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"Lance," Jeremy calls the next day barely holding back his emotions.

"Jeremy what is it?" Lance asks alarmed and concerned.

"Can you and Leann come over? You can bring Roger if you need to, I just don't want to be alone right now and all my slaves are at work." Jeremy says and he lets out a little sob.

"I at least will be right over, I'll see if Leann can come as well," Lance assures him. He remembers that today was the interview with child services about Jeremy becoming a foster parent.

He talks to Leann and she gets Roger ready and Lance calls Jim and asks him to come as well. Then he and Leann and Roger portal to Jeremy's house.

When Roger sees Jeremy he practically throws himself out of Lance's arms to get to Jeremy. Jeremy uncharacteristically accepts Roger and holds him to him tight.

This action causes Lance and Leann to exchange glances which is interrupted by Jim and Verruca coming in. Jeremy had Leann change the wards to allow those four entrance whenever. He rather likes the idea of having friends feeling comfortable enough to do that.

"Jeremy, what's wrong?" Leann asks gently going up to the young demon and giving him a hug.

"I just got done with my interview to become a foster parent. She said that since I'm single that I'm not an ideal candidate and having my slaves here makes it even worse." Jeremy says talking into Roger's soft body. Roger for his part is also being uncharacteristic by holding still and allowing Jeremy to hold him like that.

"So they denied you?" Leann says hurting for the man at her side.

"I think she was going to, but when she found out three of my slaves are nurses and the fourth is a police officer things changed. When she found out one of them, Lena, is also pregnant," Jeremy lifts up his face, "she okayed it. She said that since the baby hadn't been placed yet, that she can come to me. She says that I'll have to get the baby things before they can release her to me. And the best part, they don't have a name for the baby, so she said that I could name her."

There is shocked silence in the room as the demons and witches absorb just what Jeremy is saying. Leann is the first to recover. She gives a little squeal and gives him a huge hug smashing Roger into Jeremy in the process but neither caring.

"I thought you were upset because you were denied, you played me good Jeremy," Lance says smiling. "Congratulations man."

"Yeah, congratulations man, I never thought I'd see the day when a demon becomes a parent to a human baby." Jim says smiling widely for his friend and giving him a friendly back slap.

Verruca goes up to him and hugs him, "So what are you going to name her?"

"Uh, well, that's a part I need help with. Also, I'll need help with learning how to care for a baby. My slaves will help of course, but.." Jeremy looks down blushing, "I want to do as much as possible. I'm hoping one day they'll let me adopt her." 

Jeremy now looks down and glowers, "The lady said it would be a real possibility that she will be adopted by someone else. I asked her about it and she said I wasn't a good candidate for adoption because of my single status and baby's are in high demand by couples. But since the child is of mixed race she is less likely to be adopted immediately."

Silence once more greets this news. Verruca is the one to end it this time, "Well, no need to be down about something that hasn't happened yet. Let's focus on the positive and work on what needs to be done. First things first,  a name, every child needs a name."

Lance and Leann look over to Roger before Lance looks to Jeremy, "Roger likes Tenesa."

"Tenesa? I haven't heard that one before. Does it have a meaning?" Jeremy asks confused along with the others in the room.

Leann answers this time, "He says it means Rose." Leann smiles softly, she likes the name.

"It fits her, for a human child she is beautiful like a rose," Jim says softly which brings everyone's attention to him. "What? Just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I can't appreciate beauty when I see it."

"Yeah, right. Jeremy what do you think? You are the one that will be naming her," Verruca says.

Jeremy smiles, "It's a lovely name, thank you Roger. Humans have a last name too."

Lance smiles this time, "That answer is obvious Jeremy, Ganeni. Tenesa Ganeni, yes that's the name."

Jeremy smiles as well, yes it certainly fits. Rose Demon, his little joke on the world. Of course if she is adopted by humans than they'll be changing the name to something else, but for now it's good. "Very well, we've figured out a name, thank you. I have no idea what a baby needs so any help you can give me there will be appreciated."

"We'll take you shopping after you decide which room you want done as  nursery," Leann assures him.

"I've already chosen the one I want for Tenesa. Lena has picked another one out for her child."

Leann, Jim and Verruca look at him in varying degrees of shock. Jeremy looks back at them in confusion, "What? Lance didn't you tell any of them that Lena was keeping her baby?"

"Yes, but I might have forgotten to mention that you were keeping Lena as well." Lance blushes as Leann gives him a hard stare.

"I don't know," Verruca says thoughtfully, "demons tend to be very territorial and protective of their possessions it might work out.

All three demons are staring at her hard and Verruca is startled, "Oh, was I speaking out loud again?" At their nods she colors up a deep red, "Sorry, I was just thinking, babies are not the easiest creatures to deal with. At times they are the most delightful things on Earth and other times they are worse than the worst demons in hell. Human babies are especially fragile, but, I think that if the child comes under his protective instincts she will be fine. I'm more worried about Lena's child. But you consider Lena your's though don't you?"

Jeremy nods. All his slaves are his. He's the only one allowed to hurt them.

"Well then her child is likely to come under his protective instinct. If he is even half so adamant in Lena's child as he is Tenesa, I think both children should be okay in his care. But we will need to strengthen the wards surrounding the house. His slaves are bad enough, but if his enemies find out he's taken in two innocents they'll go after them."

At those words Roger decides to interfere. He sets a spell around the house. A second set of wardings that are a mixture of witch and demon. It allows for the human slaves and those in the room at that moment. Once Tenesa joins them she too will be recognized and allowed to enter the house freely. But no demon or witch alone will be able to break the warding.

"You, Roger are one terrifying child, thank you," Jeremy says giving Roger another gentle hug.

"He says thank you. He also says Tenesa is supposed to be a part of this life, your life and to not worry about anyone taking her away." Leann say in fascinated tones while watching her son.

"You should have Lena and Zee show you how to take care of a baby, they have to demonstrate basics to new mothers before the mother is allowed to take the child home." Jim says reentering the conversation.

Once more everyone looks at Jim, but he doesn't notice since he's looking out a window.

"How do you know so much about that Jim?" Jeremy asks what everyone is thinking.

"I've had nurses as partners on more than one occasion. Some of those nurses really like to party.  Some of them complained since some females just couldn't seem to grasp a simple concept like diaper changing or bathing.

"Jeremy," Jim's demeanor suddenly changes and becomes tense. "Are you expecting any further company?"

"No, why?"

"Somebody just turned into your drive."

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