Chapter 15: Summer Syndrome

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Sterling stepped out of the car attired in a light grey hoodie, black jeans and white sneakers. I stared down at my own outfit; a grey v neck sweater, black denim shorts and black UGGS then checked Skylar as well; Dark blue cardigan, sky blue top, Dark grey jeans and in black UGGS as well.

We looked more like we were going to chill in someone's basement to watch Netflix than going partying.

"Are you sure we're even dressed appropriately?" I questioned them both while staring at the elite club. Memories of pain and pleasure darted through my mind. So much has happened in my life since then.

"Don't worry." Sterling beamed. "We made a...wager with the owner two years ago...every time our team wins a football game, the team and their closest friends  are allowed free drinks for - wait for it- 15 minutes." He snickered as Nostalgia fluttered across his minty greens.

"That's all?" Skylar whined slightly. 

"It's a lot of us. But, 100 is the limit, Unfortunately. He doesn't want to go bankrupt."

"But, we're minors..." I sighed looking down at the pavement underneath my boots. At heart I would always be a goodie goodie.
"It's okay. It's only for 15 minutes. How much could they possibly drink?" Sterling grinned.

He walked us to the bouncer showing him something on his phone. He was the same security guard from before, dressed in a similar stark black suit and a pristine crimson tie. Inwardly,  I hoped he didn't recognize me. That night was one I was trying to forget. The security guard nodded and let us in.

" What was that?" Skylar demanded nudging Sterling's shoulder.

"My invitation." He said vaguely with an enigmatic smirk followed by a wink. The man punched in a code and the door opened for us to enter. We didn't have membership cards so this must of been the other way to enter...

The nightclub was dark with  neon crimson masked in certain areas. The music was more upbeat in contrast to the sensual tones that were playing that night. The stripper poles were empty as well.

Stop thinking about it.
Stop thinking about him. 

The dance floor to our left was aligned with couples dancing here and there. Sterling continued on toward a door which I knew led to the more private areas. He gave a distinct knock. 

The door opened inward leading to dark leather chaises placed along the luxuriant chamber. There was a lush black rug sprawled on the obscure marble floor. I hadn't noticed how beautiful the place was last time.

The loungers were scattered with football players here and there along with UCLA cheerleaders. So, that's who the boys invited...Makes sense. I overlooked the sting of jealousy that hit me.

Griffin with gorgeous cheerleaders. Great...Shut up!

My eyes took off before I could stop them. I was looking for him. I found him next to the glossy dark marble out stretched bar surrounded by people I believed were his friends. They were taking shots. The bartender was a pretty young woman a couple of years older than me. She had long dark wavy hair and ivory skin with possible Spanish descent.

"Come on, doll, you and Griffin." One of the guys beside him cooed to the woman. Her hazel green eyes gave Griffin a one over. Griffin winked and bit his lip in return. His signature.

A pang of irritation and sadness shot inside of me. I shouldn't of came. But instead of letting my self-pity engulf me I let anger take over.

"I need a drink." I hissed to Sterling.  His eyes followed mine.

Definitely, Probably, MaybeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin