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Carol was designated the one to make sure everyone's cup stayed full. She did a damn good job too. In fact, after only about 30 minutes I could feel the effects of the alcohol in my system. Everyone continued having a grand old time and slowly, but surely, the laughing became louder and louder as everyone became more drunk. Some people cut it off before they went too far like Lori, Rick, Dale, and T-dog. But it seemed like Glenn, Daryl, and I just kept guzzling our drinks.

"Okay, I think that's enough you two." Carol said, when she came around again to me and Glenn.

"Woah, don't tell them what to do. I think ya need some more there Glenn." Daryl slurred. He was as drunk as we were.

"Yeah. More Carol." Glenn almost tipped over in his seat.

"Alright. Let's go." Dale jumped up to keep Glenn from falling onto the floor. "You need some sleep young man."

They walked down the hall to the rooms. "You too Aspen." Rick looked at me and chuckled. "You're going to have a rough morning." I giggled and tipped over onto the floor.

"Oopsy!" I pulled myself up and started weaving towards my room. "No, no. I'm fine." I giggled again when Rick tried to help me. "I can do it."

"Here. Let me help you." I heard a gruff voice say as I turned and saw Daryl beside me.

I blushed furiously and drawled, "Okay partner." Partner?! I really am drunk.

He put his hand on the small of my back and led me down the hall to our rooms. His touch sent shivers up my back. He stopped me when we got to our rooms.

"Here we are." He said. Was it just me, or was there a hint of sadness in his voice? "Goodnight Aspen."

As he turned toward his room and began to shut the door, my drunk brain took over and stopped the door, walking into his room.

"What do ya think ya doin?"

I smiled mischievously. "I want to have some fun." I said as he shut the door.

He looked me up and down, knowing very well how drunk we both were. "Aspen, don-"

I ran up to him and smashed my lips to his. They tasted like alcohol. Even the drunkenness couldn't mask the desire we both felt. 

"Mhm. Aspen, we shouldn't-" He started to say against my mouth.

"Shh. Don't talk." I smiled and he finally gave in.

I started to pull up the bottom of his shirt when he went rigid and jumped away from me. "No not like this." He whispered. His eyes were wide and he slowly backed away, breathing heavily, until he reached the door and quickly pulled it open, running out.

I was in shock. My and Daryl had just started making out and then he runs away?! What just happened?!

I slowly got up, my thoughts muddling my brain even more as I stumbled out of Daryl's room and started to go into mine when I saw Shane leaning outside of the door. I didn't think anything about it and kept stumbling towards my door, until I felt his hand grab me roughly.

"Ow! You're hurting me!" I screeched liked a little girl. Man this alcohol was messing with me.

"You're coming with me slut." Shane dragged me into his room down the hall and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Shane, please let me go back to my room." I slurred.

"Oh no sweetie. You're staying with me." He responded and I felt a stinging across my face as I fell to the floor. I put my hand up to my cheek and realized he had slapped me. Oh no. Not again. He yanked me up and threw me against the wall as I cried out.

"Shut up!" He kicked me in the side and flipped me on my back. I looked up at him with fear filled eyes. He hadn't hit me since my mom died. I thought we were over this. He punched me in the gut and I felt tears stream down my face.

"P-Please s-stop." I stammered through my tears. The alcohol, tears, and pain were not a good combination.

Shane turned to me, his eyes a ball of fire. "I told you to shut up!" He practically screeched. He kicked me again in the stomach. I curled up in a ball, wishing it would end. He kicked me a few more times until he finally took one last strike across my face and went to the bathroom to wash off the blood. I don't know if he thought I was going to stay in the room, but that's the last thing I was going to do.

I stumbled towards the door and yanked it open. I managed to half stumble, half run, to my door when I was finally able to get inside. I quickly climbed into my bed and burst into tears. My face was red hot and stinging, while my chest was throbbing from where Shane kicked me.

I felt the blood streaming out of my nose, but I didn't care. I could deal with it in the morning. That's one less thing I needed to worry about right now.

I sobbed into my pillow, my thoughts clouding my brain. From the pain on my body from where Shane beat me, to the pain in my heart from Daryl. I could barely breathe I was crying so hard.

But slowly the tears stopped coming as hard and I managed to cry myself to sleep.

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