Nightwing x Reader

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A/N: I know what you're thinking...


You've been on the team for about six months now.

You and Nightwing have never been close. It's not like you hated each other... you just irked each other.

The two of you bickered and fought. Yet for some reason, you were never kicked off the team.

The girls all say he secretly has a soft spot for you, that he likes you even if he doesn't know it yet. You just roll your eyes and dismiss it as nothing. They're just trying to see if you like him. Right?


You and Nightwing were paired up on a covert mission. You were observing Black Manta.

The two of you hadn't uttered a word. A loud bang made you gasp. Nightwing shushed you, rather harshly. You looked over at him. "Don't act like you didn't flinch!"

"Because I didn't!"

"Bullshit. I have eyes!"

He only let out a muffled growl.

The two of crawled out the vents and into an empty, dark hallway.

Heavy footsteps were heard coming your way. You felt yourself being pulled to the side. You were shoved against a wall.

Nightwing was in front of you, rather close.

The footsteps came closer. You grabbed Nightwings collar and pulled him closer.

A small gasp left his lips as he used his arms to brace himself against the wall.

The footsteps came closer, eventually passing you.

Once they were gone, you looked up, only to see Nightwing looking back down at you. "Y/N..." he murmured. "Yeah?" You whispered. "I don't hate you."

You smiled. "This could be a cute moment, but I can't see your eyes." He just smiled and leaned in. You stopped him. "I don't kiss people who don't have eyes."

He chuckled. "So you're saying... you would kiss me?"

"If you took your mask off then maybe."


"Yeah. Maybe."

"I'll take that chance."

You raised an eyebrow and waited for him to take it off.

He let out a sigh. "Batman's gonna rip me a new asshole for this." You giggled. "Then don't."

"Nah I'm not scared of him." And with that he took off his mask revealing beautiful blue eyes. It's like if the ocean and ice had a baby. "Wow. Who knew a guy could be so pretty?" You smiled. He frowned. "I'm not pretty, I'm fucking hot." You nodded, "Yeah."

He just shook his head and leaned in.

You pulled him close, closing the gap.

Your lips moved in sync.

When you pulled away, you smiled up at him. "Well Dick Grayson, your reputation is in tact. You are, in fact, a good kisser."

He just laughed. "You too. Wanna do it again sometime?" You nodded, "definitely."

A/N: back. On. My. Shit.

Ta da bitches.

Hope you liked it!

Stay crash ❤️

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