Chapter 1: Mouse Meets Cat

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I had a weird feeling about the party from the beginning. I guess you could call it paranoia.
"Guys, please don't get too wild...okay?" I asked them coyly as I gripped the steering wheel and took a turn right driving toward the fraternity neighborhoods that bordered the campus. I watched intently in the night as I drove down the neighborhood which contained several fraternities.  

"What?" Ariel whined from the backseats. Ariel was a natural born party girl who was dressed as a devil tonight. I continued down the street searching for a specific residence. 

"Yeah, I have to agree with Ariel!" Jane complained, the police officer from beside Ariel. 

"Come on Sage, you're the Party Mom. us and when it's passed...three, you'll find us and we'll leave. So, that gives us's eleven right we'll have four hours and that's more than enough." Amber countered. She's the referee. My eyes scanned the pleading girls in the rear view mirror. There was no point in trying to protest. They had already made up their minds.

"Ugh...fine." I gave in as loud pounding music played noisily  from the outside of the car. Rows of vehicles lined up the sides of the street. People dressed in costumes headed straight ahead toward the direction of a large house at the end of the home filled street. The girls in the back squealed in excitement while Skylar rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips. I drove as close to the house as I could possibly get which was a block away. 

"Well, go have fun. I have to find a parking place." I stated. After several 'You're the best' and 'don't take too long's', they rushed out of the car to the wild party ground that some would call a home. I found a parking spot four blocks from the dwelling, much to my demise. Fifteen minutes later, I found myself in a dim, loud, drunk, big and definitely uncomfortable house. I just need to find an empty room where I can read. I thought to myself as I moved passed people grinding against each other, dancing, and others that were making out while the rest were drinking profusely. I finally found myself staring up at a  staircase filled with drunk partiers as they danced to the booming music. I made my way up the stairs cursing my black pumps. I started toward the door filled hallway in front of me. I stopped in front of the last door at the end of the hall, the farthest from everything, reaching for the doorknob and trying to open it. It was locked. I sighed turning to the door to my right, hoping for the best. I reached out to open it when a guy in a dark police officer costume stepped in front of me.  He reeked of alcohol and his pupils were slightly dilated.

"Where are you going little mouse?" He asked impishly. His skin was pale with long black wavy hair and he stood over 6ft2. His eyes were a fierce silver. He shrunk me down even in five inch heels. 

"I...I was looking for the bathroom." I answered quickly. He leaned in close to me. My nostrils burned from the alcohol soaked stench of  his breath. His hand slipped around my waist. I started to move away. He had gotten the wrong impression.   Chillingly, his grip got painfully tighter. 

"Stop!" I exclaimed as loud as I could over the deafening music. None of the other partiers  looked my way. No one could hear me. His other hand encased around my wrists while his other that was once on my waist  started to trail down my backside. I tried to fight out of his grip. But, his hold on me was too tight. I was helpless against this 6ft3 possibly two hundred pound guy. Fear cut through my body as he started to move me into the room behind him. My body started to tremble and tears started to form in my eyes. I was beyond scared, I was terrified and no one could help me. 

"Let go of her, Jack." A deep stern voice ordered. The police officer who I believed was Jack let go of my wrists but his hard grip that now laid on my waist stayed. 

"Or what, Griffin?" Jack spat. Griffin stepped in front of him and when he did oh my goodness...he was an angel. His disheveled hair was a unique mixture of blonds and browns, his locks fell in his stunning ice blue eyes and by the looks of it his hair descended half way down his neck. His lips were a pale shade of pink that held a certain sense of boyish charm. His face didn't have much stubble but nothing about him looked like a little boy. He was over 6ft2 only a inch shorter than the Jack guy. His body was deliciously toned. His plain white shirt illustrated his muscles immensely. The rest of his attire included dark jeans, a grey hoodie and dark sneakers. He wasn't in a Halloween costume and I wasn't complaining. Oh and did I mention he was wearing a dark grey beanie which he was rocking. He had been saying something clearly because the Jack guy wasn't looking too thrilled.

"...And above the drugs and alcohol, she would be the fourth girl you've harassed this month and if you don't remember, one more harassment case and you will be thrown out of this fraternity." Griffin said smugly. Jack's hand on my waist fell away and he pushed passed the guy called Griffin and stormed off. 

"Son of a mother fucking bitch." He hissed stalking down the hall. I really didn't like that guy. 

"Sorry...about that. Jack's a dick." The guy named Griffin explained.  I didn't reply all I could do was gawk at him like an idiot. "Are you...okay?" He waited for an answer he would never get. I had swallowed my own tongue. "You're in shock." He concluded at my lack of words. "Let's get you something that doesn't have alcohol in it." He reached passed me turning the doorknob. His scent washed over me. His smell was of mint and spice mixed with cologne. It was mouth- watering. What the heck was wrong with me? Snap out of it for goodness sake! He moved passed me walking inside. I turned toward him, still slightly shocked. First, because who knows what could have happened with that other guy and second because Griffin was gorgeous! I'm sorry but he was and it was killing me. I looked into his icy blues and then to the room behind him. His eyes followed my gaze and a playful smirk edged along his perfect face.

"Come on. I won't bite." He teased with a mischief filled smile, flashing his pearly whites. You know what? What the heck!  I thought carelessly. Even though deep down I knew I would regret this for the rest of my life I stepped into the room with the stranger and he shut the door behind me. The room was...clean for the most part. A wall to wall black hued rug covered the floor. Two double beds with dark comforters stood several yards from each other. There were two dark wood desks to the left sides of the beds while the right sides were occupied with side tables. Posters hung on the walls of altered topics anywhere from football to rockets. Bits of clothing had been dropped here and there on the floor as well. There seemed to be a balcony through two glass doors to the right of the room as well and a door to the other section of the room that probably led to a bathroom. As I was studying the area Griffin had gotten a bottle of water and was now standing in front of me handing it to me. I felt weird. My body felt weird. What is wrong with me? I asked myself as I took the bottle from the guy. I felt so everything around me was slowing down for some reason. 

"Drink up, Mickey. You look pale... "He said somewhat sincerely. "I didn't catch your name by the way." He added with a slight smirk playing at his lips. 

"I didn't throw it." I replied back sarcastically. 

"Funny." He grinned making me slightly smile. 

"I'm Sage, Sage Phoenix." I answered. 

"Cool name." He beamed. "Griffin Marshall." He said reaching his hand out which I shook. Junior. He continued. Electrical engineering major and art history minor." He finished cordially. 

"Wow very random." I said somewhat surprised. "But, Freshman and Theater Major and Film, Television, and Digital Media minor." I smiled, trying not to giggle at the formality of two college students. He gave me a million dollar smile. The weirdness was finally starting to dissipate. 

"Well, this is my room that I share with my roommate, Sterling. So, you can stay in here for as long as you want." He said kindly. I gave him a content nod. Then he said something that made my world shatter. "Well, I have to get back to my girlfriend."

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