Robin (Tim Drake) x Reader

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Y/N: your name.

Here you were, in your bed after a 'fun' filled night with your boyfriend Tim. And what was he doing? Putting his clothes back on. "Tim..." you sighed. He was currently buttoning his shirt. "Yes, baby?" He said, continuing what he was doing.

You sat up, holding the sheets to your chest. "Do you have too?" He finished with his shirt, and has now moved onto his pants. "You know I have too. I don't want too, but I have too." You made a whining sound. "Every time?" You asked.

He sighed, zipping up his fly. "I'm sorry baby, but-"

"But you have too, I know." You said in a clipped tone. He looked at you with a confused look. "Are you okay?" You threw the sheets off of you, making Tim blush. "Fine," you started putting on your clothes, aggressively. "My boyfriend is only leaving me, again, after we had sex! Like he always does!" You said, exasperated.

Tim looked at you shocked. You had never been like this with him. "Y/N-"

"Save it." You held your hand up. You finished putting your clothes on. "If you don't love me... that's fine!" You said, your voice cracking.

"Baby... I do love you. You gotta know that." He said, walking closer to you. "Then why do you leave all the time. Why not just... stay? Maybe cuddle...?" You mumbled. Tim looked at you, with a guilty expression.

"I...I can't tell you how much I want that..."

"Then do it! If you want it so much, then do it." You said. He sighed. "I can't."

"Why not?!" You yelled. "You keep saying 'I can't!' 'Baby, I'm sorry, I can't!' Why the hell not?!" You yelled. Tim stared at you, shocked, and guilty. "I can't tell you." Your once tends position, fell. Your shoulders slumped, your face went from irritated, and upset, to hurt.

Your voice was soft and your tone was noticeably hurt. "What happened to telling each other everything... your voice cracked at the end. Tim stared at you, feeling like absolute scum. He wanted to tell you but Bruce would kill him.

"I...I thought we promised..." you looked up at him, tears forming in your eyes. "No secrets." You whispered. Tim only looked at you. "Y/N, I know and... I-I want to tell you..."

"But you can't." You finished for him, sitting on the bed. Tim rushed to you, and held your hands, crouching down to your level. "I need you to believe me, Y/N, I really want to tell you. I just... don't have the permission." He looked into your eyes, sincerity written all over his face.

A few stray tears ran down your cheeks. "I thought I was trustworthy..." you whispered. Tim cupped your cheeks. "You are! God, you're the most trustworthy person I know. I just... can't right now."

"I can't, I cant, I can't." You mumbled. "Do you know any other words?" You snapped. He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. "You know what, if this is how it's gonna be, I can't do this anymore!" You shouted. By this point you were standing.

Tim looked at you wide eyed. Slowly, he stood up. "What?"

You took a deep breath. "I-I can't do this anymore. It feels like you don't love me." You said, softer. Tim walked over to you, dropped down to his knees, hugged your waist, and buried his face into you. "Please! Y/N! Don't do this! Don't leave me!" He said, his voice cracking.

You looked up, trying not to cry. "I-I can't lose you! You're my everything! You're my baby." Your tears disobeyed you, and fell freely down your face.

"Then why don't you trust me?" You voice just above whisper. Tim squeezes you tighter. "I do, baby, I really do."

"Then why is it so hard for you to tell me the reason you can't stay?" Tim sighed and stood up. He looked at you intently. He gently cupped your cheek. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it.

More tears flowed down your cheeks. You took in a high pitched breath, then let out a sob. You collapsed into Tim's arms. You sobbed into his shoulder, as Tim silently let his tears flow.

You heard Tim whisper something, but you didn't catch it. "~hic~ what did you say?" You mumbled. He took a deep breath, to try and sooth his nerves.

"I-I'm Robin." You stepped away from him, and stared at him in shock. "You- wha-... h-how?" You stuttered.

"I wanted to tell you! I hated just... just leaving you every time. But Batman wouldn't let me! And I hated that. I'm sorry."

"You're the Robin?!" You yelled. Tim immediately covered your mouth. "You live in an apartment, Y/N." he pointed out. You gave him a sorry look.

His hand left your mouth and went back to cupping your cheek. "Anything else you want to tell me?" You asked. He shook his head. "No. All my cards are on the table." You nodded. "Are we still over?" He asked, a hint of sadness in his voice.

You shook me your head, "No."

Tim smiled and leaned in. And the two of you kissed.

And after a long, sweet, passionate make out session, he was gone.

But he promised that next time, he would stay.



Any who, leave requests!

Stay whelmed 🖤

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