Chapter 11: Emotions

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"What?" I demanded earnestly with fear growing in my retinas. Did you really have to get yourself involved with a potential murderer? I scowled inwardly.

"That's what I heard." Sterling said raising his hands up in defense. "But, don't start jumping to conclusions without solid evidence. I could've heard incorrectly." He tried to explain. My breathing started to increase in acceleration.

"Eat your Skittles. They make everything better." He beamed, laughing lightly. I obeyed, taking bites of the sugary candy. "Let's just drop the topic for now."
" you like Griffin? He questioned. 

"I...don't...know." I muttered under my breath as my eyes looked to the dark blue comforters underneath my form.
"Yeah, well..." Sterling started but then stopped.

"Say it." I commanded looking him straight in the eyes.

"Griffin has issues." He ended with. I gave him a clear roll of my eyes.

"Tell me something I don't know." I retorted with a leer.

"What has happened between you two in the last three days to make you feel this way?" He questioned in a way similar to a psychiatrist. "My mom is a therapist by the way." Well, that explains it.

I did need to get stuff off of my chest.  Not all of it, Nevertheless at least some. For that reason, I told him about the party, then the visit, Crimson, the constant lust and the previous night until now. I made sure to leave out the abuse. It wasn't my place to tell.

"Interesting..."He began slowly. "And, when I say interesting I mean very unstable. I think you shouldn't see ...him for a while." He elucidated lightly.

"I agree." I concurred immediately. "Griffin sort of  reminds me of this guy I dated during my senior year. His name was Dane, he was a complete and utter pussy." I growled remembering his sick personality. He snickered.

"Pussy." Sterling repeated snickering a bit. He was such a kid. His once carefree facade morphed into to severity. "I know this is going to sound like something a pussy would say but why are you attracted to him?" He demanded. " Other than his looks." He added.

"He's really nice when he isn't being a dick and then there's this side of him that is fractured...."

"Sounds like your pussy talking." He interjected. I sent him an angered look.

"Overall, I don't want the ...drama. I mean we're in college for goodness sake. No more immaturity, you know?"

"Nope." He answered in a split second. " I went to an all boys catholic school with four hundred students. So, there was absolutely no drama." He explained. Something then hit me. I didn't truly know anything about Sterling except for the fact that he worshiped Skittles.

"What's your major?" I questioned out of the blue.

"Aerospace engineering and my minor is film and television."

"Same for the minor." I grinned. " Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Beats me, doll face." He shrugged then leaned in toward me."Because I would've loved for you to taste the rainbow in my mouth a long time ago." He winked.

"You had to." I groaned expressing slight bits of contentment. Sterling knew how to make me feel better even though I didn't truly know him. "Green, yellow, red." I told him and he nodded almost instantly knowing that I was talking about the candy.

"All except grape." Was his reply.
It was nice to have normalcy when you had a Griffin Marshall in your life.

"I feel...alive with him." It felt good to say something that had been surfacing inside of me for the past seventy two hours. 

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