Chapter 21

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(Shawn) *wow first time in forever*

"Shawn, you can't do this to her. Apologize, and maybe she'll forgive you. If she doesn't, it means she needs time." My father spoke, as he sat on the couch.

He had come over, because Aaliyah told him, I'm guessing. He said we needed to have a 'serious man talk'.

I'm honestly nervous, but it's just my dad, and I deserve a good talk from Manuel the great.

"Dad, it was all in the moment, and I wasn't thinking. I was only mad because Violet didn't wanna, you know." I explained and knew he would get the point.

"See, that's your problem. You have to wait on her. If she's not ready, she's not ready. You can't pressure her, and you shouldn't leave her for some stranger that will give it to you. That's absolutely wrong, and it hurts the people around you." His words came straight from the heart, and I listen intently.

"Therefore, you have to strive to do, what you think you cannot do. You get me?" He asked, and I began to feel my heart beat quicken.

"Yes sir." I say honestly. I would have to show in my actions, that I still want Violet. Maybe she would come around, but I have to try. To save our relationship, and our son. I don't want him to have divorced parents.

"Okay. I'm trusting you Shawn, which is why I have this." He pulled out a mini notebook from his pocket.

"This, is a daily reminder, to calm down, breathe, and keep going. To keep striving. Because if you're really committed, you can do this. No worries, you can call me if you don't understand anything, or if you're struggling. Read one page a day, do what it says, and your faith will grow." He spoke, and I was confused. How did he know what to do?

I'm guessing him and my mother went through a lot. "I'm not doing this out of sympathy, Shawn. I'm doing this because I know you've got the strength.
Karen and I were the cutest couple in high school, and even we had problems too." He said, sighing.

"But, keeping a relationship is really hard work, and if you're parents can do it, you can too." He explains. He stands up.

"It's been a nice talk, dad. A really great talk, actually. Thank you so much, I really needed it." He smiled, and nodded.

"Anytime son, I better get going, I have to fix your mom dinner." I smiled. They have such a strong love for each other. 

"Bye." He walked out, and I shut the door. I grabbed the book, and looked through it.

Let's hope this works. I opened the first page, and it read:


She may avoid you for a while, and that's alright. You have to get her to come around to you. Show her kindness, and love. Don't be greedy, or selfish. You will have one thing to do each day. Today, is: buy her flowers. It's not too much, and not too less. She'll appreciate deep in her heart. Sincerely, Manuel the great :)

Ah, my dad is such a smart, and funny guy. Where did he learn all of this? I smiled to myself, but it washed away as soon as I remembered the fight. Words cannot be undone, and that's such a big problem for me.

I speak from my heart only. Sometimes my heart doesn't love her. I started to tell myself that I didn't love her, but sometimes it's okay to go with your gut, sometimes.

I sighed, and got Eli from his play room, and told him we had to get something at the store. He was happy, for the first time in a long time.

I heard him crying, and it was like the world fell at my feet, even more than it already had.

Kidnapped (Shawn Mendes)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now