turned red ...he looks at me are you having your PE...... Nooo okay .. Omg Ashton says your bleeding from your leg i am i say he takes the first aid kit from one of the cabinet in the office . He cleans the blood and puts a band aid . He asks me to sit he finished cleaning the pool. I walk to my bike .oh sure with a hurt on your leg you want to drive a bike .. Ashton its a small hurt ... Really your leg is throbbing.. .its fine .. I start my bike, Ashton takes the keys ..in my car now Selena he says i said no Ashton i am cold and hungry i want to go home and now give me the key .. He drags me to the car makes me sit and puts my seat belt . I love my bike i can't just leave it there ... We can get it in the morning .. Ashton what if my leg still not fine .. He replies we can get a tow truck.. Rich people are so stupid i murmur to my self we slow down at a restaurant. .. You want to eat here or take out.. No i made dinner so i want to go home and eat .. We drive to my house. I get in just as i was about to lock the door Selena Ashton screams you forgot to take your phone . He comes inside to give me the phone ... He was leaving.... the good side of wants to ask him to stay for dinner the bad side wishes his car broke down in the middle of no where and he starved.. Hey Ashton do you want to have white sauce pasta , some pizza and brownie for dessert . He thinks ... Okay .. If you can promise me i will be in a perfectly normal state after eating ... Well that's one thing I can't .. I put the plates he didn't eat so much .. If you don't get offended can u ask you something .. Hmm what ... You were going to have all of this food all bye your self ... I was before I asked you .. Oh I will have the left overs for breakfast and maybe lunch .....he laughs .... Why would you want to do that.. Well when you are a lazy person .... You will find ways of getting out of work .. He was about to clean his plate heyy you didn't have the brownie .. No I am full .. God Ashton you eat like a girl on diet .. He smiles you aren't going to let go are you .. No at least half a slice .. Hmm its good .. He takes another slice . You are an amazing chef he says . It was 12:45 ... Wow that's this the longest dinner I had ... Really 2 hrs is long for you .... I mean I enjoyed talking to you but you have to leave I have to sleep .. So I can function. Normally tomorrow. Well okay bye selena .. He leave . It's was 5:30 i woke up because the door bell rang . I run to the Door Ashton pulls me out the Door come lets go he says ..ha what are you even doing here .. Waiting i am dreaming .. I pinch my self ouch ..I didn't brush , bath comb my hair or take the brownies I made for all of us ... Give me the keys I take the keys he goes to the kitchen put the brownies in a box .i finished brushing my teeth .. He walk in to my room .. While I was washing my face ... We have to go its 5:48 come .. He drags me out with my face still wet .. He makes me sit in the car . He drove the car so fast that we reached school in 4 mins ... Mrs Kiran was waiting . How is you leg miss drew .mrs Kiran asks . Fine I say today you are going to an orphanage ..we sat in the car Ashton handed me a fruit salad and a mixed fruit smoothie . He ask me to eat .. Why its only 6. I don't eat breakfast this early ..well it will take a while to get to the orphanage. So eat . I finished it with out talking .we reached the orphanage .. There were 12 kids .. I had a lot of fun so did Ashton I gave all of them brownies .it was 7 at night we all decide to meet at ice chills we go there to see everyone there even mrs Kiran today was the last day of your social service for extra credit ... So lets celebrate I was there for half an hour or so I get a cab and leave . I went to the pool to pick my bike .. I start my motorbike and rise the engine I see Ashton to the right side .. Hey what are you doing here ... I told you not to drive your motor bike ... I am sorry I can leave my baby alone . I leave on my bike Ashton came home after an hour or two I am not sure if he had dinner .. Hey I thought you might like some spaghetti. Ya come on in I say .. He follows me to kitchen we were eating and taking about what we wanted to be like a few years from now and our dislikes every thing .. we talked for a whole night I don't know . I fell a sleep .. I wake up in the morning to see he is gone .gone without saying bye ... After the deep and meaning full conversation we had ... I thought that only happens after a one night stand .

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