Jason Todd x Reader

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Requested by: @Rene_is_siren

A/N tbh I'm really excited about this one! I think it's my best so far! Plus I high key love Jason Todd 🖤

A little prologue for you babes 🖤


A person ideally suited to another as a close friend, or romantic partner.

That's how the dictionary describes it.

I describe it as the person I find when a red string appears.

You see, the red string I mentioned appears the day you'll meet your soulmate. If you follow it, it leads you to them. I'm twenty one and still haven't found mine. All of my friends found there's in high school. But I was on the young side. You can't find your soulmate until you're at least eighteen.

I know I'm still young but I worry that I'll be one of the tragic cases of not having one.

Onto the story 🖤

I wake up to an ache in my right pinky. I rub my eyes and look at my hand. A red string is tied to it. Shock overcomes me. "No. Way." I mumble to myself. Today's the day I meet my soulmate! I jump out of bed and rush to get ready, not wanting to waste any time.

Jason's POV

It's twelve thirty in the afternoon by the time I wake up. I had a long night last night. You know, saving the city my way.

Once I sit up I feel an ache in my pinky. I look at my hand, searching for wounds. But, instead of a cut I find a red string tied around my pinky. "No. Way."

I groan. I get up and stomp my way to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I find golden boy, my replacement, and demon spawn. "Good morning sunshine." Dick says. I flip him off. I open a drawer and grab the scissors. "Jason? What are you doing?" Tim asks. "Shh, let him cut the air." Dick responds. "I'm not cutting air." I state. "I'm cutting my string."

They all gasp. "Jason you can't cut the string!" Damian tells me. "Watch me, Demon!" I shout. "No, I mean it's literally impossible." He deadpans.

"What's all the commotion?" Bruce says, walking in.

"He's trying to cut his string." Dick says.

"Jason, why are you trying to cut your string?" Bruce asks. I sigh and put the scissors down. "Because I don't want a soulmate." Dick, Tim, and Damian lose their shit, asking me why and how could I say such a thing.

Bruce hushed them and looks at me, silently asking me why. "Because, she doesn't need the burden of loving me. I'll only put her in danger. She'll get hurt in the end." The truth is I do want a soulmate. But no one should have the burden known as me.

"Jason, your soulmate was made for you. She'll be able to deal with the struggles and help you through them. She'll be the best thing to ever happen to you." Bruce says.

Your POV

Bruce Wayne is having one of his charity balls tonight. You were invited as a plus on of your boss  B/N (boss' name). Apparently he has connections you didn't know about.

Young justice x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя