Chapter 3: Unexpected Regrets

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I had almost searched the entire top floor of the huge house. I had opened probably fifteen doors, seeing things that could never be unseen,  when I found Ariel making out with a good-looking dark skinned guy.

"Jesse?" Griffin's voice exclaimed from behind. Ariel pulled back with tints of red coloring her caramel skin. We have to go. I mouthed to her, glad that the the music was slightly dying down. She gave me a somewhat irritated look and then apologized to the guy who just gave her a sexy smile in return. The guy who I believed was Jesse took out his phone and handed it to her. They were probably exchanging numbers and were definitely taking their precious time. I turned around to Griffin, trying to hide my evident surprise.

"Guess someone missed me?" I teased smiling. I'm sorry, but he's beyond attractive and I'm going to flirt my ass off.

"I did." He beamed causing fluttering in my chest." And four sober eyes are better than... "His icy blue eyes moved to a space behind me, I followed his gaze to find Ariel making out with the guy, again.

"Fine." I groaned. "Ariel meet me at the exit in thirty minutes." She gave me a thumbs up and continued to suck face. I turned and left the room heading down the hall at Griffins side. My eyes slid up his sun-kissed muscular arms. I had to admit I was happy he had taken off his hoodie.

"Okay, no costume..."

"Not a fan of dressing up." He answered simply. I gave him an understanding nod.

"Anyway, sweetheart we are looking for a... Pikachu, a police officer, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, a referee, and Luke Skywalker. You take the mostly unique ones." I uttered.

"So, the Pikachu and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle." He guessed cracking a boyish smile.

"Yep." I answered. "Good luck!" I called as he headed down the hall. "Griffin?" He turned over his shoulder catching my eye. Raphael." I told him the name of TMNT that Grace was dressed as.

"Got it." He grinned and then was lost into the diminutive crowds. I continued to search finding Jane, the police officer, barfing in one of the bathroom sinks. I quickly pulled her long dark hair back from her flushed ivory face. After she was finished. I turned on the sink letting the water wash away the bile while grabbing a rubber band from the cabinet above the sink and putting her hair in a bun. I took her arm and hurried out of the bathroom continuing my search for the others.

"Sage...slow down, please." She groaned stumbling over her dark navy pumps.

"Okay." I sighed. "Stay near the front door." I said motioning down the dark stairs. I helped her down the stairs fearing that she would fall on her own. "Stay here." I ordered.

She nodded, with her body swaying slightly as she moved closer to the huge dark timber door. I made my way through small groups of people. Thankfully, a great majority of the partiers had left. After, I got the not so drunk Amber to the door, I found Grace, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and Hailey, the Pikachu, sitting on the floor beside Jane. They were all laying their heads back against the left wall of the foyer. I helped Amber toward them, smiling. Great, all I have left is Skylar thanks to the great assistance of Griffin. I turned around searching for Skylar. Now, where would she be?

"The kitchen." I answered, anywhere that wasn't overcrowded with bile spewing college students. Now, where would that be? I asked myself. I made my way through the full-sized living area which was filled with dark shades of furniture that had been moved to the dark brown walls. I stepped over passed out teenagers and miscellaneous stains on the rug. I pushed passed a few more people. Truly thankful that I didn't run into Jack. I finally found myself in the kitchen and there was Skylar eating some chocolate cake with white chocolate tarantulas sprinkled over its dark surface.

"Skylar." I squealed rushing toward her. I had finally found everyone! "Are you sober?" I questioned her.

"You know it." She beamed, raising her fork with a piece of cake at me. I shook my head but picked off one of the spiders and took a bite of the white chocolate.

"We're leaving." I told her finishing the last bite.

"Finally." She groaned smiling. "It's almost 4 AM." I gave her a nod saying I know. We walked together out of the kitchen.

"I wonder if I'll see...Griffin again." I pondered softly to myself moving towards the front door.

"Who's Griffin? Skylar asked, halting me in my tracks. His name brought a smile to my face. Tell me." She squeaked. 

"He's a...guy...I...made out with." I got out unevenly leaving out the really intimate parts.

"What?" She grinned. She knew that I didn't really do the dating scene. So, it was clear that we were both surprised.

"Yeah... "I laughed nervously. "And he's" I tittered timidly. Skylar and I had known each other before college and she was like my sister and we told each other everything for the most part.

"Aww...I'm so proud of you. You left your safety zone." She grinned. "You have to have a bit of fun in college you know."

"I don't want to get my hopes up with him." I admitted. "But, Skylar, he is gorgeous." I exclaimed, smiling.

"I bet." She grinned, rolling her eyes. When we got to the door Ariel had joined the group and we could leave. Skylar helped Jane, Hailey and Amber up to their feet.

"Where is that... guy who was with you?" Skylar asked grinning. Her mischievous  dark eyes scanned the perimeter.  It seemed that she wanted to meet him.

"Over there sucking face with that Victoria's Secret angel." Ariel answered indifferently pointing toward a direction behind me. My heart clenched painfully in my chest and I slowly turned around. Ariel was sadly right. Griffin was making out with her, his girlfriend. It hurt more than it should have. I didn't even know him but it hurt. I wanted to throw up, scream, and cry.

"Let's go." Skylar insisted softly. "He's not worth it, sweetheart." She whispered pulling me away from the revolting scene. We moved out of the house into the cool morning air of California. The azure sky was strewn with tiny white stars, a sight that brought tears to my  eyes.
"Where did you park, sweetie? Skylar asked me eyeing the tears in my eyes. He isn't even that gorgeous." She spat at the fraternity house making me smile.

"It's this way." I answered continuing down the walkway. We walked in silence down the two blocks. Jane, Hailey, and Amber kept tripping over their own feet which was honestly lightening my mood. Ariel and Grace, and Skylar walked closely behind them with me only a few yards to the right of them. After a few minutes, we got to the car and Skylar drove. As soon as we found our Hall, we got out. Skylar swiped her student card against the access monitor letting the drunk girls inside. We helped the others to their dormitories. Afterwards, Skylar and I headed down the carpeted hall and to our dorm, unlocked the door, and collapsed on our beds at 4:45 A.M.

"Sage?" Skylar asked, worried. All I felt was shame and painful regret. I turned away from her on my bed and cried excruciatingly silent weeps into my pillow.

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