Chapter 22

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It was already lunch time and Alex was getting ready to leave. I did convince him however to go on a walk to the woods with me before he left. I'm sure Daniel will find any excuse to not go visit him in his pack, even if I asked him, and since Alex and I got along I wanted to get to know him better.

I really felt like through getting to know Alex, I was getting to know Daniel which is probably why I liked it so much. Alex was an open book though, Daniel was a closed one.

"Then Alice goes threatening to tell our father so the three of us all climbed the highest tree in our yard." Alex tells me one of the many childhood stories. We've been walking and talking like this for around an hour already. "And Enzo slips and falls off the damn tree. I still think that he suffered some kind of permanent brain damage from that. It would explain why he's a bit fucked up at times. I'm still trying to figure out what mountain Dani tumbled down."

I can't help but laugh at their cute stories. They all seemed so close when they were little, they seemed to drift apart only later.

"Daniel never talks about his parents much." I notice.

I see Alex think, and sigh for a moment. "Yeah, he wouldn't. We've had a hard childhood at times and Daniel being the oldest got most of the weight on his shoulders."

"Was it to do with your father?" I ask, hoping I don't cross a red line.

"Yeah, like I said before he didn't treat us like his children but future pack leaders he had to make strong. Even Alice will tell you." He nods at me. "Our mother was amazing though."

"I can't really visualise not having parents. I can only try to imagine what it must have felt to lose them both." I say, but Alex just nods at me so I begin to worry that the line is behind me.

"I'm sorry for asking about them, I shouldn't-"

"No." Alex interrupts, smiling at me. "It's fine. Daniel won't tell you and somebody has to. You're part of the family now and have every right to know."

"Thank you." I say, really meaning it. "So why are you friends with Lucy?" I inquire casually.

Alex laughs loudly. "What do you mean 'why'?"

"Well, I haven't had a very good impression of her." I admit to him.

"Because she threatened what is yours. If she didn't call Daniel 'babe' I'm sure it would be a little different." He chuckles and I smile. I mean, I doubt I would like her either way but I didn't doubt what he said was at least a little true.

"She was at our pack often when Daniel was around seventeen. Our parents wanted them married. She wasn't a bad girl until Daniel rejected her, after that she was hurt to say the least. Obviously many girls are head over heels when it comes to my brother. Our whole bloodline even." He refers to himself also in the end to which I smile to. "And she was no exception, fond of the idea of marriage. She became angry and was already scared living in her pack with the rule of the previous Alpha. That's when she turned a little more... Unfriendly."

"Yet you stayed friends?" I ask.

"Yes, she has Beta blood in my pack now. And I already knew what she was really like before she changed so for me, it didn't make much of a difference. I still bring out the best in her."

"Aren't you considerate." I fold my arms. "I could almost see a romance blossoming."

Alex grins. "Far from one, I'm not interested in her. Not interested in being in a relationship at all, in fact."

I glance up at him to meet his eyes. He looked confident in what he was saying.

"What about your mate?" I ask him, and he looks down to the floor as he walks. "She's out there somewhere. You just have to find her." I say softly.

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