Chapter 6: Chasing Psychopaths

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Why can't I just head back to my dorm? I demanded inwardly as the cool air caressed the bare skin of my caramel hued legs. I scanned the front yard. No sign of Griffin anywhere. My eyes scanned the dark vacant neighborhood. I couldn't see anything except the dark silhouettes of the homes. I gave the neighborhood another look. Nothing could be seen. I resisted the urge to stomp my foot. I walked down the front steps toward my car supposing it was time to leave when the loud resonance of an angered man's voice cut through the silent night.

It was clearly not Griffins voice. This voice was aged, older. It had a very slight hoarse tone to its fierce roar and above all it sent tremors down my spine even though the words were unclear. The voice seemed to be coming from the right side of the residence. I moved slowly toward the direction of the voice. As I moved closer to the right section of the dwelling, the indistinguishable words started to grow louder. I walked beside the vast shrubbery that bordered the huge house, in case I needed a quick escape. Just as I neared the corner. The voice grew maliciously louder.

"You ungrateful bag of shit." The voice hissed. "I have never asked anything of you. You have only one thing to do in your worthless excuse of a life and that's to marry Katherine Rose. Money marries bigger money." The man snarled. "There was silence on the other end. Without hesitation you will apologize to Kate, you will reserve a table at one of Los Angeles's most luxurious restaurants and take her there and beg for her forgiveness. Afterward, you better pray that she takes you back." He growled.

The man's frightening voice was followed by a loud hand striking someone's face.

"Do not fuck this up, Sonny." The man snapped the last word viciously trailed by the sound of footsteps moving my way. I did the only thing I could do. I lunged into the bushes.

Fortunately and unfortunately I plunged through the scratchy branches straight into the dirt. The man appeared not to have seen me and walked past the shrubbery. He was dressed in a high-class dark suit. His dark blond hair was slicked back against his head. His face was slightly aged only revealing diminutive wrinkle lines across his hauntingly handsome face. His eyes like Griffin's were glacier blue. Above all he looked frightening, a person who would kill for what he wanted. Was this man Griffin's father? The man walked toward a stylish sleek white hued Mercedes Maybach Convertible. The vehicle screamed wealth.

The man got in the Mercedes and drove off. Griffin walked past the bushes, toward a vehicle that must've been his. It was a dark steel hued Range Rover. It was sharp to say the least. Then in a swift motion he curled his hand into a fist and slammed his knuckles into the side of his car. The sound reverberated painfully off of his Rover. The reverberation was so harsh that it made my hands burn. He then got into his car and drove off.

What the hell is going on with this guy's life? Why is he taking abuse from his...father? I don't care if they are blood. No human can treat another human like that!

I watched as his Rover disappeared in the distance. I took out my phone, checking the time 12:10 A.M. A burning desire to go after him filled my chest. People did stupid things when they were in pain I would know. I had a tendency to overreact when I was hurt. Nevertheless, it was dangerous for an eighteen year old girl to be searching the streets of Los Angeles at midnight.

But, he was beyond hurt and...alone. In a split decision I sliced through the bushes and ran to my car and climbed in. Well, I was never one for listening. I smiled to myself as I put the key in the ignition and accelerated down the street. I drove down one of the uninhabited streets that bordered the campus searching for Griffin's grey Rover.

Luckily, the stoplight up ahead flashed red. I peered ahead finding Griffin's car toward the right of the lanes in front of a few other vehicles. Soon the light went green, and the steel car flew down the road. I trailed at a good distance from his vehicle.

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