Chapter 1 - My real nightmare

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I stood in the dark gloomy cave, shivering from the cold. Where am I, I thought as I squinted ahead with little success. The dripping of water caught my attention and I took a step forward towards the source.

" Hello, anyone here", I called. My ocean green and blue eyes glanced around at the stalites and stalmites that surrounded me. I hadn't noticed I was walking forward as I spoke as if my feet had a mind of its own. I continued to walk forward until I entered a clear large cavern.

" Who are you ", I asked as my eyes fell upon a hooded figure. Black eyes peaked out from under the hood and I swear they were smiling.

" Your worst nightmare", the figure hissed and he sent, the figure was definitely a male, jets of hot red fire right at my face.

I woke up sweating, my sheets tangled around me. I could still feel the heat from the flames as I tried to catch my breath. Just a nightmare, I thought trying to calm my racing heart. I glanced at my alarm clock and groaned. Six! I was hoping on having one more hour before I had to get ready.

Shit, it's today, I thought jumping up from my bed. Today was the day I started my new school and I was terrified. What happens if they don't like me, will they make fun of me? They probably will with my abilities or lack of. I gulped at facing the possibility of all my talented classmates while I showed nothing special.

My parents insisted that I attend, even though my powers hadn't shown it didn't mean they weren't there deep inside me. Yeah very deep inside me, I thought glumly. It wasn't fair, I should have some ability, the rest of my family did. Both my parents could shape shift into both animals and people, my younger sister could control nature and even my little baby brother could talk to animals and summon objects to him.

While I Jennifer Ashton the eldest had shown no special ability or power. None, nada, zip! I sighed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I was the odd one out, my parents were considered the best shape shifters and talentos this past century and their first born had shown no powers. I sighed and picked up my outfit I layed out the previous day.

At least we all have the same classes with the exception of specialist class where you're classed according to your ability. Shape shifters together, flyers together, fire weilders together, you get the idea. I shivered thinking back to my dream with that strange man throwing fire at me. How cliche that his line was your worst nightmare, really I thought shaking my head.

I sighed and pulled my green shirt on and my jeans on as well. I brushed my long honey brown hair and applied minimal makeup. I could hear my mum in the kitchen so I grabbed my bag and hurried downstairs for breakfast.

"I want cookies, I want cookies", screamed my two year old brother as he slammed his spoon down onto his high chair spilling his cereal.

" No sweetie, cookies for morning tea later on", my mother smiled as she cooked breakfast. My mother saw me and offered me a sweet smile. "Hey sweetie are you ready for your first day", smiled my mother in her musical voice. My mother was stunning with shiny golden blonde hair and blue eyes. She was tall, tan and fit for a middle aged woman.

" Mhm", I mumbled grabbing some toast and juice for breakfast and digging in.

"Ha yeah, what will they make of a powerless freak like you", smirked Jasmine flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder. My slightly younger sister would be going to Talentos high next year and she would have no trouble fitting in.

I poked my tongue out at my sister childishly as I ate. "That's enough Jaz, your sister is not powerless, she's just a late bloomer, that's all",said my mum offering me an encouraging smile. I smiled back reluctantly and dug into my breakfast. A knock on the door sounded as I finished my juice. My mum went to answer it and I heard her musical voice from here. "Lilly, hello dear, are you ready for your first day", said my mother happily.

"Yes Mrs Ashton, is Jen ready", I heard Lilly say. I placed my dishes in the sink and rushed to the front door.

"Bye Mum, see you later", I called as I pulled Lilly away.

" Have a good day Jen", called my mum as we turned the corner.

"Geez Jen, slow down", grumbled Lilly halting to a stop.

"Sorry, I didn't want my sister to have a go at me for being powerless", I grumbled stopping too. Lilly smiled a bright white smile at me. Her smile was as bright as snow. Her whole appearance reminded me of snow sometimes. She had white blonde hair and icy blue eyes. She was tall and pale and Lilly always wore something white. Today she wore a white shirt and jeans and her snowflake necklace.

" It will be fine Jen, don't worry about it", Lilly smiled as she waved her hand. A single beautiful snowflake appeared and landed on her outstretched hand.

" Yeah but you have a power and I do not", I mumbled as we walked along. We reached the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. When it did the bus driver winked at me before shutting the door.

" Hey Sam", I smiled when I spotted a boy with sandy brown hair, brown eyes and large glasses. " Sup, you ready", he asked shifting around nervously. Sam had the power to control and manipulate shadows which was pretty unique if you ask me.

"Yeah, ready to get humiliated", I muttered rolling my eyes.

" She's worried because you know, she doesn't know what power she has", whispered Lilly as they sat down.

" Shut up, don't need the whole bus knowing", I grumbled as we settled down. The bus trundled along and I watched the surroundings blur by. "Wait where are we going, we're going to hit that tree", I yelled as someone else screamed. We zoomed closer and I closed my eyes readying for the impact.

When it didn't come I opened my eyes and gasped. A massive building stood before us and a huge clearing and a lake and then the forest. Vines snaked up along the building being controlled by a few nature weilders. "Welcome to Talentos freshmen", yelled the bus driver as we gazed around in awe.

" Oh look someone who can control electricity", a girl shouted and we all turned to watch a boy shoot electricity at targets and saw them explode before going back to normal.

" Wow, this place is amazing, must be under a cloaking device", said Sam his eyes wide. I watched dully at all the amazing powers before me and sighed. Yeah I'm so going to fit in, I thought sarcastically.


Well, here is another story which is a little different from Aiming Straight, Aiming True and Alex's and Julia's story. Tell me what you think of it?

Cheers Jordan.

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