Chapter Six: Trouble Maker

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Zelda never slept in. In fact she didn't know what it meant to "sleep in". So of course the next morning after her monthly meeting with the council of her advisors, she was up at the crack of dawn planning her coronation. Auru helped her plan the date of the coronation and about everything else.

Zelda and Auru decided that a suitable date for her coronation would be the first anniversary of the ending of the Twilight Invasion, two weeks from then. But that also meant they had lots of work to do before then, therefore they better get a move on.

On the other hand, Lord Daltos has practically pulling out his hair in frustration. He was power hungry, just a little less power hungry than Ganondorf. Lord Daltos always thought that Zelda making Link the General of the Hylian Army was foolish. He was not really a "fan" of both the Princess and her General. Even if Link was a hero, Daltos didn't like him one bit. To make matters worse he became even more bitter towards Link for his closeness to Zelda. Daltos was opposed for a "peasant" becoming a King.

Lord Daltos stormed down the castle with a murderous glare on his face. He wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into someone, causing Daltos to crash to the floor.

"I'm terribly sorry," The man he bumped into exclaimed and extended his hand to help Daltos up off the ground.

Daltos looked up to see who the owner of the hand was. None other than Link kindly smiled down at him extending his hand. Reluctantly Daltos let Link help him up.

"Thank you, General Link," Daltos smiled through clenched teeth.

Link shook smiled, "No problem. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going--"

"Was it true that you saved Hyrule single handedly," Daltos asked with false excitement.

Link shook his head, "I had the help of a friend and Princess Zelda helped a lot too. I couldn't make it with out her."

As Link and Daltos made small talk, Daltos formed a plan of attack. To get to Zelda, he had to get to Link. I'm a genius, Daltos thought triumphantly.

"Oh, Link, I forgot to tell you," Daltos smiled an authentic smile now. "Have you heard that Her Grace, Princess Zelda, decided it was time for her to wed."

Link had a shocked look on his face, "What?!"

"Suitors," Daltos explained.

"I thought Princess Zelda didn't approve of suitors..."

"Well, she's doing what's best for her Kingdom. She may not like it, but it's for the best," Daltos shrugged. "Long live our kind hearted princess, sacrificing her happiness for Hyrule's own good."

Link looked like he had been kicked in the stomach, "Are you sure?"

Daltos smiled, "Positively sure! We're you on your way to see Her Highness?"

Link turned the opposite direction and started to walk away, "Not anymore."

Lord Daltos watched as Link dragged himself down the hallway. I'm a trouble maker, aren't I, he thought with a smug smile.

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