Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes, hearing someone's voice in a faint whisper from quite a distance.

"We can't do it in there, my house is a mess." Knowing it was Shawn, I jumped up and looked out the window, where the noise was coming from.

Tears formed in my eyes at the sight. I knew it. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me.

I looked away, because I no longer wanted to see Shawn getting down and dirty, (quoting you Anna banana;)) with a girl that wasn't me.

I'm guessing the girl he was making out with, is sara. Since I already know he's cheating, I searched for the box, letting my curiosity get the best of me, once again. When I found it hidden under some shoes, a few minutes later, I grabbed it.

"What the hell! Put my stuff down Violet!" I jumped half out of my skull and the box was taken out of my hands, once again.

"What's up with you messing with my shit?! You're always up my ass!" Shawn yells, looking me in the eyes with pure hatred.

I look down, and he backs away, as his breathing becomes slow. "Get out." He grits through his teeth, and I'm taken back by his words.

"W-what?" I stutter, looking him in the eye. "You heard me, I said get out, Violet!" He yells, once again, and frustratedly walks out of the room.

I grabbed a suitcase, and stuffed it full of my clothes, and some other belongings of mine. At this point, I was beyond pissed. I have a right to be curios and worried if my boyfriend is cheating on me.

As I was grabbing my shoes, I heard tiny footsteps getting close. "Mommy, where are you going?" He asked, while rubbing his big blue eyes.

"Honey, go get some clothes together, we're going to Grammy's for a while." I explained, wiping my eyes. She lives really close so it wasn't a problem.

He began to walk out of the room, but came back. "Are you crying mommy?" He frowned. "No honey, just got something in my eye." I faked a smile.

He walked out again, and began to pack some stuff. After I was done, I slowly walked downstairs, searching for Shawn.

There was absolutely no sign of him, or his jeep. I helped Eli, and we put our stuff in the trunk of my car, and I buckled him in.

"Is daddy coming?" Eli asked. I took a deep breath, and frowned. "No he isn't." I exclaimed in a sad voice.

****Arriving at the destination****

I knocked on the door, and held Eli's hand in mine. As the door was opened, I was happy to be greeted by my mother.

"Hey sweetie!" She exclaimed hugging me tightly, and Eli shortly after. We put our stuff in my old bedroom and joined my parents to breakfast.

"So what brings you guys here at this early in the morning, dear?" My father asked, with a confused face.

It was only somewhere around 8, but it was still considered early. To my parents, at least.

"Shawn cheated." I blurted, and covered my mouth. If you know my mother, you would've already learned that she is what country folks say 'the mouth of the south'.

Which means, she can't keep her mouth shut. In fact, she feels like she has to post everything on Facebook.

"Honey, come here, I'm sorry." She pulled me into a hug, and kissed my forehead. "And mom, dad, please keep this a secret." I asked. She linked her pinky with mine. "I promise." She exclaimed, while chuckling.

"That son of a bi-" He began, stopping middle sentence, almost forgetting Eli was in here. "Son of a what, papa?" Eli looked up, interested.

"Son a big ole booger." He pretended, making Eli giggle and focus back to eating.

"I'm sorry sweetie, maybe he wasn't in the right mind." My mother comforted me. "Mom, stop apologizing. It's nothing you could've stopped." I sighed, trying to comprehend everything.

"Can we go to the park, mommy?!" Eli yelled, and I laughed, shushing him. "After you eat the rest of your pancakes, and drink all of you're milk, you wanna grow big and tall, don't you?" I asked him, smiling.

"Well duh!" He hopped, and continue to eat. "Excuse me, I have to go wash up and get ready, if you don't mind." I say respectfully, scooting my chair back, causing the sound to echo in the kitchen.

"Take your time dear, no rush." My mom smiles, and cleans the table off. I walk upstairs, and I gather some clothes and take a hot shower.

After I get out, I put my clothes on, and style my hair. I walked back downstairs, to see Eli all dressed and ready to go.

"Finally!" He yells, jumping off of the couch. I grab my purse, and kiss my mom and dad goodbye.

As we are walking out the door, Eli speaks up. "So, is daddy gonna be at the park?!" He said in pure excitement. "I don't think so, sweetie. Daddy's busy." I faked a smile. I wish he was old enough to understand.

We walked a few blocks, and came into contact with the park I always went to as a kid. There was so many memories here, the time Shawn planned a surprise party for my 18th birthday, and I always came here to be alone.

I remember one time, Shawn and I came here in middle school, and we kissed. It was my first kiss, and his as well.

"Mum?" Eli pulled on my shirt, and I snapped back into reality. "There's a creepy guy staring at us." He whispered, pointing in the direction of the guy.

I gasped.

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