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I walked through the sliding doors into the sterile hospital. I walked up the front desk and looked at the lady behind the counter. She had brown hair with blonde tips and was wearing a white coat with the name of "Mandie" on it.

"I'm here to see Rick Grimes."

"And you are?" She didn't even look up at me. She just continued typing at a million miles an hour.

"Aspen Walsh. My dad is Shane Walsh. He came in here earlier."

"Mhmm, well, you see," She paused but continued typing (she still hadn't looked up once), "only family can visit."

"But, my dad isn't related to him." She finally stopped typing and looked up.

"Listen little girl, we are really busy now if you couldn't tell and I don't have time for some silly games. If this is not an emergency, please come back tomorrow."

"Aspen!" I swiveled around to look at the body the voice came from.

"Carl! Hey buddy!" I said and he slammed into me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Ow Carl, you're getting to big to do this buddy!"

"I'm sorry." He whispered as he looked up at me with those big puppy dog eyes.

"Hey, hey, it's okay! Anyways, how's your dad? Do you think you could take me to him?" I glanced up at the nurse, but she was busy typing away and looked like she had forgotten about us.

"Sure! He's in the room right up the stairs." Carl lead me to an elevator and we went up a few floors. As the door opened I saw a huge crowd of people even though it was after work hours and everyone should be home eating dinner. As I looked closer, I saw that a lot of them had police uniforms on and looked like they were from the police station. I kept looking and saw the room that seemed to be at the center of all the attention.

"Hey Carl, is that your dad's room over there?"

"Yep, but we have to make it through all of these people."

"That's no problem for Aspen Walsh!" I scooped up Carl and put him on my back. I started to squeeze in between people.

"Excuse me."


"Pardon me."

Finally, I made it to the doorway. As I looked into the room I realized that even though the hallway was packed, the room was empty except for 4 people. One was a nurse who was talking to Dad and Lori. Then there was Rick on the bed. He looked so sick. I had always seen him as a happy father and husband. To see him so sickly, it just seemed wrong. As I was staring, Dad noticed I was here.

"Aspen! What are you doing here? I told you to stay at the house!" Dad started to say something else and I knew he was going to make me go home.

"No, Dad, please, I needed to come. And you didn't tell me to stay home, you just said you were coming here."

Dad glanced at Lori and I set Carl down. He looked back at me. "Don't smart mouth me. You need to go home."

"No Dad, I want to visit Rick. He is important to me too."

Lori finally spoke up, "Oh sweetie, it's okay. Pay your respects if you wish. Come on Shane we need to calm the crowd out there. Carl do you want to stay here or come with me?"

Carl looked back and forth between me and Lori. "I want to stay with Aspen." He said as he slipped his hand in mine.

"Okay, Aspen, can you watch him?" Lori looked at me.

"Sure, I'll make sure he doesn't get into any trouble."

"Thank you. Shane, come on." Dad gave me one more "we'll discuss this later" look and followed Lori out the door.

"Come on Carl." I walked over to Rick's bed and sat down on the edge. Carl followed me and I picked him up and placed him on my lap.

"Is he going to die?" Carl looked at me with those sad eyes again.

"Carl! No! Don't think like that. You're dad is a very strong man. It will take way more than just one bullet to stop him." I glanced at Rick. How could this happen? They were the perfect family. The happy parents and happy child. But now one bullet took that from them.

"Aspen. I have to pee." Carl started squirming.

"Okay buddy," I glanced around the room and saw the door that lead to the restroom that the patient in this room would use. "I don't think they would be mad if you used that one right there." With that, Carl hopped off me and ran into the room. When he shut the door I looked at Rick.

"How are you doing? I bet not a lot of people ask you that." I chuckled to myself. I kept expecting him to open his eyes and crack a joke that would make me laugh. But no, his eyes stayed shut.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know I'm here and I would really appreciate it if you didn't leave me here." I sighed. "Your wife and child need you Rick. You can't leave them in this world without a husband and a father." I heard the toilet flush. "Listen, you are a great role model, and you need to come back for Carl." I paused. "And not just Carl, I need you too." I whispered as Carl came out.

"Aspen, I was thinking and do you think your dad and my mom will get married if my dad dies?"

My mouth practically dropped to the floor. "Carl! Why would you ever say that? One, your dad isn't going to die. Second, my dad and Lori are not getting together!"

"Well, they look at each other weirdly."

"Carl, they are not getting together! That is not happening!" I finished saying that right as Dad walked in.

"Aspen, we're leaving now."


"No Aspen, get in the car. Now."

"Bye Carl. And remember what I said, you're dad is stronger than anyone else I know. He'll make it through this."

Carl wrapped me in a hug. "I love you Aspen."

"Love you too Carl. Don't bother your mom too much." I ruffled his hair. As I looked up I saw my dad talking to Lori. Nothing is happening between them, right? Carl is just being a little kid. He doesn't know anything about this stuff. Nothing is going on.

I didn't know how wrong I was.

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