Aqualad X Reader

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"Babe, it'll be fine! They'll love you!"

Kaldur shook his head. "No. You have talked about them before. They are strict. You said your dad is in the military. He is going to shoot me." You laughed. "He might." He looked at you with wide eyes. Clearly scared.

You hugged him, and shook your head. "I don't know why I said that. I'm so sorry." He just hugged you. "He won't shoot you. I promise. He will try to be intimidating though. Just warning you." Kaldur only nodded his head.

"Yeah. Okay."


"Hi mom! Hi dad!" You hugged your parents, giving a quick kiss on the cheek to both.

"Y/N! Sweetie come in!" You held tightly to you boyfriends hand, and led him inside.

You sat on the couch opposite to your parents. "So um... this is my boyfriend, Kaldura'hm." Your mom smiled warmly. "Hello, Kaldura'hm. It's nice to meet you."

"Please, call me Kaldur, Mrs. L/N." Your mom smiled. You looked at your dad. "What origin is Kaldura'hm?" Your dad asked.


Your father continued to interrogate Kaldur for many minutes.

"Woah woah! Dad!" You finally spit out. "Yes, Y/N?"

"What's with the third degree?" Your dad shrugged. "Just making sure he's good enough for my baby girl."

You sighed and rolled your eyes, "Dad, be nice."

As soon as you walked into the door of your apartment, Kaldur instantly relaxed.

"That was so stressful." He said.

You nodded, "Yeah. I'm sorry about my dad. He's way too protective and has always been strict... I don't know. I'm just sorry for his behavior tonight."

Kaldur hugged you. "It is no problem, love."

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