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Media: Crush – David Archuleta

Coe's POV

I threw the covers off of me, whining slightly as I pushed myself off my bed reluctantly. I made my bed in a sleepy haze, padding into my bathroom when I felt ready to feel the icy cold sensation of the marble tiles under my feet. Those things are effective to wake me up, sometimes even more so than a cup of coffee. Although, Jared would argue that I don't know what I'm talking about since I don't even drink coffee.

I did what I was used to doing every day, preparing to go to work and thinking of what I would prepare for breakfast that day. Breakfast was the only meal of the day that Jared and I almost always share; it was the only time of day that I could engage in meaningful conversation with him, and of course, to stare at his handsome face. The rest of the day was up to our schedules to see if we had the time to even see one another before bed.

The weather looked gloomy outside this morning and I made a mental note to wear my water-resistant boots for work today. I hated the feeling of soggy shoes and socks and I'd give up fashion in a heartbeat if it meant that I don't have to deal with it.

By the time I made it downstairs, Heath was already there with Jared, the latter sitting on the couch with his tablet in hand and the former lingering close to him with an envelope. As usual, Heath nodded his head to me, and I muttered a 'good morning' with a polite smile at him. That was the extent of our conversations most days, and I think Jared would like for us to stay that way.

I saw breakfast laid on the counter as I entered the kitchen area and I frowned slightly. Heath must have brought breakfast. The question is, why?

"Heath bought breakfast this morning. You slept late last night." Jared seemed to answer the question that I had in my head. Thank you fine-looking best friend, hearing your voice first thing in the morning already makes my day so much better. Not that I would ever tell you.

I nodded, smiling gratefully at Heath, even though it was forced. I wondered if Heath was slowly supposed to take my place in Jared's life. I slapped myself mentally; I can't believe I was jealous of Jared's right hand man. It was his duty to support Jared in all facets of his life. I guess it wasn't such a leap for him to buy breakfast once in a while. Keywords: Once in a while. If this starts to evolve into some kind of regular thing, I might really have to move out. I don't think I can stand it.

I picked up a bagel, contenting myself with the fact that it was already toasted, so I could eat my breakfast and get out of everyone's hair this morning. I didn't enjoy breakfast with Jared that much when Heath was around. His presence made Jared quiet and distant, and I'd rather spend my time in the office, thinking of the next headline than eat in awkward silence.

I stared at Jared blatantly as I ate. Like I said, breakfast was the only time of the day that I had the chance to do so. Why waste it just because my chest was feeling uncomfortable from Heath's presence in the house and the urge to ask him to roll back to where is home was at? So I shamelessly stared.

Jared was dressed in his tailored suit, his jacket unbuttoned as he leaned back on the sofa with his legs crossed. The man had legs. I swear sometimes the fifteen centimeters difference in our height felt like a meter. When he is stretched out on the couch like that, I can't help my gaze travelling towards his crotch. The way his pants stretch, hmm. I licked my lips.

I did it as discreetly as I could since Heath was just lingering there, at the background.

Someone, make him move please. He is making me feel uncomfortable about having naughty thoughts about my best friend.

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