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"Well I guess that just about does it," the older officer says. 

"Can I get you officers anything to drink or eat? There's some cookies and I have a wide range of teas or sodas, or of course water?" Jeremy asks his face showing how hopeful they'll be in accepting his hospitality. "I should have offered before, I'm always told that my manners are lacking. I apologize," Jeremy says biting his lower lip.

Lance looks at the younger officer sharply, there had been a decided leap of attraction on his part when Jeremy did that. That officer wants Jeremy.

"If I could get a glass of water that would be great." The older officer says and nudges the younger one.

"Oh, no thanks. Once I'm off shift I'll be heading out," he smiles.

"Oh, you must have something fun planned then," Jeremy isn't oblivious to the looks and response the officer is giving towards him. "I shouldn't keep you any longer then. I'll be right back with your water officer."

Just then Roger starts fussing and Leann excuses herself, "My son has need of a diaper change if you would excuse me?" She stands up and exits the room trying to get her son to quiet down. She makes a hasty trip to the kitchen.

"They had been enspelled, but it's taken care of now. Your answers were brilliant by the way, if I didn't know better, anyway that younger one wants you."

"I know. What do you think Leann should I take on a fifth?"

"You don't like guys remember, but it might be helpful to have another officer helping you. But you wouldn't be able to have him live here with you. That would make things too suspicious."

"You're right. We'll see where this night leads then," Jeremy says smiling.

"Here you go," Jeremy says handing the officer a glass and a cold bottle of water.

"Thank you. If you don't mind I'll just take the bottle with me and go so I can get the reports written up and start my weekend." The officer says taking the proffered bottle of water but declining the glass.

"As you wish. I hope you have a good weekend sir," Jeremy says as he walks with both of them to the door.

The officer waves his hand to acknowledge the well wishing and hurries to his car. The younger officer stays next to Jeremy. "Did I offend him somehow?" Jeremy asks watching the officer get in his car and drive away.

"Nah, he just has a date tonight and he's excited. He asked me for some ideas, but he didn't like the idea of taking her to the club. That's what I'll be doing tonight." The officer hints hoping Jeremy will pick up on it.

Jeremy smiles, "Yes, the club seems to be for someone younger. I've been there occasionally." Jeremy scrunches his face up in dislike, "I usually have to push my way through crowds of girls just so I can get to the dance floor. I haven't been for awhile."

"You should come tonight and hang with me. I'll even buy you a drink," the officer says affably.

Jeremy puts on a confused face, and it's no act, "But you were questioning me, doesn't that mean I'm a suspect or person of interest or something? Wouldn't you get in trouble for spending time with me?"

The officer looks him up and down, "We just had some questions for the only witness we have connected to this case and have access to. We can't find Ms. Cruz to further question her. We have no reason to suspect that you had anything to do with the death of the frat boys or the subsequent fire. So there is no conflict of interest and I won't get in trouble."

Jeremy pretends to think it over and nods slowly, "Let me talk to Shawn, if he agrees with you then I think I'd like to get out for some fun." Jeremy gives the officer a sly look when he says that and there is a definite rise in attraction for the officer. "I really wouldn't want to get you into trouble."

"That's sweet of you, but I assure you that I won't get into trouble," the officer presses before leaving. "I'll head to the club about seven. It takes forever queuing."

"Okay, well if I don't come I hope you have a fun time tonight." Jeremy says to the officer who then turns and leaves. Jeremy stays to make sure the officer does indeed leave before returning to the living room.

"Shawn!" He calls before shutting the door. He sighs and faces the other people in the room. "I fucked up didn't I Lance?"

Lance shrugs unconcernedly, "It's no biggie, someone is messing with this though, and that could cause problems. They could expose the existence of the others."

"Master?" Shawn says opening the door.

"That younger officer, was fucking hitting on me. What's his name?" Shawn stares gaping at Jeremy.

"He was? His name is Officer O'Bryant. But he's known for being as straight as an arrow. He's not allowed to deal with anything that touches on homosexuals because he's so hard on them. Did you seduce him master?" Shawn has no doubt that Jeremy could seduce the hard ass officer. After all he'd done it to him more times than he cares to remember. Just thinking about it makes him react.

"I didn't do anything." Jeremy says lost in thought. "Would he get in trouble if he were seen hanging out socially with me? He wants me to go clubbing with him." Jeremy still has the clothes Lance gave him for that very thing.

"Not if he's cleared you. But, I really don't understand master," Shawn is very lost and confused with this turn of events.

"I don't understand either, but it might do us some good to have another policeman as my slave."

Shawn actually smiles at that, "You would take the most homophobic man on the force and make him your slave master? That would be great to see."

"Jeremy, hate to burst your bubble, but there is interference of the other kind in this case. Are you sure taking another slave is wise?" Lance cautions.

"He won't be living here. So he won't have the same duties as my other pets, but I think he might prove useful. Unless one of you tells me differently.

"Leann, could it be possible that he is under the influence of another demon? This is truly out of character for him." As much as Shawn likes the idea of having a fellow slave on the force he can't ignore the warning signs. 

"Should Jeremy take that officer as his slave his claim would invalidate the previous one. The only demons stronger are standing here and the King. The King wouldn't take a male and these two wouldn't do that to Jeremy." Leann says and shrugs as she turns her attention back to her son.

"But the slave has valid fears for his master. We'll be going clubbing tonight as well Leann. Jim, Verruca you are also welcome." Lance says making a decision, he doesn't like this either.

Leann looks at her son before turning her attention to Jeremy, "Roger says to not take the officer to bed. You'll be too vulnerable, if you are going to take him let him service you."

Jeremy smiles at them both, "I hadn't planned on doing anything other. My other slaves should be home soon. We can leave Roger in their care if Jim and Verruca will be joining us."

Jim and Verruca nod. "We'll go get ready. This way Lance and I can feed as well. And we haven't taken our ladies out for some time."

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