Chapter 13

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As soon as the door is shut in front of me, it's opened again because whoever thought that staying in this room alone is a good idea, couldn't be more wrong.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?!" Snarls Daniel, really loudly. I can hear him from upstairs as I stand by them, deciding whether it's safe or not to show my face and disobey him while he's in this much of a bad mood.

"Now, now. That's not how you greet your brother." Answers a male voice.

Brother? Daniel has a brother? Why didn't I know about this?

"You have five seconds to get out of here, Lorenzo, or else-"

"Or else what? You'll kill me? Go right ahead cause I'm not going anywhere." I can hear the humour in his voice. I was impressed at how his tone didn't change at all, next to the scariest and angriest person I've seen. My voice for sure would break.

I hear a crash into the wall and Alice shouting. It was chaos for what felt like forever. Everything was in slow motion as I run down the stairs and see Daniel holding another guy by the wall, almost strangling him. Alice was holding onto Daniel's arm, trying to release the grasp he had on his neck.

"Daniel!" I shout, hoping it would work. And it sure enough did.

All eyes are on me as I stand in the middle of the stairs, worried that I was to witness a murder because my mate looked ready to kill.

"I told you not to come down here." He growls.

"It's kind of hard to stay in one place when you can hear someone dying downstairs." I answer back, walking down the whole stair case.

The guy who I don't know, looks at me very carefully. I wouldn't even call it looking, more like staring. He was observing me from head to toe, with a relaxed expression, considering he was being chocked to death a few seconds ago.

"I'm Lorenzo, just Enzo for short. You must be Remington." He smiles at me.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." I struggle to answer, taken aback he already knew my name.

"So, brother..." Begins Lorenzo. So it was true; Daniel and Alice had a brother.
I figured that Enzo used the word 'brother' purely to piss Daniel off; he seems like the kind of person to do that. "Why didn't you share the good news with me? You have a mate - that's a big deal. A very beautiful one may I add." He looks back at me.

Daniel stands in front of me, shielding me from him. I didn't see why Lorenzo was so dangerous but Daniel clearly saw him as a threat to me.

"Don't even look at her." My mate grits his teeth. This just amuses Lorenzo more. "What do you want?" Asks Daniel.

"To live with my family." He replies, grinning.

Daniel launches at him again so Alice does her duties as a sister and tries saving Lorenzo's ass. I on the other hand try to pull Daniel away but he's too strong to instead I stand in front of Enzo and put my hands on Daniel's shoulders.

"Please stop. Talk like civilised people." I say, looking into his black eyes. He was very angry and made it very clear.

Daniel runs his hand through his hair, aggressively as he has an inner battle with himself. I could tell he just wanted to get rid of Enzo right here and now, which undoubtedly would have ended with a blood bath.

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