Chapter 32 (EPILOGUE)

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"Shawn!! My water just broke!!" I yelled. Here we go, baby number 3&4. About 3 years ago, I had my second child, Natalie.

Now, I was having twins. Yay! This is going to hurt. Shawn came running through the door, with the most frightened face.

He helped me off the bed, and got everything ready for the hospital. Aaliyah and Ethan got married last year, and both live next door, and we couldn't take our children with us to the hospital. Shawn called her, and they literally ran over here in a few seconds.

Shawn grabbed the bag we prepared, and helped me in the Jeep. Yes, the Jeep from so many years ago. I was screaming in pain, as he drove down the road.

It may not be my first time giving birth, but it hurts more each time. But honestly, it's all worth it.

We arrived in at least 5 morning minutes, and Shawn rushed us in the hospital. They immediately laid me on a bed thing, and took me back to the room.

Well, let's do this!


"What should we name them?" Shawn asked looking in my eyes, and I smiled. We were both crying, as I held the girl, and he held the boy.

"Dylan." Shawn smiled down at our son. I nodded. "Daisy." I looked down at her precious eyes, and they reminded me of a daisy. Beautiful and pure.

"I'm so proud of you. I have the best family." Shawn smiled at me, and another tear rolled down my cheek. I laughed.

"I love you so much, Mendes." I told him. After a few hours of many people visiting us, it was dark. They had to keep me overnight, to make sure the babies and I were okay. Shawn said he wouldn't leave me, and he would call Aaliyah and ask her to stay overnight at our house.

I have the best husband ever!!!!!

Finally, after everything settled down, I felt my eyes getting heavy.

Today was one of the best days of my life. I brought two beautiful babies into this world.

************NEXT MORNING**********

"Violet, wake up!" Shawn called, and I opened my eyes to see him standing above me, holding daisy.

I awed at the sight. "Where's Dylan?" I asked. "He pointed to the corner, where Aaliyah held him, with Ethan sitting next to her.

She smiled at me, with tears in her eyes. "They're beautiful sis." She sniffled, and smiled.

The doctors soon let me go home. Shawn drove us home, and we laid our twins in their cribs, and made sure they were okay.

Natalie came running up to me, and I picked her up. "Hi momma!" She hugged me, and I laughed. "I missed you." I told her, and she nodded.

"I want to meet my new sissy and bubby!" She yelled, and I shushed her. "They are sleeping right now, but I promise you can later." I told her, and set her down to play.

I found Shawn making food, and stood beside him. He embraced me in a hug, and rested his chin on my head. He smiled down at me.

What has happened recently in my life has really got me thinking.

I have a beautiful family, a wonderful husband, and a great home.

I have a perfect life.

But even though my past was not so good, it makes me realize something.

Your past makes you who you are today.

And none of this would have happened if I wasn't Kidnapped by Shawn Mendes.



Hi loves! I really hope you loved this story, and I'm sorry I kind of rushed everything. I wrote this during school season, and it was hard for me.

I went through so much. Including depression, anxiety, insecurity, and so much more. That is why some parts of this book were really emotion filled. And I'm sorry if some of my chaps scared you.

Because I wrote my feelings. I wrote how I felt that day. If I felt sad, the chapter would be sad. If I felt happy, the chapter would be happy.

But anyways, there most likely won't be a sequel, I'M SORRY!!!

But I have great news!! I'm currently writing another FANFIC!

I'm not giving any more details, other than it's a Dylan O'Brien fanfic! It should be up in the near future.

It depends. Because school started back, and it's very stressing.

But comment your honest thoughts on this book, and let me know if you loved it!

Love you guys so so much!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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