Chapter 19: Beach

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I swiped my card along the access monitor watching the tiny light flash green and walked inside. I wouldn't look back. I couldn't look back. After a quick journey to my floor I decided that I was so very mentally screwed by the constant ache in my chest.  I entered my dorm, grabbing my phone. I welcomed 20 missed calls and 25 text messages from Sterling and Skylar.

It was 5 A.M. Skylar wasn't here, probably at the gym. I needed to call her. I needed a reassuring voice. I was hanging on by a thread. I could feel myself beginning to come apart at the seams. As I scrolled looking
for her number I came across Gryffindor.

How did he get into my phone? How did he guess my password? When did I give him my phone in the first place?

I guess... electrical engineering pays off.

I smiled lightly to myself as the sharp ache in my chest increased. 

Why did I have to be on my period?

Don't cry. Don't cry.

As the first tear fell I opened the door ready to escape the killer pain when I was met with a pair of worried brown eyes.

That's when the hurt smashed into me tenfold. My heart throbbed excruciatingly in my chest. And I didn't know how to make it stop. We've known each other for such a short period and I had grown this attached, this close... To him.

"Sage...?" Skylar said softly.  "What is wrong? Tell me..."

The tears began to run.

"You just disappeared from the bar and then Sterling got a call from Griffin saying that you were with him...".

"I don't want to get into all the details..."

I said looking at the rug underneath my feet.

"No!" She exclaimed. "Something is eating you up. I'm your closest friend..." She insisted putting her hands on my shoulder. "We tell each other everything. Don't keep it in. It will just make the pain worst."

I sucked in a trembling breath.

"You're scaring me." She whispered.

She gave me a strong embrace.

"Tell me, Sage. I won't judge..."
She beamed nudging my shoulder.

So, I told her everything from the Halloween party to a few minutes ago. Every single detail.

I had to get it off my chest and after I had to admit that I felt significantly better. But...obviously not that much better since the tears never stopped flowing. I was still in pain.

"It shouldn't feel this bad..." I sniffed grabbing at my chest. "I shouldn't be such a pussy." My blurry vision stayed on Skylar than shot to the blue rug beneath us. "I didn't know that it would hurt this bad. I like him, I know that, maybe I like him alot to be honest. And, for the life of me I want him. I don't want him with anyone else..."

"Do you love him?"

Her question caught me slightly off guard.

"I ... Don't know..."

"Are you scared of losing him?"

"Yes..." I whispered lowly.

"Do you want to be with him?"


"But what?" She demanded sternly.

"He said it himself. He can't..."

"What do you want to do?" Skylar questioned with unwavering eyes.


"Let me stop you there. Remember that you are an 18 year old freshman."

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