Chapter 21: I Am Mickey

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I screamed through Jack's hand trying to get anyone to notice. Once we were in the clearing, farther from help, They dropped me on to the cold hard ground. The monsters stretched my struggling body out painfully as Jack's hand remained on my mouth. Tears were burning down my face.

"You've had this coming for a while now, baby." Jack whispered from above me. I kicked and thrashed trying to stop the violation that was about to take place. One of the guys began to pull down my shorts. I screamed even louder until my throat was raw, and kicked at the other two holding my legs.

"NO! NO! NO!" I screamed through his palm. Another guy was beside the scene recording it on his phone.

They were going to record it!

I dug my nails into Jack's arm making him curse out and slam me into the ground. The impact made the dark world spin around me. Their painful snickers filled my ears.

"She's sparky isn't she?" The recorder grinned.

The guy had gotten my shorts to my ankles leaving me in my swimsuit. I writhed even more intensely. I was going to fight until my last moment or dying trying. I was not going to let this happen.

Please... send me a savior.

The guy who had been recording was on the ground in a split second with a figure standing above him. Griffin.

Soon, Jack was pulled off of me. The other guys let go of my legs heading for Griffin, who was beating the crap out of Jack. I pulled my pants up and scrambled to my feet. I leaned slightly to the side watching as two guys held Griffin back as Jack started to punch him viciously in the mid-section.

The recorder had gotten back on his feet and was now recording the fight.

Without thinking, I grabbed the nearest rock off the ground and hurled it at the back of one of the guys heads who was holding Griffin back. Blood exploded from the wound, drizzling down the back of his head. He let go of Griffin turning toward me.

"You fucking whore!" He growled, touching the back of his head. His eyes flared and he charged toward me. As soon as he was foot away from me I kicked him in the balls. Hard. He fell onto his knees and I kicked him right in the head, knocking him to the ground.

"Who's the whore?" I screamed at his unconcious form. I ran toward Griffin who was still getting the shit beat of him. I hardly helped. The recorder had been waiting for me, grabbing my arm before I could dodge him and slammed me into him.

"Come on, baby, we were just getting to the good part." He said running his tongue over his lips.

"You're an actress, aren't you? I just want you to star in my movie?" He sneered cruelly.

He leaned into me and I kneed him in the balls. He fell to his knees as well. Like a stack of cards. Grabbing the pepperspray attached to my belt loops I sprayed it in his eyes, making him scream out in agongy. Followed by a hard kick to his chest. He wouldn't be getting up for a while after that one.

I charged toward one of the guys holding Griffin, yanking him back by his hair. This finally allowed Griffin to get the upper hand on Jack and the other guy.

"Let go, you little bitch!" He growled. He ripped his head away from me then turned giving me a slamming backhand to the side of my face. I fell to the cold earth once more. The side of my face pulsating in a fiery burn. He wrenched me onto my feet by my hair slamming me into the bark of a tree. The blow sent violent tremors down my spinal cord. I collapsed to the ground in a pile of hurt.

The guy gave me a hard kick to my ribcages that teared the air out of me. He gave me another kick and another. I could hardly breathe as the painful bashes were given, ripping the air from my lungs. Blood drizzled down my lips as he broke the blood vessels in my chest.

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