Kid Flash x Reader

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You were sitting in your apartment in Central City, waiting for your superhero boyfriend to come home asking for help.

This was a daily thing. He would go on a mission, and you would either come home to, or wait for him to come and ask if you could bandage him up. It was ridiculous really. I mean he's a science nerd. Shouldn't he be able to do it himself? Not that you were complaining.

The door opened. "Hi babe." Wally greets. You weren't surprised he just barged in. He had a key. "Hi." You waited for the question. "Help?" You just giggled and nodded. "Come on."

You were straddling him as you cleaned a cut on his cheek. You kept making lists of pros and cons of telling him that, you too, have powers. Y/P wasn't really something to be messed with. If used by the wrong person, it could be deadly.

Sighing you leaned your head on his shoulder. His arms, already around your waist, tightened. "Babe? You okay?" You turned your head and gave him a quick kiss to his neck. "Can I tell you something?" You asked, softly. "Of course."

You took a deep breath, and sat up to look him in the eyes. "Don't freak out okay?" He smiled and nodded. "I have powers." Wally just kept smiling. "What?"

"I have powers-"

"No I heard you. Since when?" His smile was gone, like he was trying to figure out where the lie was. "Since a couple months ago."

"What powers?"


"That's awesome!" He cheered, squeezing you tight. You giggled. "Yeah?" He nodded, "hell yeah."

You smiled and kissed him. He kissed back obviously, I mean it's you.

"But... I don't want to joking the team like at all, so could we just not tell them?" You asked. He nodded "okay."

"Why not?" He asked. You shrugged. "I'm not cut out for that kind of thing." He nodded. "Understandable."

"Plus, if we're both hurt. Whose gonna patch you up?"

He smiled and shook his head. "I don't know."

A/N: I wasn't really sure how to end this so yeah. I hope you liked it!!!

Stay whelmed

Young justice x readerWhere stories live. Discover now