Chapter 18: A visit to 7/11

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"What?" I asked in sheer skepticism running to the bathroom and slamming the door shut in his face. The steam had fortunately dispersed and made it easier for me to find some tissue paper. I found it under a pale counter grabbing a bunch and sticking it in my underwear as the first rush came through.

"Why?" I growled. What was more embarassing telling a bunch of strangers about my period or telling the guy I really liked to not come with me to buy pads?

Yep, I liked him. I admitted it.

Hmmm...the latter I decided as my body was overtaken by sharp pains. I groaned loudly, hoping Griffin didn't hear me. I rushed out of the bathroom, trying to overlook the immense pain. I found Griffin dressed in dark jeans, dark blue sneakers, and a dark blue sweatshirt similar to the one I was wearing.

"Thanks, but I don't need your help, Gryffindor." I smirked then winced as another rush of cramping took my body.

"Oh...yeah because you're in the condition to drive a car that isn't even here. I would love to see you try, Mickey."

I forgot that we had taken Sterling's car.

"Skylar, Sterling. They must be-"

"I called Sterling last night explaining everything." My eyes widened as I cradled my lower mid section as another cramp took its course.

"What?" My eyes shot to his with confusion.

"What?" He repeated in the same confusing tone.

"That's... really...sweet." I said softly. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"So are your lips." He smiled back, walking past me and opening the door to a sleepy...Sterling.

"Sage...?" He gasped. His cream green eyes widened in disbelief when they met Griffin.

"I'm okay." I told him.

"Yeah I know, Griffin called me after Skylar freaked when you weren't in the bathroom. It took alot to convince her that you were in the so called right hands."

I gave Griffin a look. Definitely, an accurate choice of words.

I noticed that Sterling's cheeks became slightly crimson at his words

"What I didn't know was that you were the culprits of all the damn moaning and groaning." Eh said changing the subject.

My face exploded. Literally, my face was on fire. If he heard it, then the entire fraternity heard it.

"Yeah, that was us." Griffin smiled proudly. I was going to kill him. "Who else heard?"

"This entire floor."

"So most of the frat."


I couldn't meet Sterling's eyes. All I wanted to do was shrivel up and disappear.

"Thin ass walls." Griffin hissed.

"Don't worry, Sage...they enjoyed it." He snickered with his hazel mint eyes twinkling in mischief. I gave him a hard punch in the shoulder blade, moving past him and down the hall not daring to look down the railing and finding any unwelcoming faces. Griffin followed closely behind.

"Bye lovebirds!" He called laughing.

"Yep, someone please kill me." I said trying to hide myself by pulling down my sweatshirt as I walked down the staircase.

"Sterling go back to masturbating with your skittles!" Griffin hissed at the bottom of the stairs. His insult echoed through the silent fraternity. Meaning everyone probably heard that. That shut Sterling up. I looked up the stairs to the dark haired boy who's face was going over in crimson.

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