Chapter 30

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I hear my alarm going off, and I groan. I looked at the clock noticing it was 5 in the morning. Why the heck am I waking up this early?

Then I remembered that we were flying out to meet Shawn, and join him for the rest of his tour.

I packed the rest of my stuff and took a shower. I did my business and got ready. I woke Elliot up, and helped him get ready.

While Eli was packing his stuff, I called Shawn.

S: hi hun
V: hola
S: are you guys leaving yet? I miss you two
V: almost, Eli is packing the rest of his stuff and we'll be on our way.
S: ok see you soon babe
V: bye Shawn
S: bye hun

Ughhh his nicknames I swear. He's so cute. As soon as we grabbed our belongings, we were off to the airport where we would be flying to LA.

I had to admit, I was somewhat scared of heights. Airplanes, mostly. Well, let's get this over with.

*********After flight*********

Finally, we're here. And yes, I lived.

Elliot was excited to see Shawn after a while. He was jumping around, and he had the brightest smile on his face.

As we were walking through the airport, he kept saying loudly, "We get to see daddy!" And I couldn't help but awe, as well as everyone around us.

We got our bags, and rented a taxi. We would be driven to the hotel Shawn was staying at.

As we soon arrived, I felt like crying. I was so glad to see him, for the first time in what seems like forever.

"Hi, I'm Violet Harper, could you tell me what room Shawn Mendes is in?" I asked the lady at the front desk. She looked young, and of course, she had a mad look on her face.

"Um, fans aren't aloud. He isn't here." She rolled her eyes, as she said it. "I'm his girlfriend. Soon to be wife." I told her, getting sassy. Hey, she done it first.

"Lying is a sin. I just hope you can live with that." She spat, and I was flaming with anger. Shawn come rescue me!!!!!!!

"Hi hun!" I heard his voice yell from a quite distance. For some reason, luck is on my side today. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

I turned and smiled at her, then ran to Shawn. I jumped in his arms, and Eli was running behind me.

Shawn hugged me tight, and kissed me. Oh, how I missed him. He put me down, and leaned down on one knee, to pick Eli up.

I wiped my tears that I guess just magically appeared. Shawn laughed at me. I felt my cheeks get hot. Of course, I was always the emotional type.

We finally made our way up to the room to put our stuff down and we would soon be on our way to Shawn's rehearsal for his show today.

We got in a black car that I assume belonged to one of Shawn's team members. We all got in, and headed off to the arena.

When we arrived, Shawn grabbed Eli's hand, and took him to the backstage area. I went by myself to look at the stage.

It was huge. And the crowd, oh wow. Shawn was definitely on his way to be a pop star. In my eyes, he already was.

I really love what he's doing, and I'm sure he loves it more than anything. He's always said it was his dream. And he may only be starting, but that's a pretty big crowd to just be starting.

I can't even put in words how proud of him I am. I know for sure he's gonna go far.

Suddenly, I seen a few girls come through and sit down. When they seen me standing on stage staring into the crowd, they started to freak out. Two of them were in tears. Wow.

"Oh my gosh! It's Violet! She's even beautiful in person. Oh my, I'm dead." One was talking to her friend. I smiled, and laughed.

"Are you guys here for the meet and greet?" I asked them, with a smile. "Actually, no, we're just early for the concert. We were gonna get tickets, but they sold out." She said, putting her head down.

"Since there's only 5 of you, why don't you guys come with me, I'm sure Shawn would love to meet you all." I spoke, and they all jumped up with excitement. One girl even screamed.

"That would be great! Thank you so much, Violet! You're the nicest person ever!" She exclaimed, trying to contain from crying.

They all climbed up the stairs, and followed me backstage. I walked them to the meet and greet area, where Shawn was.

He saw them, and smiled. "Hi guys!" He smiled at all of them. "These special ladies would love to meet you, Shawn." I told him and he smiled at me.

"Of course! I'd love to meet them, also." He said, and started to talk to them, and take a picture with each girl.

I stood back, and watched his smile grow each time they said they loved him. I soon walked to find Eli. As I expected, I found him sitting with John, Shawn's bodyguard, eating cookies. He spoils him so much.

I gave John the look that said 'he's going to bounce off the walls' and he laughed, putting his hands up in defense.

"Hey! He was begging like a lil' pup. You know I can't stand it." John told me, and I laughed while shaking my head.

I walked off, knowing Eli was in good hands. I met John about a year ago, when Shawn told me he started gaining followers. He immediately had to get a manager, body guard, etc.

I walked back to find Shawn tuning up his guitars. "How'd that go?" I asked, referring to meeting his fans.

"Fantastic. I can't imagine what the actual meet and greet will go like. I'm ecstatic." There he goes, using that fancy word.

I laughed at him. "Well, let me know if you need me. I gotta calm Eli down." I told him, and he looked over at me with a suspicious face.

"What did John give him this time?" Shawn asked, knowing that he liked to spoil our son. "You'll never guess!" I said.

"Hmmm, chocolate? Cookies, maybe?" He asked, and I nodded. Shawn sighed in a playful way.

"I mean, you know John. Apparently he can't handle watching Elliot beg for food." I exclaimed. Shawn nodded.

"Well, the meet and greet starts in 10 minutes, I better get ready." Shawn said, checking his watch.

"See you at showtime." I told him, and he came over to where I was, kissing me softly.

He pulled away, and leaned his forehead on mine. "I love you." He said, staring into my eyes. I laughed.

"Not as much as I love you." I said to him, and smiled. "It's impossible to love me as much as I love y-" Shawn said, only to be cut off by Andrew, his manager.

"Shawn! Meet and greet in 5!" Then he walked out. Shawn chuckled. "You and Eli better be in that audience later." He smiled.

"Where else would we be? Bye Shawn." I told him, walking the other way. "Bye, love." He yelled as I was walking away.

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