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Lance keeps a careful eye on Jeremy.  Jim is there to help, he's not sure that he can do it without Jim's help tonight. But so far Jeremy is doing better than any of them had dared hope for.

"Jeremy, your powers didn't just increase for the nearly two centuries you denied them, it's like they increased exponentially." Indeed, instead of two centuries, it's more like two millennia. Making Jeremy go from a weak demon to one of the strongest demons. He'd even give the demon King a run for his throne if he'd wanted it. But Jeremy said he didn't want to embrace the dark part of being a demon, so that's what Lance and Jim are doing by his side.

"I am too strong Lance, it scares me. I don't understand how to deal with these powers. How am I not going to hurt people?" Jeremy says with almost the same innocence he'd had before.

"Jeremy, no matter how much you might hate that part of you, you will hurt people because you are a demon and that's what demons do. What we're going to do is help you relearn how to control yourself and help you to learn how to control your new powers." Lance says gently and Jeremy nods with tears in his eyes. 

Lance just wonders if he's being played though. Jeremy is recovering far more quickly than he'd expected him to, but still not enough for him to call his slaves back.

They go to the club and Jeremy's new aura attracts many of the patrons. Jeremy has no difficulty obtaining prey. Lance and Jim stand by to make sure that he doesn't take too much. Lance has to stop him a couple of times. And that actually reassures Lance a bit.

"Lance, this isn't enough. I'm craving a soul," Jeremy says pulling Lance to the side. He's scared and it shows. Not the fact that he's craving the soul, all demons do. But the fact of how strong the craving is. And damn if there wasn't over two hundred humans, and others just waiting to be eaten.

Lance wastes no time taking Jeremy out of the club. Jeremy willingly follows Lance and Jim brings up the rear.

Even as they leave the club they hear the screech of brakes and the clash of metal, not of one or two vehicles but of several and at least one of which is a heavy duty engine. The three look at each other then take off to find the location of the accident.

 What the three find makes them all go wide eyed. A garbage truck had rammed into a bus which had somehow landed on top of a second bus. And although none of the buses were filled to capacity they could smell the blood and death from there.

"Just the dead or near dead Jeremy, remember," Lance cautions, but Jeremy is already gone. The other two follow in his wake.

"Enough Jeremy, if you take anymore you'll be sick," Lance says but Jeremy isn't listening. He's listening to the call of a crying baby. He climbs through the wreckage seeking the child.

The mother is dead and Jeremy closes her dead eyes as he gently takes the child into his arms. Lance is holding out his arms to take the child and Jeremy reluctantly raises the baby up. Lance cradles the baby until Jeremy comes back out, then Jeremy takes the baby back into his own arms.

Jeremy crawls off the wrecked bus and EMT workers take the child from him to make sure that she is okay. A police officer comes up to him, "The parents of the child?"

"She was being held by a dead woman. I took her bag so you could possibly find a family member. But officer, this is my information, if you are unable to find family I will take the child and raise her." Jeremy says and the other two demons stare at him in shock which they quickly mask when the officer looks back up after writing down some information.

"You will have to go through a certification process before the child will be allowed in your care. This is the number to call to find out more about the process. The foster system is always short of good homes, so even if this little lady finds her way home, we would love to have you certify to take in other children. That is if you are interested." The officer hands Jeremy the page he'd ripped from his notebook. Jeremy clutches the paper in his hand.

"Jeremy, I think it's time that we returned to the house," Lance says tentatively. This isn't something he's ever seen before and he's not sure how to deal with it.

"Yes, you think you're going to have to fulfill your promise to me now, don't you?" Jeremy says and allows the other two to direct him to where it's safe to portal back to his home.

"I honestly don't know what to think Jeremy. Tell me what's going on?" Lance says as they walk out of the portal and to the door of the house. They find Rosa sitting there waiting for them.

Jeremy stops short and the other two give the witch dagger looks. Neither one likes how she's treated Jeremy.

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