A Few Things To Know

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Let's get a few things out in the open before you start reading about the most confusing, painful, intimate, and craziest parts of my freshman year of college and the biggest thing being before  you learn how I screwed up my life seven ways from Sunday. My name is Sage Phoenix. I know unusual name, right? My parents love to be unique. You see they're hippies or hipsters? I don't really know at this point. They own a coffee farm. Yep, a coffee farm in the state of California. The seventy acre farm rests on the far outskirts of San Francisco. My parents names are Danielle and Dawson Phoenix. I have three little brothers and when I say little I mean they are sixteen, fourteen, and twelve, their names are Tyler, Grover, and Harry. We were all home schooled since birth, with Hippie parents that is the only way to go. Yay! (Note the sarcasm) Anyhow, we were good students for the most part. I studied hard, got good grades and got into the university of my dreams, the University of California, Los Angeles. I kind of have this wild dream of being an actress and UCLA is definitely the way to go for me and it feels the closest to home, give or take a couple of hours. My parents were just glad that I chose a college in the same state which they lived in. Anyhow, several examinations, interviews, and auditions later I am now a theater major at UCLA! My roommate is very kind. She has dark chocolate skin, black curly hair and she's kind of curvy. Her name is Skylar. She's a theater major as well. To cut a long story short it's October 31st, Halloween, and she convinced me to come with her and five other girls to a costume party at one of the fraternities. Let's just get one thing clear, I don't really like parties. All they breed is bad decisions and regrets. How would I know? Even though I was home schooled I've been to several parties thanks to friends. Nonetheless, here we were. I was dressed in a somewhat slutty Mickey Mouse costume. Halloween really was the only time girls could get away with wearing slutty costumes and not be called sluts. Skylar was a suggestive Luke Skywalker along with an encouraging devil, a referee, a police officer, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and wait for it, Pikachu. All the cheeky versions. But, what a crazy combination, right? Definitely...probably...maybe? Before this... biography progresses please remember I am not a submissive young woman with no will power!

Definitely, Probably, MaybeWhere stories live. Discover now