Impulse x reader

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Y/N: your name
Y/F/N: your full name
H/L: hair length
H/C: hair color
Y/P: your power
Y/W: your weapon
SH/N: superhero name

Your first day on the team approached fast. Nightwing had recruited you.

You had the power of Y/P, of course your Y/W accompanied you. He first saw you while fighting the Reach. He thought you'd be perfect for the team.

"Ready?" He asked. You nodded. You and Nightwing Zetaed to Mount Justice.

"Nightwing, B01, SH/N B27." The computers voice rang throughout the cave.

The team filed in. "Guys, as I have already told you all, we have a new member, SH/N." you stepped out from behind him. "Hello." You waved shyly. You scanned the team. Your eyes landed on a boy with fiery hair, in a red and gray suit.

"What's your name?" You didn't have a mask on, so they assumed you were fine with your identity being known. "Y/F/N." the boy smiled. "Pretty name." A females voice said. You looked over and saw a girl with green skin, and ginger hair.

"I'm Miss Martian, or M'gann." She flew over to you. "I like your hair by the way." You smiled. "Thank you." You said running your finger through the end of you H/L H/C hair.

In a flash, the boy was by your side. "I'm Impulse by the way. Also known as Bart Allen." You smiled at him. You noticed his green eyes. They were pretty to you. "You're a speedster?" You asked. He nodded. "Yeah."

"Cool." He smiled, proudly. "What's your power?"

"Y/P." His eyes widened. "That's awesome!" You laughed. For some reason, his approval meant a lot to you. "Thanks." You blushed.

-one week later-

You and Bart became really close. You confided in him, told him about how the Reach killed your parents and tested on you. "Even though all of that happened to you... you're still crash to me." He smiled. You smiled back.

You had formed a crush on him. "Thanks, Bart."

In the back of your mind, you thought now would be a good time to tell him you liked him. Finally working up the courage, you spoke. "Bart, I-"

You were cut off with a kiss.

You relaxed, and kissed back. His arms slid around your waist. Your hands got tangled in his hair.

The kiss turned from something light, and innocent, to something hot, and heavy.

Thank god you were in your room, out of sight from the rest of the team.

Somehow, you ended laying on the bed, him hovering over you. When you pulled away for air, you both were breathing heavily. "Crash." You whispered.

"Agreed." He said, giving you a quick kiss. Neither of you wanted to move, so you stayed in this position.

"So... why'd you kiss me." You asked. "Is it wrong to kiss the person you like?" He asked, faking being offended. You smiled, "No." he smiled back and leaned down, his lips inches away. "Wanna finish what we started?" He mumbled. "Yes."

And with that, his lips smashed onto yours in a passionate make out session.


Another chapter! Yay!

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please please please!!!! Give me requests!

Stay crash 🖤

Young justice x readerWhere stories live. Discover now