Chapter 5: Stuff That Starts With S

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I didn't look at Griffin the same way after the last encounter between us. He made me realize that I didn't actually know him at all and to be honest I was now quite frankly scared of him. I needed to stay away from him. I mean...a stupid part of me wanted to get to know him, his life his...secrets...But, curiosity killed the cat and I don't want to find out something that could put my life in danger.

I am going stay away from Griffin Marshall. I decided sternly to myself. It was the safest thing for me to do. Even though, I promised to distance myself from him. I felt that it was inevitable for us to meet again. He was altered from all the other guys I knew. He had secrets that I craved to know. Because I love knowing about other people...their worries, their joys. It was a bad addiction that I required from a young age and it got me in to trouble on a couple occasions. And, above that no more kiss and runs. Nevertheless, all of that doesn't matter, I will never see that boy again or so I thought.

It was 11:15 P.M on Sunday night. I had tried to get the encounter that had befell many hours before out of my head. I was studying and Skylar was asleep. The lamp on my side table illuminated the Theatre textbook which laid on my propped up knees. A soft knock cut through the silence of the dorm. My eyes sliced to the door. Everything was silent. For a second I thought I had imagined it, when the knock sounded again. The ludicrous thought of it being Griffin swirled in my mind but I quickly dismissed it. The knocks grew louder this time.

What if it is...Griffin? I questioned myself with dread rubbing at my skin. After a few more moments I snapped out of my thoughts and stood, walking to the door. I opened it hesitantly finding Ariel Black. The friend of mine who had been sucking face with that Jesse guy. She was a design and media arts major and an eminent partier who had a tendency to get into trouble and sadly I was usually pulled into it. She was dressed in black Timberland's, ripped black shorts, a camouflage crop top, and a black baseball cap.

"Uh..." I started slowly.

"I want to visit Jesse." She said simply. "And, I really need you to come with me....I don't have a ride..." She explained slowly.

"Uh...can't you do that during the day?" I demanded incredulously.

"It's more romantic at night."  She explained with a coy smile. "Besides, he did it last night and he knows I'm coming. You would just have to drop me off... She clarified gently. I stared down at the grey short sleeve v-neck shirt and black leggings I was dressed in to my bare feet. "Pretty please, Sage." She begged putting her hands together in plea." No one else will me." Her dark blown eyes shone with sincerity. She really wanted to visit this boy and I really didn't want to run into Griffin. She didn't have anyone else and I couldn't leave her in a time of need. Curse her lack of a license. I hissed inwardly as I uttered the next word.

"Fine." I couldn't say no to people in need and it sucked.

"Thank you." She squealed. I turned around grabbing my ID, phone, keys, my black converses and a black zip up jacket with UCLA in blue cursive handwriting on the left side. I threw on my shoes and the jacket and shut the door behind me. I walked down the vacant hall with Ariel walking in front of me. Her long braided hair fell down her back. I was totally going to regret this. I was supposed to be steering clear from Griffin and what was I doing going to the place where he lived.

I am so messed up. I muttered to myself. We were soon out in the cool night air. I dreaded the walk to the parking lot because all I was thinking about was everything that could go wrong.

We turned the corner of our building and after several minutes of walking we found my Lincoln Navigator in the aisles of cars vacant of any human presence. Who would be out at 11:20 P.M. on a Sunday night? Crazy people that's who...I started to rethink my decision. Should I really be doing this? I asked myself stopping in my tracks. When did I become so conflicted?

Definitely, Probably, MaybeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora