Chapter 6

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(Violet's Pov;)

The days went by quick, life was changing. My body was slowly giving up. I hadn't ate in so long.

Shawn was still the muscular boy everyone knew. More people were worried about his disappearance than mine, and they thought he was kidnapped too.

We didn't have a place to stay, we just slept on blankets, on the ground. It wasn't that cold, but it was very painful.

Shawn had said before that we were going to his friends house. I don't know why but Shawn acted as if he was nervous.

We had walked for a while until he stopped at a gas station. Shawn pulled out a handful of money.

"Ok, so I am going to go in and get something. Are you hungry?" Shawn asks. I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously." I was very hungry. I looked anorexic. Before this I weighed atleast 120 pounds. Now I look like I weighed 70 pounds.

As he walked in, I stayed outside and paced back and forth. "Excuse me miss." I hear an old lady call. I turn around, and her eyes widen.

"Are you the girl off of the news?" She asks. I panicked. I had no idea what to say. I just stayed silent and finally, Shawn came out.

Once he saw the lady, he directed me to meet him over where he was standing.

"I'm sorry, I gotta go." I say quickly before running to Shawn. She just turned around with a confused expression written across her face.

Then she finally shook her head and began to walk back to her car.

"I called Cam- Uh my friend, and he said he would meet us here." Shawn stutters. Why did he say cam?

I shook it off and nodded. He handed me what looked like a sausage biscuit and a cold water. I thanked him and began to eat.

After we were done, a red truck pulled up and Shawn quickly got up. "Whatever you do, don't say a word." He whispers in my ear, as he opens the door.

"This is Violet." Shawn says. The guy devilishly smiles, making me shiver. "She's a beauty Shawn." He says. "Yeah." Shawn looks back at me and smiles.

The guy started whispering something to Shawn. Then Shawn looked back at me.

All of a sudden, he slams on the breaks, causing my head to fly forward and hit the seat in front of me very harshly.

My vision started to get blurry and the voices were fading out.

The last thing I saw was Shawn holding a brown clothed bag, before everything seemed to disappear.

Kidnapped (Shawn Mendes)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now